Monday, February 14, 2011

Iran: Brute Force Does Have An Answer

King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz. (2002 photo)Image via WikipediaIt is only a matter of weeks now before the mullahs vacate the scene in Iran. These dumbfucks need to go. They never needed to be there in the first place. The democracy activists in Iran have suffered like nowhere else in the Arab world. They deserve to succeed more than the activists in Tunisia and Egypt.

Here's the message: there is an answer to brute force. A nonviolent movement for democracy can succeed in the face of brute force. But you have to exhibit superb organization.

An interim president has to be announced. Mossavi works. And a plan has to be hatched to get a million people out into the streets at once, in every city in the country. In Egypt taking over one square worked. In Iran that will not work. You will have to do what we did in Nepal in 2006. You are going to have to take over every single street in every single city. You have to come out in force all at once. You have to be prepared to see a few hundred of you shot down in the streets. But you can not vacate the scene. You have to get even more energized when that happens. You have to give them a week max. And then you have to march on to the presidential palace to mete out a Caecescu end to Khomeini and Ahmedijed - how do you spell that motherfucker's name?
Ruhollah KhomeiniImage via Wikipedia
Within a week of taking power the interim president is going to have to issue orders to execute all those who issued orders for the killing of peaceful protesters out in the streets. That still fits the definition of non violence. The antidote to Hitler was not a Gandhi fast.

When the generals in Burma killed hundreds and burned those bodies Hitler style, America needed to bomb that town where all the generals live. That would still have fit the definition of non violence.

Iran is like Burma. Khameini is Hitler. He has no place in the 21st century. Cast him off into the Gulf.

Now is the time to strike. Now is the time to get it done. No country in the region deserves it more than Iran. Iran goes then Saudi Arabia goes, then Libya goes, then goes Jordan, Syria.

Drive every single autocrat out. Absolutely every single one of them.
Mussolini (left) and Hitler sent their armies ...Image via Wikipedia
The tactics in Iran are going to have to be different than the tactics in Tunisia and Egypt. Khameini deserves a Caecescu death.
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Iran, Bahrain and Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia

President Shafat Hussain (center), of the Repu...Image via WikipediaArab Focus, Microfinance Focus
Los Angeles Times: In Iran, Bahrain and Yemen, protesters take to streets: protesters inspired by the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia take part in street marches..... The tumult in a region normally kept tranquil under the heavy-handed security of conservative Gulf regimes underscored the widening reverberations of new pro-democracy movements in the Middle East ...... the protesters' numbers have been small ..... thousands more people who turned out for the main scheduled march were walking quietly along the sidewalks toward Azadi Square ...... clashes that in some cases involved young demonstrators beating security personnel ...... west of Imam Hussein Square ..... "The police support us, the Iranians support us." ...... "We would like to stress that Feb. 14 is only the beginning. The road may be long and the rallies may continue for days and weeks, but if a people one day chooses life, then destiny will respond." ...... Yemen, meanwhile, was undergoing its fourth straight days of protests ..... Ali Abdullah Saleh, Yemen's president for more than 30 years 
A political revolution is all about momentum. Right now there is momentum. The right thing to do is to stoke the fire. Get the people out into the streets. An amazing regional level political clarity has been achieved. This can not be let go to waste. 2011 is 1989. Two successes in a row are a lot of momentum. This has to be put to good use. Finally Iran's time has come too.

Arab Democracy: What The US Needs To Do: Stay Deeply Engaged
Arab Dictators Are Shaking
Egypt: A Revolution, Not A Reform Movement
How Many People Could Mubarak Kill?
Arab Dictators Will Fall Like A House Of Cards

Los Angeles Times: Egypt military dissolves parliament, suspends constitution: calling for elections within six months ..... the military, the most respected institution in the nation, was edging toward forming a credible democracy ..... the army left intact the ex-president's Council of Ministers to run the government. ...... Cars honked and drove around the city hub for the first time in more than two weeks as scores of soldiers fanned out into the remaining tent cities on the square and unceremoniously tore them down...... several hundred police officers held a protest of their own in front of the Interior Ministry demanding higher salaries, access to government medical care and rehiring of officers fired for disciplinary or administrative violations.
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