Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Shift Towards Digital Volunteering

Reshma Aur SheraImage via Wikipedia
I knocked on doors, I made phone calls, and you can never really do enough of either, but I dropped by the Reshma 2010 headquarters earlier in the evening for about an hour - felt like in and out - and it felt like what I needed to do was make a shift in where I spend my volunteer hours.

I should make a shift towards digital volunteering. I have been doing some of it already. But what if I were to focus on digital volunteering as my primary thing for the campaign. I am going to work out the details over the next few days. I have a few ideas to start with. I hope to come up with a few more. I intend to flesh out the details. And I want to share with some of the staffers and interns and other volunteers to see if they want to do some of what I want to do.

This was 7:30 PM and the office was abuzz with all the phone calls being made.
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Carolyn Maloney's Six Sins

WASHINGTON - APRIL 03:  Committee Chair Rep. C...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Carolyn Maloney needs to take responsibility for:
Wall Street has now been reformed. But what about Congress? Has work on Congress reform started yet? You can argue it was the Republicans running the show until 2006 November when finally the tide turned. But Maloney had been riding the tide even before that. Before that she had been a Bush Democrat. She voted for the Iraq War - a trillion dollar mistake; now you know why there is a big hole in the budget - and she voted for the Patriot Act that resulted in much racial harassment across the country. And you thought Arizona was bad. The Patriot Act turned the entire country into one big Arizona and Maloney signed up for it, big time. 

Congress made BP bad behavior possible. Congress made Wall Street bad behavior possible. 

Carolyn Maloney has been in Congress 18 years. She gets to take her share of responsibility. If she owns BP stocks and she voted the way BP wanted her to vote in the early 2000s, she gets to take responsibility for the Oil Spill. She passed the deregulation that we all paid for a decade later. 2009 started happening in 1999. 

Carolyn Maloney gets to take responsibility.  
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