Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Indian Democracy Is Working

The near total sweep by Kejriwal in Delhi is a sign that the Indian democracy is working. That same electorate gave a clean sweep to Modi in the national elections last year. That is a mature electorate that knows the difference between the national government and the state government.

Kejriwal swept Delhi. And news is India now has become the fastest growing economy on the planet. Thank you, Modi.

Right now I feel like Nitish will do well in Bihar later this year. The BJP, just like in Delhi, does not have a clear Chief Minister candiate. Who?

I hope Nitish comes back with a major mandate, because he has done more for Bihar than anyone since independence. Bihar could use him for 10 more years.

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Hillary Went To Burma, Like Nixon Went To China

President Nixon meets with China's Communist P...
President Nixon meets with China's Communist Party Leader, Mao Tse-Tung, 02/29/1972 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Richard Nixon going to China is considered his saving grace. It was a major move. Similarly Hillary Clinton making a difference on Burma was mind blowing to me, even more so because I had not been reading up on the build up to it. It only came to my notice once it happened. And I am like, Da What! What just happened? I did not see it coming. I was not expecting it. Getting Su Kyi released is almost like getting Nelson Mandela released. It was a big deal.

That one move alone makes Hillary Clinton a great Secretary of State, methinks. It was a big, bold move. It was heartwarming to me.