Thursday, June 18, 2015

No Summer This Year

Global Warming Map-tgk
Global Warming Map-tgk (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
इस साल न्यु यॉर्क में summer आ ही नहीं रहा। लगता है आ गया आ गया फिर ठंढ आ जाती है वापस। पहली मर्तबा ऐसा हो रहा है। मैं वर्षों से feel कर रहा हुँ ---- this is Global Warming. बहुत लोग सोंचते थे और सोंच रहे हैं कि ग्लोबल वार्मिंग का मतलब everything stays the same, the temperature goes up little by little. ये जो वायुमंडल है कोइ लोहे का डंडा नहीं कि धीरे धीरे गरम होगा ----- The weather is dynamic and predictable, because every molecule in the atmosphere is a rapidly moving part. So it is very hard to predict how things will change when you warm it up little by little.

एक या दो साल पहले हुवा --- deep winter आ गया है लेकिन ठण्ड लग ही नहीं रहा, no snowfall, nothing. उस समय भी मेरे को लगा था, ये global warming है। मैंने एक तभी सोंचा था कि since the Arctic has melted to the point such that you can now navigate right around it during summer, that means the air above the Arctic is now moving around more. That changes things.

अभी क्या हो गया है कि Pacific Ocean में एक ब्लॉब जमा हो गया है गरम पानीका। तो उसने जो प्रेशर डिफरेंस create किया है वो East Coast में ऐसा हो गया है कि North Pole से ठंडा हवा घींचे पे घींचे जा रही है। कमसेकम मेरे को तो ऐसा लगता है।

कुछ साल पहले हुवा ग्रीस में --- बहुत सारे wildfires हो रहे थे ---- तो वहाँ के पुलिस ने क्या किया कि जितने known arsonists थे सबको धरपकड़ करना शुरू किया ----- मैंने तभी अपने ब्लॉग पे कहा, नहीं ये arson नहीं है ये ग्लोबल वार्मिंग है।

Global Warming's impacts are going to be unpredictable. The worst case scenarios are dramatic changes like (1) suddenly there are massive rains in the Sahara and (2) the monsoon has changed course and it is no longer passing over the Indian subcontinent. I don't see such things happening right away, but long term if Climate Change keeps happening, all bets are off.

California में जो सुखा चल रहा है ----- वो तो पहला पहला है शायद। At least at the scale that it is happening. प्रकृति हाथी है ----- टक्कर लेना अच्छी बात नहीं।

Temperate zone में ज्यादा असर पड़ेगा शायद short term. Tropics में तो वैसे भी पहले से गर्मी है। वैसे भी Climate Change के सबसे बड़े बड़े culprits temperate zones में ही हैं।

Clean Energy पर प्रगति करना बहुत जरुरी हो गया है।

४% १०% १५%

English: Map of Africa indicating Gross Domest...
English: Map of Africa indicating Gross Domestic Product per capita. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
World map showing GDP real growth rates for 20...
World map showing GDP real growth rates for 2010. CIA world factbook estimates as of Januay 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
World map showing countries by nominal GDP per...
World map showing countries by nominal GDP per capita in 2008, IMF estimates as of April 2009. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
अमरिका ब्रिटेन जैसे देशो ने कभी १०% किया ही नहीं। वो तो ४-५ करते रहे, वही की दशकों शताब्दियों तक किया। Slow and steady wins the race.

४% से आपको doubling करने में अठारह साल लग जाएंगे। १०% से ७ साल और १५% से ५ साल। अब जरा हिसाब करो। कुछ मैंने यहाँ किया है। तो आज के भारत में ५% is failure rate ---- F for Five, F for Failure. जब कि आजादी के बाद ४० साल भारत ने ३% किया --- दुनिया में मजाक उड़ाया जाता था -- Hindu rate of growth कह कह के।

चीन ने जब १०% किया तो बहुतों ने कहा वे झुठ बोल रहे हैं ---- हम गोरों ने तो ५% से ज्यादा कभी किया नहीं, ये चीन के बन्दर ये तो जन्म से ही inferior लोग ये हमारे से ज्यादा कैसे कर सकते हैं?

वैसे डेंग श्याओ पिंग कोइ बहुत तीसमारखा नहीं था। साधारण सा आदमी था। लेकिन उसके पास common sense था, व्यवहारिक आदमी था, और वो इतना समझता था कि मेरे से भले अच्छाई हो ना हो मैं अपने से बुराई ना होने दुं। उसके उस attitude से सरकार के बीचमें आ जाने की बात कम होती गयी। उसने शुरू में एक ही तरकीब लगाई -- उसने कहा सबसे पहले सब जगह रेल की पटरी बिछाओ। बस इतना। भारत के तो कोने कोने में रेल की पटरी पहले से ही है और था --- चीन में नहीं था। तो डेंग श्याओ पिंग को शुरू में बहुत ज्यादा समझ नहीं थी लेकिन इतना जरूर था कि रेल चाहिए तब ही देश प्रगति करेगा। डेंग श्याओ पिंग से ज्यादा समझ और ज्यादा जानकारी तो भारत के प्रत्येक मुख्य मंत्री के पास है। जो जानकारी नहीं हो वो इंटरनेट से ले सकते हैं --- डेंग श्याओ पिंग के पास कौन सा इंटरनेट था?

