Thursday, July 15, 2010

Maloney Wrote A Book Saying Her Best Is Not Good Enough

"You may have heard the rumors: The glass ceiling has been shattered. Gender discrimination has gone the way of the woolly mammoth. Violence against women is under control....."

Carolyn Maloney can not do better than she has already done. She has had 18 years in Congress. That was enough time to do what she needed to do, for herself and for others. There is a reason presidents get limited to eight years. Eight years are enough. If you can not do in eight years, you can not do in more than eight years. But 18? That is way more than enough.

Carolyn Maloney's time is up. It is time for fresh perspectives, a new leadership. The torch needs to be passed to a new generation.

Carolyn Maloney has been piloting the Apollo 13. Mission Not Accomplished.

It is time for a new pilot, it is time for a new mission. It is time to go to the moon.

Carolyn Maloney Recycles Hillary Clinton "Endorsement" On Campaign Website
The Upper East Side congresswoman's website shows an apparent endorsement from the former senator..... Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney has proposed a spate of immigration and economic development bills that challenger Reshma Saujani said borrow from her own ideas. ........ As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton can't endorse political candidates. But that hasn't stopped Carolyn Maloney from recycling an old quote and using an image of Clinton to make it look like the former senator is backing the Upper East Side congresswoman's reelection bid.

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A 1,000 Phone Calls For Reshma Challenge: An Open Letter To Aaron

Darren Rowse's Seven Links Challenge

Hello Aaron.

I so enjoyed making the 100 phone calls when I dropped by Tuesday evening, (A Few Hours At The Reshma 2010 Headquarters) I want to take this experience to a whole new level. I want to show up Sunday and see if I can do 1,000 phone calls for the day.

You do the same thing you did for me on Tuesday. You sit me in front of a computer with the Voter List software. You give me a fully charged MetroPCS phone. And if the battery drains out on one, you keep a second fully charged MetroPCS phone handy. You give me 2-3 bottles of vitamin water.

And once I hit that magic number of 1,000 phone calls made, you show up at my table with a bottle of vitamin water: my reward.

If I as a volunteer showing up one day a week can do 1,000 phone calls, the full time staffers should be able to do 2,000 phone calls per week for a total of 20,000 phone calls in a week. And I think we should get into a habit of leaving voice mails when people don't answer: "This was a call from Reshma for Congress." Her first name is her political brand name. One word is enough. We will g-i-v-e her the name recognition Maloney has, one call/voice mail at a time.

And every volunteer who does 1,000 phone calls in one day needs to be rewarded: you show up at their table with a bottle of vitamin water. And maybe you send them a thank you tweet later.

143-145 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor
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