Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Target Texas

Trump leads only by 6 points in Texas

 In a head to head contest Trump leads Clinton 50-44 in the state, which Mitt Romney won by 16 points in 2012..... Trump's lead is based entirely on his holding a 63-33 advantage among seniors. ..... Trump has a 69/25 lead with white voters but the reason the state's so competitive overall is that among non-white voters Clinton has a 73-21 lead, including a 68-27 edge with the state's booming Hispanic population......  'just' 35% of Trump supporters think Barack Obama founded ISIS....... Finally we polled on Texas secession. Overall 26% of voters would support leaving the United States to 59% who want to stay, and 15% who aren't sure either way. Among Trump voters support for secession goes up to 37%, with only 49% opposed to exiting. If you look at the Presidential race in Texas only among voters who are opposed to seceding from the United State, Clinton leads Trump 54/41. But that's offset by Trump's 72/20 advantage with the secession crowd. If Clinton is elected President this fall, the Trump voters really want out- in that case 61% say they'd support seceding from the United States, to only 29% who would stick around.

Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine, Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, everybody should go spend a few weeks in Texas. Texas is the big prize. Texas can be had. The entire South can be had if Hillary is willing to play the abortion card.

Preparing For The Debates

Clinton preps for Trump's Lewinsky attack

For a guy who intends to be "unpredictable," I expect Donald Trump to be very predictable during the debates. His strategy is going to be to spend as little time as possible on policy and all possible time on sleaze.

Hillary's strategy should be to have stock answers for the predictable sleaze (Lewinsky, email and Benghazi.... with Trump you never know, he might also bring up Whitewater and Vince Foster), to bring up some specifics like Trump University herself, shaming Trump for going after a Gold Star family, not filing taxes, bankruptcies, but all the time trying to get back to policy talk.

The debate format favors her policy advantages. The moderators do a good job of steering policy.

The good news is Donald Trump is not the moderator.

I am looking at a slam dunk for Hillary.

This guy is going to wish he had run for City Council first. The only policy he learned he learned from watching TV.

The 10 point lead now is going to become 20 points after the three debates are over. Hillary Clinton has all the qualities of a good student. And it is going to show.

Donald Trump is a high school bulley now wanting access to the nuclear code. Shame on Donald Trump.

Hillary should attempt her own dog whistle to the 170 million women. Something tells me a lot of women are going to break in Hillary's direction during the final two weeks.