अभी सारे दुनिया का GDP है ७७ ट्रिलियन ----- मैं भारत को २५६ ट्रिलियन तक पहुँचाने की बात कर रहा हुँ।

४% १०% १५%  ----- बहुत फर्क पड़ता है double digit growth rate से। सिर्फ GDP मत देखो, जनसंख्या भी देखो। मुख्य बात देखनी होती है Per Capita Income. नहीं तो गर्व करोगे कि अरे हम तो ब्रिटेन के लगभग बराबर हैं -- और वहाँ है कि लोग भुखे मर रहे हैं।

Bihar best performing state in terms of growth rate: Survey
India growing faster than China is like saying Bihar's growth quicker than Gujarat
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation released the GDP growth forecast for the current financial year a few days back. It expects the Indian economy to grow by 7.4 percent during the course of the year......This is significantly higher than the GDP growth of 5.5 percent forecast by the RBI. The ministry has moved on to a new method of calculating the GDP, which has led to this massive jump. In fact, in late January, the GDP growth for the last financial year (2013-2014) was revised to 6.9 percent using this new method. The GDP growth as per the old method had been at 5 percent. ...... India's GDP last year was $1.87 trillion. On this base it is expected to grow by 7.4 percent. China's GDP last year was almost five times larger at $9.24 trillion. So China has a significant larger GDP than that of India. Even if the Chinese GDP grows by 1.5 percent it would be adding as much to economic output as India would at 7.4 percent..... Only four times between 1980 and 2013, has the Indian GDP growth been faster than that of China. .... in 17 years during the period under consideration the Chinese economy has seen double digit growth rates. On the other hand the Indian economy has grown by greater than 10 percent only once since 1980. This was in 2010 when it grew by 10.3 percent. The Chinese managed to beat us even then by growing by 10.4 percent. ......... The gross state domestic product for Gujarat in 2012-13 (the latest data that is available and at 2004-05 constant prices) was at Rs 4,27,219 crore. It had grown at a rate of 7.96 percent in comparison to 2011-12. .. Now compare this to Bihar, where the gross state domestic product had grown by 10.73 percent in 2012-13, which was higher than the GDP growth rate of Gujarat. In fact, between 2006-07 and 2012-13, the economic growth rate of Bihar was higher than that of Gujarat, on five out of the total seven occasions......But the question is on what base? In 2012-2013, the gross state domestic product of Bihar stood at Rs 1,58,971 crore. As mentioned earlier the gross state domestic product of Gujarat was at Rs 4,27,219 crore or nearly 2.7 times. It is important to further point out that Gujarat has a population of 6.27 crore people and the population of Bihar is 9.9 crore. Hence, Bihar has been sharing a significantly lower GDP with a larger number of people. .... Like Bihar's economy has a long way to catch up to that of Gujarat, the same stands true of India's economy when compared to that of China.
Bihar best performing state in terms of growth rate: Survey
The survey also states that in terms of poverty estimates Bihar, which had the highest poverty headcount ratio (HCR) in 2004-05 moved to first place in 2011-12 with the HCR at 33.7 per cent relegating Odisha to second place.
Bihar records 11.95% growth, highest among states
Despite global economic slowdown and sagging domestic demand, Bihar has managed to record 11.95% annual growth rate, the highest among all the states, during the 11th Plan period. ..... But the state's per capita income of Rs 25,653 at current prices is still far behind the national average of Rs 60,972 in 2011-12. "Our gross state domestic product (GSDP) at 2004-05 prices is Rs 1.52 lakh crore which is estimated to rise to Rs 2.53 lakh crore at current prices in 2011-12," Modi said. ..... The problem of low income in Bihar is accentuated by considerable disparity across the districts in terms of their per capita income. In 2009-10, Patna, with per capita income of Rs 55,539, Munger with Rs18,669 and Bhagalpur with Rs14,396 have been the most prosperous districts whereas Sheohar has Rs 5,552, Madhepura (Rs 7.161) and Supaul (Rs 7,213) remained at the bottom. ...... Modi said the state government had an outstanding debt of Rs 44,475 crore in 2007-08, which is 39% of its GSDP. By 2011-12, it declined substantially to 24% even though the outstanding debt increased to Rs 60,551 crore. Incidentally, it was 53% in 2001-02. ..... growth in the state's own tax revenue, increasing from Rs 5,086 crore in 2007-08 to Rs 12,612 crore in 2011-12. The non-tax revenue has jumped from Rs 526 crore to Rs 890 crore during the same period. "The state's own tax revenue has increased to 4.99% of the GSDP," said principal finance secretary Rameshwar Singh. ....... "The image of Bihar has undergone a change in recent years, thanks to high growth rate of its economy and accompanying developments in social sectors. This was made possible primarily through the efforts of the state government which utilized its limited resources in a prudent manner," said Modi. ..... In agriculture sector, the production of cereals in 2011-12 was 172 lakh tonnes, compared to 104 lakh tonnes in previous fiscal. The production of rice increased to a new high of 8.2 million tonnes against 3.1 million tonnes in 2010-11. The use of 'Sri' technique was an important factor in the bumper rice production.
No NDA-Pappu Yadav alliance in Bihar: Min
The minister further said that the growth rate of Bihar had declined from


