Saturday, July 24, 2010

Reshma 2010 Clean Tech Event July 27 Tuesday

Image of Reshma Saujani from Facebook
NY: Energy and Innovation in the 21st Century: A Panel and Discussion

Hosted by the Reshma for Congress Innovation Advisory Board


Jonathan McClelland, Director of MJ Beck Consulting; President of the NY Association of Energy Economists

Confirmed Panelists:

Evan Conley, Business Development Director of Rentricity

John Humphrey, President of Sollega

Micah Kotch, Director of Operations, NYC ACRE (Accelerator for a Clean and Renewable Economy) at Polytechnic Institute of NYU

Carl Liggio, Managing Partner at Pharos Enterprise Intelligence, LLC; formerly Director of Commercial Strategy and Alternative Energy Programs at US Power Gen

Amanda Parkes, Bodega Algae

John Reese, SVP, US Power Gen; formerly Sr Policy Advisor at NYS Public Service Commission; formerly VP Government/Regulatory Affairs at Reliant Energy

Tom Scaramellino, CEO of Efficiency 2.0

Reshma Saujani, Democratic Candidate for Congress (NY-14)

Mei Shibata, Co-Founder at ThinkEco Inc.

July 27, 2010 at 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Buzzd HQ
833 Broadway
Floor 3
New York, NY 10003

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Recruited 60 For Reshma 2010

I was not even aware. I just happened by my personal dashboard on the Reshma 2010 website in the course of gathering info for the clean tech event Tuesday, and I saw for the first time that I had recruited 60 people to the cause. Heck, I am impressed. Looks like I can do more for Reshma 2010 by blogging than by making phone calls or knocking doors, all of which are important. All these recruits recruited themselves. They must have come to my blog and signed up on their own. I did not actively solicit, although I do recognize some friends on the list.
  • 60 supporters
  • 4 volunteers
  • 2 donors
  • 2-31 potential voters
I am impressed with myself. What can I say?  

This blog does well when you do a search on the Reshma Saujani name. I hope I can send more supporters the campaign's way as we move closer and closer to September 14 and more and more people conduct searches on her name online.

The biggest catch has got to be Sree Srinivasan, who is the most networked Desi in New York City that I know of. Having Sree on board is a big deal, but not at all surprising. He is going to bring many, many others on board. 
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