Saturday, July 24, 2010

Reshma Saujani At The Netroots Nation

Our candidate is in Vegas attending the Netroots Nation. And the best way to follow her is on Twitter:

Netroots: Taking the Tea Party Seriously Wall Street Journal (blog) The convention founder, blogger Markos Moulitsas, told Washington Wire Thursday that the movement has evolved in to a more sophisticated operation. “I think we’re a key component in mobilizing people online, in funding a lot of candidates, and fueling a lot of grassroots energy that has allowed a lot of remarkable candidates to win a bunch of seats.”
Majority Leader Reid, live from Netroots NationDaily Kos (blog)
Reid praises progressives at Netroots convention‎ CNN
Progressives' next big fight: Elizabeth Warren‎ CNN Political Ticker (blog)
Netroots Nation: Strengthening Social Security AFL-CIO (blog)
Washington Wire Q&A: Markos Moulitsas‎ Wall Street Journal (blog)

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Sarina Jain: YouTube: Reshma Saujani