to 8% ever since the BJP walked out of Nitish government two years back. "Jungle Raj is returned. Nitish is indulging in lies to mislead the Bihar people," he said adding that BJP had a number of able leaders from which a CM would be elected after the results of Bihar polls," he said.
Economy of Bihar
As of 2012, agriculture accounts for 22%, industry 5% and service 73% of the economy of the state ..... Bihar has the lowest GDP per capita in India but there are pockets of higher per capita income like the southern half of the state and its capital city, Patna, had per capita income greater than that of Bangalore or Hyderabad in 2008 .... $59.4 billion nominal GDP .... in June 2009, the World Bank reported that Patna was the second best city in India to start a business, after Delhi ...... in January 2010, the Indian government's Central Statistics Organisation reported that in the five-year period between 2004–2005 and 2008–09, Bihar's GDP grew by 11.03%, which made Bihar the second fastest growing economy in India during that 5 year period, just behind Gujarat's growth of 11.05%
World Bank lauds Bihar's high growth rate

Bihar clocked highest growth rate of 16.71 per cent during 2011-12

, as per Economic Survey presented in Parliament today. Bihar's growth rate was followed by Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra during the period ...... Kumar told the World Bank official that the state had earlier planned to link villages with a population of 500 and more with metallic road but now under Mukhyamantri Gram Sadak Yojna, village and localities with a population of 250 have been provided all weather metallic roads. ....... The CM said there are 8,400 panchayats in Bihar out of which in 250 places Panchayat building has been done with assistance from the World Bank.

At 11.44%, Bihar is India's fastest growing state
Among the 18 states and Union Territories of which data is available, Bihar recorded the highest State Gross Domestic Product (SGDP) in a year when the global financial meltdown pulled down country's economic growth rate to 6.7 per cent from 9 per cent...... Bihar even set a record of sorts during 2006-07 by clocking a 22 per cent SGDP, an indicator of the economic activity in the state. .... Commenting on the GDP numbers of Bihar's Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi had said on Sunday that "Bihar is the new miracle economy of the country." ...... Modi had said in a statement that the state witnessed 5.15 per cent negative growth during 2003-04, under the rule of RJD, when Rabri Devi was the chief minister, adding this high growth had been achieved under the regime of Nitish Kumar who took over the reins on November 25, 2005, he said. ...... The achievement has proved beyond doubt that good governance could work miracles even for a most backward state like Bihar, he had added. ....... Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said in Patna that sweeping economic reforms undertaken by his government and increased agricultural production have enabled the state to achieve a growth rate of 11.03 per cent during the period between 2004-05 and 2008-09 .......... "Improved law and order situation has attracted industrialists to invest in the state contributing to its economic growth," Kumar told reporters at his Janata Darbar. ....... Bihar was the fastest growing state with a cool 11.03 per cent GDP during the period between 2004-05 and 2008-09, a tad below Gujarat with 11.05 per cent. ...... Seeking Central help to further the development of the state, Kumar said if special category status is granted to the state, Bihar will do wonders as several entrepreneurs come to the state to avail of tax concession under this. ...... The Centre should immediately clear Rs 14,880-crore (Rs 148.80 billion) special package sought by the state for infrastructure development in the five districts ravaged by the Kosi deluge in 2008, the chief minister said. ...... Referring to the opposition's tirade for on the economic status of the state, Kumar said even Nobel laureate Amartya Sen showered praised his development works. ..... The Bihar chief minister said the Centre should compensate the money spent for the flood relief in 2007...... Accusing the Centre of creating hurdles in the state's endeavour for industrial development, Kumar said the Centre was sitting over for the past two years on the amended bill on the Bihar Sugarcane (Purchase and Supply) Regulation Act of 1981 to produce ethanol from sugar cane........He said the Bill was sent to the Centre in April 2007, but the state is yet to get response till date, blocking several investment proposals in the sugarcane sector........"I am hopeful that the Centre will react positively to state's demands and a petition with 1 crore (10 million) signatures will be submitted soon demanding special category status to Bihar," he said.