Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Chinese Communist Party Can Keep The Power If They Agree To Pluralism, Federalism

Logo of the Communist Party of Thailand. The C...Image via WikipediaThe impending revolution in China can have a different outcome than that in most places. The revolution in China could conclude with the Chinese Communist Party continuing to be in power.

By summer, if not earlier, China will be rattling too. And this is not going to be something confined to one square in Beijing. The unrest will sweep the country at large, in big cities and small towns alike.

Arab Dictators Will Fall Like A House Of Cards

The Chinese Communist Party is going to have to exercise maximum restraint. If the CCP chooses to do what the generals in Burma did, if the CCP goes down the Gaddafi road, then the Chinese Communist Party itself is going to be thrown into the dustbins of history.

But it does not have to be that way. The Chinese Communist Party has undertaken major economic reforms over decades to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty. Now it is time for fundamental political reform.

The reform will have to come in the form of amendments to the Chinese constitution that will guarantee human rights, and yes that includes free speech, and yes that includes religious freedom, and amendments that will make it legal to organize political parties in China, and amendments that will allow for a federal China so the people in Tibet can finally breathe after half a century of utter disrespect.

The Saudi King Is No Exception, He Has To Go Too

The Chinese Communist Party should not so much as think in terms of a bloodbath. That path leads to irrelevance for the CCP, and much unnecessary chaos for China.
MaoImage by Matthew Stewart | Photographer via Flickr
I believe the Chinese Communist Party has the option to take a non military response to the impending revolution and guide it in a way that does not disturb China's stellar economic performance.

But I'd be the first to say China does not need a democracy like they have in America. In America they don't have campaign finance reform which makes for a rather silly democracy. The Chinese should architect a multi-party democracy that starts with total campaign finance reform.

China: 2 PM, Sunday
Et Tu, China?
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This Is Also About Women's Rights

Muammar al-Gaddafi's signature.Image via WikipediaThis tumult in the Arab world has to be taken to its logical conclusion of grand success. Everyone in a position to help has to help. Because this is also about women's rights across the Arab world. Only after a country has become a democracy, and the democratic processes come into play can there be sound hope for concrete advances on women's rights.

Gender equality will not come about right away, but steps towards that gender equality are so much harder if not impossible to take when a country is not a democracy. There are no outlets.

The irrelevant old men who run all these countries need to be all pushed out, and in haste. This is not the time to be polite and civil to people who have reigned mercilessly over their peoples for so long.

The Saudi King Is No Exception, He Has To Go Too
Democracy: An Israeli Plot?
China: 2 PM, Sunday
Bomb Gaddafi's Tent
Khameini, Gaddafi, Caecescu
Et Tu, China?
When They Open Fire
Iran: Brute Force Does Have An Answer
Iran, Bahrain and Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia
Arab Democracy: What The US Needs To Do: Stay Deeply Engaged
Arab Dictators Are Shaking
Egypt: A Revolution, Not A Reform Movement
How Many People Could Mubarak Kill?
Arab Dictators Will Fall Like A House Of Cards
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