The biggest fallacy in American democracy is that America is going to wait until every country on earth has become a democracy, and since that might not happen for a while, America is going to fight the idea of a world government tooth and nail.
Except now America's hand is being forced. The world's hand is being forced. Planet earth is Titanic, headed straight for an iceberg right now.
On a phenomenon as complex as climate and weather, there is remarkable agreement among scientists on where we stand today, and where we are headed in the near future. A hurricane like Sandy was never supposed to hit a city like New York, but it did.
Right now the planet is headed on a path to more and more extreme weather conditions. That going out of hand is a scenario where weather conditions in all parts of the world are extreme, volatile, and completely unpredictable. The fastest computers will have no clue. That is a bye bye agriculture scenario. Six billion people die. To get there all humanity has to do is stay on course. And The Devil's dream scenario gets realized. Kill Them All is The Devil's mantra.
But six billion don't fast to death. The kinds of human conflicts can't even be imagined. Humanity ends up in the stone age.
But the planet is not on an autopilot. It does not have to be this way. There's still time. There are still good options. There is a bend in the road the likes of which humanity has never seen. If the right moves are made, the worst case scenario is not only avoided, the world ends up in an Age Of Abundance. It is quite a bend in the road. Imagine a thousand trillion dollar global economy. Imagine a global Universal Basic Income, because the productivity gains from new technology are so out of the pale.
What is to be done? Step one is the formation of a world government. America as the leading nation has to lead. Barack Obama would be perfect for the George Washington role.
While the political trinity of Hillary, Warren and Bill Clinton run the show in DC. The President, the Vice President, and the Political Spirit.
Just like the League Of Nations became the United Nations, the UN can morph to become the world government.
Only a world government could steer humanity away from the impending climate catastrophe.
A year after Hillary has become president would be a good time to get started.
I believe the formula is fairly simple. A lower house where each country's weight is in proportion to its population, and an upper house where each country's weight is in proportion to its GDP, and 1% of GDP as each country's membership fee.
The President Of The World has to be able to collect over 50% of the votes in both chambers for a five year term.
But that is now. Eventually you want a directly elected POW, with people casting votes on their phones through their biometric IDs over a period of a week. You are hoping over 80% of the votes get cast.
The world government would have three branches, and a constitution. Something short and simple like the US constitution would work.