Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Trump's Prospects In 2020

Monday, May 27, 2019

Understanding China

“Huawei simply makes world class 5G equipment for the world’s telcos and it looks as though this will remain the case for the foreseeable future,” said Kevin Curran, a professor of cybersecurity at Ulster University in Northern Ireland. “Competitors such as Ericsson cannot compete on price.”

EU ignores US calls for blanket ban on Huawei in Europe as Chinese company’s 5G expertise helps its cause The new technology will be essential to ushering in a new era of ultra-fast, high capacity, mobile networks that can power commercial internet of things applications and AI-enabled infrastructure, such as smart manufacturing and autonomous driving. No country will want to have a disadvantage in a key area of the new internet economy........... German Chancellor Angela Merkel said last week that Europe’s biggest economy “could not simply exclude one actor” from its 5G auction, which began last Tuesday, because they have requirements that need to be met by vendors planning to supply competitive 5G systems.......... Michele Geraci, undersecretary at Italy’s Ministry for Economic Development, said he does not see an issue with Huawei and that it will be one of 25 manufacturers bidding for 5G-related contracts in the country......... Shenzhen-based Huawei is “at least 12 to 18 months ahead of its peers” in 5G after over a decade of research, registering more than 2,570 essential patents, signing over 30 commercial contracts and deploying 40,000 5G base stations, “making it the No. 1 5G vendor in the world”........ “Huawei spends an incredible amount of money on research and development. Just a few months ago, they declared that they were increasing their research and development budget to between US$15 to US$20 billion,” said Curran. “That is an astonishing amount. No other telecoms provider comes close.” ....... “Beyond performance, we’ve focused a lot of our R&D efforts on making 5G equipment lighter, smaller, and more durable,” said Huawei in response to a request for comment by the Post. “So instead of multiple antennas the size of a door, you only have to ship and install something as small as a backpack. This saves on logistics and installation costs.” ........ Huawei confirmed that as of early March it has signed 30 5G contracts – 18 in Europe, 9 in the Middle East, and 3 in Asia-Pacific. Ericsson has publicly announced 16 5G contracts, according to its official website, 5 of them within Europe. Nokia has signed over 70 agreements across the globe ....... Aside from Europe, countries such as India and the United Arab Emirates have also shied away from a complete ban on Huawei in relation to 5G development. These moves are beginning to upset the US game plan of gradually shutting Huawei out of global 5G markets. ........ “It is looking dicey. We are running out of runway,” former Republican congressman Mike Rogers, who led the House Intelligence Committee and who has long been a fierce critic of Huawei, was quoted as saying

A victory for Huawei as EU ignores US calls to ban it in 5G security blueprint, despite ‘worry’ about Chinese security law Huawei is the world’s biggest maker of telecoms infrastructure equipment such as radio base stations and network switches. Telecoms providers like its equipment because it’s good quality and cheaper than Scandinavian rivals Nokia and Ericsson.

Angela Merkel resists US pressure to ban Huawei as Germany launches 5G auction “There are two things I don’t believe in,” Merkel said in an onstage discussion on Tuesday at the Global Solutions summit in Berlin. “First, to discuss these very sensitive security questions publicly, and second, to exclude a company simply because it’s from a certain country.’’ ....... European carriers, however, have warned governments that sidelining Huawei would delay fifth-generation networks by years. ...... Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday lashed out at what he called “abnormal, immoral” attacks on the Chinese firm. ..... Washington could review intelligence cooperation unless Berlin agreed to a Huawei ban. ...... Nato forces would cut communications if Berlin were to work with Huawei. ....... “particularly with 5G, the bandwidth capability and ability to pull data is incredible”

As with Huawei, China thinks it can split the US and EU. It’s wrong Italy and France are far from alone in wanting a closer economic relationship with China.