Saturday, February 20, 2016

How The Chinese Work Through Donald Trump

caff coke
caff coke (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Do you know how advertising works?

You see a Coke commercial on TV. Then you pick up a magazine, and you see another ad for Coke. You go for a drive, and you see Coke on a billboard. You go online, and there is a banner ad for Coke. Experts say a brand needs to get you seven times, and at that point they got you. The brand plants itself in your subconscious.

So then when you go to the corner store, and you see Coke and Pepsi side by side, you are going to pick Coke, out of "free will."

Advertising is a trillion dollar industry, because it works.

Look at what the Chinese did. They bought over 100 million dollars in real estate from Trump Inc. over the years. There were over seven transactions, all of them legitimate, all of them personally carried out by Donald Trump. He prides himself in sales and negotiations.

The Chinese, over the years, have taken both sides on the abortion issue. They used to have a one child policy. They don't anymore. Donald Trump is also all over the map on the abortion issue.

That is just one example. Experts could come up with the entire list. I am no expert.

The Chinese know better than to outright buy a candidate. They are way too sophisticated to do something so stupid. Although, with a hundred million dollars, you could run for president. That's there.

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Stop And Briskly Frisk

In Singapore they cane your ass if you spit on the sidewalk. At least Mike Bloomberg did not go that far.

I got frisked once, by this most beautiful police officer young woman. She went straight for the pocket.