Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Shashi Tharoor

Lalit And Vyapam: Time Waste "Scams"

It is a media dynamic. They think they built Modi up, and now they will spend a year breaking him down. That is how they sell newspapers. It is a low, cheap way to do business. Lalit And Vyapam: Time Waste Scams. I still don't know what the accusations are in the two "scams." That Chouhan guy is an excellent Chief Minister. Why would he resign? The media wants these individuals to resign more than the Congress does. Because if someone resigns, that is news. Man bit dog. That will sell newspapers. न्यूज़ चैनल्स के पास २४ घंटे के लिए खबरे नहीं मिल रहे तो सिर्फ १२ घंटे चलाओ, लोगों को आराम से सोने दो।

This is why Larry Page, the CEO of Google, basically just avoids media people. He feels like he operates in a very different domain from what the media people are interested in. The media people are interested in fights, even where none exist. They want drama from small fights. Whereas Larry Page wants to think about true innovation, about what he calls "moonshot projects."

मैंने अभी तक व्यापम के बारे में एक भी आर्टिकल नहीं पढ़ी। क्यों टाइम waste करूँ अपना? अरे यार मीडिया वालों, there are plenty of genuine stories. Both the land bill and the labor bill are controversial. उसके बारे लिखो। I would love to read detailed viewpoints of those who oppose those bills. I want to know what their detailed reasons are. So it is not like I am a blind Modi supporter.

First of all, no, you did not build Modi. The Indian voters elected him. Second, you can't break him. The Indian people will have the option to unelect him in 2019. तो आप बीच में क्या नौटंकी कर रहे हो? Very likely he will stay in power for 20 years. So what are you going to do? Build him up and break him down every other year? तब तक में सोशल मीडिया आप को चबा के खा जाएगी। उसके बारे में लिखो।

अब मेरे को पता चला नेपाल में #GoHomeIndiaMedia और उसी समय भारत में #DoNotComeBackIndiaMedia क्यों ट्रेंड करने लगी।

Viewpoint: Britain must pay reparations to India
At the beginning of the 18th Century, India's share of the world economy was 23%, as large as all of Europe put together. By the time the British departed India, it had dropped to less than 4%. The reason was simple: India was governed for the benefit of Britain. Britain's rise for 200 years was financed by its depredations in India. By the end of the 19th Century, India was Britain's biggest cash-cow, the world's biggest purchaser of British exports and the source of highly paid employment for British civil servants - all at India's own expense. We literally paid for our own oppression.......

As Britain ruthlessly exploited India, between 15 and 29 million Indians died tragically unnecessary deaths from starvation.

...... The last large-scale famine to take place in India was under British rule; none has taken place since, since free democracies don't let their people starve to death. ..... upholding iniquity through institutionalised racism. ....... No Indian in the colonial era was ever allowed to feel British; he was always a subject, never a citizen. ...... no effort was made to ensure that supply matched demand for mass transport. ..... the Indian Railways were a big British colonial scam. .... British shareholders made absurd amounts of money by investing in the railways, where the government guaranteed extravagant returns on capital, paid for by Indian taxes...... Thanks to British rapacity, a mile of Indian railways cost double that of a mile in Canada and Australia........ "private enterprise at public risk". Private British enterprise, public Indian risk. ..... British aid, which is far from the amounts a reparation debate would throw up, is only a fraction of India's fertiliser subsidy to farmers ...... the banishing of the last Mughal emperor on a bullock cart to Burma....... India contributed more soldiers to British forces fighting the First World War than Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa combined. ...... Two and a half million Indians also fought for British forces in the Second World War