Thursday, July 15, 2010

Reshma For Congress YouTube Channel

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Reshma Saujani Breakfast Fundraiser Brings Out Big Female Backers
Mar 8, 2010 ..... Saujani may be new to the politics game, but the fundraising star power she displayed at a breakfast for supporters Monday morning showed some savvy....... a virtual who's who of New York's most powerful women in business and politics..... her financial co-chairs Maureen White, former national finance chair for the Democratic Party and wife of former car czar Steve Rattner, and Cathy Lasry, Democratic super-fundraiser and wife of hedge fund manager Marc Lasry ..... Alexis Maybank, co-founder of online powerhouse retailer Gilt Groupe and Marie Wilson, former Ms. Foundation president ...... She'll definitely be the best dressed person in Congress," Maybank said to laughter. ........Wilson, who served as president of the Ms. Foundation for 20 years and founded the White House Project to elect more women, said it was time for the next generation of women to take the reins.
Reshma Saujani Fight for Friends on Twitter and in High Places
Mar 4, 2010 ..... Before she officially announced her candidacy, Saujani cultivated an online presence through Facebook, a Huffington Post Op-Ed and a regularly updated Twitter feed. ...... a generational divide in campaign styles .... "We're like the start up candidate." ..... Young, tech entrepreneurs have flocked to her campaign ...... Maloney has turned to the bedrock alliance of women's groups and unions that she's built during her 17 years in office....... "It's not enough to have a seat on a key committee, you have to do something," Rubin said. "There are times when you have to bring in some new blood with some new ideas and let those people start to build seniority."
East Side Candidates Carolyn Maloney, Reshma Saujani Can't Even Agree on Whether They Will Debate
Jul 8, 2010 ..... Saujani's campaign said Thursday that rival Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney agreed to debate her when the two met at a Queens community event .... But Maloney's camp responded that while the women exchanged pleasantries, the two did not make any agreement to debate. ......"A series of debates will help voters reclaim the broken and dysfunctional system of politics in New York, which has prevented them from having a real choice in the 14th district for nearly two decades," Saujani said in a statement Thursday, taking a dig at Maloney's 18 years in office.
Reshma Saujani Courts South Asian Voters in Upper East Side...
Apr 8, 2010 ..... More than half of the Indian Americans who live in the city — more than 100,000 — reside in the 14th congressional district Saujani hopes to take ..... There are a total of 249,463 registered Democrats in the district ........ South Asians made up the fastest growing Asian ethnic group in New York City ...... Registering South Asians eligible to vote in the district has beome a main focus of the campaign ..... "We have an aggressive operation in every neighborhood and we're going to be fighting for every vote" ...... Saujani has appealed to fellow South Asians with backgrounds in finance and tech firms....... Early supporters included S.P. Wijegoonaratna, managing director of Fortress Investment Group and President of the Sri Lanka Care Foundation, and Harjiv Singh, co-founder and CEO of International Gutenberg Communications....... Speaking at a March 23 meeting of the Downtown Independent Democrats, Saujani frankly stated that she did not expect the club's endorsement after engaging in a terse exchange with a club member over charter schools.
Reshma Saujani Raised More Money for Primary Race than Carolyn Maloney in Last Two Quarters
Apr 12, 2010 ....... Saujani banked a total of $401,830 in the last quarter, of which $393,330 of the donations was given to her to specifically help with the primary race ..... was the second quarter in a row that Saujani had raised more than $400,000...... The $400,000 were donated by just over 800 constituents, signalling Saujani's widespread support among regular voters ..... Maloney's campaign estimates there are 52,000 AFL-CIO members in the district.
Reshma Saujani Ditches the Pearls, Wins Over Fashionistas on Campaign Trail
Mar 16, 2010 ..... Saujani's supporters were confident their candidate would not only win the seat, but that she'd do it in style...... "She understands how finance works, not just policy," said Alexis Maybank, co-founder of Gilt Groupe, a company that made more than $100 million last year ..... Saujani is also a fan of bold colors, like .. red ......."You look at men's fashion and it hasn't changed for years, women can bring flare," Evans said. "I don't think one excludes the other — liking fashion doesn't make you less serious." ......
Reshma Saujani Announces that Less than a Quarter of Fundraising Came From Wall Street
Jul 15, 2010 ..... Following weeks of national news coverage of the East Side congressional race painting her as a Wall Street candidate, congressional contender Reshma Saujani announced Wednesday she had raised nearly $400,000 in the second quarter from small donors. ....... Less than 25 percent of Saujani's second quarter fundraising drive came from Wall Street donors .......
Reshma Saujani Goes on the Attack Against Carolyn Maloney in Upper East Side Congressional Race
May 21, 2010 ..... Maloney ripped off her ideas on immigration and entrepreneurial innovation. ...... Maloney introduced the bill, which calls for granting two-year visas to immigrants who begin start-ups with qualified investors, on the House floor on April 29, eight days after a Saujani Op-Ed piece proposing a similar idea
Support for Reshma Saujani Splits a Women's Fundraising Club on the Upper East Side
Mar 1, 2010 ..... split the board of the Eleanor Roosevelt Committee, a group that provides grants to female candidates ..... "Our president, Cathy Lasry, is supporting Reshma. It's created some controversy." ..... Saujani is also a member of the Eleanor Roosevelt Committee, which helped raise funds for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
John Legend Will Headline Reshma Saujani Fundraiser For East Side Congressional Seat
May 24, 2010 ..... Legend performed at President Barack Obama's inauguration in 2009. ..... Six-time Grammy-winner John Legend ..... Legend, who campaigned extensively for President Barack Obama .... Supporters who give $14, an amount chosen to reflect District 14, will be entered into a drawing for the tickets..... Legend, 31, became a star with his 2004 album, "Get Lifted" and performed at Obama's inauguration. He attended Saujani's campaign announcement in January.
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