Sunday, March 06, 2011

John Kerry Has The Solution

U.S. Senator John Kerry of MassachusettsImage via Wikipedia
Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the U.S., in conjunction with its allies, could put into place all the trappings of a no-fly zone and then wait to see whether Qaddafi tries to massacre his people or the global community decides it needs to intervene. "The last thing we want to think about is any kind of military intervention. And I don't consider the fly-zone stepping over that line. We don't want troops on the ground," Kerry said. But, he added, "One could crater the airports and the runways and leave them incapable of using them for a period of time. I don't think this is going to be a long-term kind of thing, frankly. That's just my judgment. ... It's not a very big air force. We're not talking about, you know, this gargantuan kind of force that we face."

No Fly Zone Or Massacre
No Fly Zone Or Surgical Strikes
Sound Military Options
Make Surgical Strikes, Take The Guy Out
Bomb Gaddafi's Tent
Khameini, Gaddafi, Caecescu
How Many People Could Mubarak Kill?

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No Fly Zone Or Massacre

TRIPOLI. With leader of the Libyan Revolution ...Image via WikipediaThose are the two options we are looking at in Libya. And the world can not simply wait and watch.

This guy, from day one, made up his mind to use total brute force to quell the democracy movement. He will not stop at anything. He will bomb his own people from the air. He will send in troops to recapture lost cities. He will kill. In the thousands.

The world does not have the option to wait and watch. Sending in troops would be a mistake. But not enforcing a no fly zone is to offer the Libyan people to the butcher on a plate. To stand by and do nothing is wrong.

If Gaddafi succeeds that is going to cost us in terms of momentum. Then we might not see uprisings in other countries that deserve them. But if Gaddafi is defeated in Libya, the momentum will go all the way to China, to Russia. And let's face it, Russia is no democracy either.

Summer could see action in China, in Russia. But not if we let the momentum break now in Libya. Democracy has to see victory in Libya.

Saudi Arabi Next
The Anatomy Of Revolutions For Democracy
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