Saturday, August 28, 2010

We Intend To Swamp Maloney: The East Side Is Going Electric

I think we are doing 50-50 right now. I can feel it. I can smell it. It is in the air.

Some time around the radio debate on September 7, and possibly even earlier if the TV journalists in this town can prove they are entrepreneurial, the East Side is going electric. (Brian Lehrer's Message To TV Journalists In Town) The new women on the East Side are going to come out full force for The New Woman. And that is how we are going to swamp Maloney.

The techies and the brownies - my name for Indians - are going to pad the victory margin, but they are not going to be the reason Reshma wins on September 14.

The New Woman's victory is going to come from the new women on the East Side.

Mark my word, the East Side is going electric.

September 14 Will Birth The New Woman

Bloomberg Video: Saujani Sees Private Sector Jobs Crucial To Recovery

A President Is Like A Political Billionaire

Extrapolations To Reshma 2016
Larry Ellison

There are about 50 or so billionaires just in this city, although I know the name of only one of them. (Independent For Bloomberg) But there have been less than 50 individuals who have gone on to become President Of The United States. Becoming president is a big deal. Such a political office has never existed before. The office is at once utmost powerful, and benign. Jimmy Carter looks so harmless hammering nails into Habitat houses.

Becoming president is a bigger deal than becoming a billionaire. And I talk in money terms because people on average understand money better than they understand power. I know power like Bill Gates knows software. But I have to use the money metaphor. I am being nice.

To become president is like becoming a top billionaire. But to become a president like Lincoln is to possibly even become a trillionaire. The world of business has never seen a trillionaire. The world of politics has seen a few trillionaires. Gandhi and Lincoln might be the only two so far.

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