Thursday, July 22, 2010

Reshma 2010: Digital Volunteering: Some Tips

  • Google News

    • Do a search on "Reshma Saujani" at Google News.
    • Read on the latest articles about her. It is possible to read every new article that comes up, so far they have been about one a day, or were. Now they are 2-3 a day. 
    • Leave a comment every time there is an option to leave a comment. There are no talking points. You say what you want to say. 
    • Example: New York's South Asians and the Saujani test. Try leaving your first comment at the bottom of this article.
  • Blogsearch
    • Same thing. Search. Read. Comment.
  • Facebook
    • Follow her on Facebook. Press that Like button. That easy.
    • Read and comment on her status updates.
    • Press the Like and Share buttons every chance you get.
    • Post something on her wall, a few words of support.
  • Twitter
    • Follow her on Twitter. Talk about her on Twitter.
    • Retweet all her tweets.
    • Go to Twitter and do a search on her name. And a search on @reshma2010. Interact with people who are talking about her.
  • Email
    • Email, good old email. It is still the best way to get hold of people. Email people you know. Send them to the Reshma Saujani campaign website:
  • Google Alert

    • Put on an alert on the Reshma Saujani name and you will not miss out on anything.
Summary Google News Search Blogsearch Twitter Search
  • Knocking on doors
  • Making phone calls
  • Handing out flyers at subway stops
  • Digital volunteering
They are similar to each other. They are all efforts to reach out to voters. If you think about it the digital methods are the most efficient in some ways and the cheapest. And they are the most scalable. Not all volunteers can show up at the campaign headquarters to make phone calls for a few hours every day, but all volunteers can go online on their own and do some digital volunteering. 
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No Country To Call My Own

Reshma is American. I am old enough to know I am never going to have a country of my own. Nepal was not it. America is not it. If America is the greatest country in the world, I hope there is a better planet out there somewhere, because I have not been particularly enamored of this country. If you situate yourself right, it is tolerable, but that's about it. India is heritage, it's not country.

Iran stands strong on my mental heat wave map right now. But that is political.

New York City is my playground. I have tried to think of it as a country, but it is not a country.

The Internet is the closest thing to a country I got.


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