Tuesday, January 22, 2008

An Ode To White Women: I Think I Am Going Hispanic

Barackface: Tracey Denton Of DFNYC
Barackface: DL21C Events: High Class Acts
Barackface: An Open Letter To Elizabeth Caputo

I think I am taking a cue from my Facebook friend Matt Damon and going Hispanic. The racial skin ceiling is proving a little too much for me. The chances of Hillary breaking the glass ceiling are greater than me breaking the skin ceiling, I think. Skin wall, skin ceiling, skin floor. There's skin all over the place.

Carrie was the editor of the college newspaper when I was SGA President. She first published a demonizing, racist article by someone that essentially called me a rapist. That someone succeeded me as SGA President: attacks work. The woman in question was Jewish, summer flame. My introduction to racism in America was a package deal: anti-Semitism was part and parcel of it. A few months later Carrie published an article by a guy who urged all girls who get boinked by me to go public with the information. 10 years later Carrie emailed me out of the blue, her first email to me ever. She was at a Buddhist monastery in Colorado. I was more than welcome to join her, she said. A Russian friend Olesya once called me a "sex bombino." Once in a while she shows up on Yahoo Messenger from Moscow. Political office can do strange and wonderful things to your image. You become vocabulary.

Among many white Kentucky conspiracies, sending me off to New York City might have been one. I am having to start from scratch.

I blogged a paragraph about Good White People Living In The Asian Century. Not long after the Chinese went public with PetroChina, world's first trillion dollar company.

Women are relational. Men are instrumental. That is the hardwiring. That is why women enjoy shopping so much. They are weaving into the social fabric when shopping. Women also thus have a third eye for the social reality, the us and them, the silos. They are aware white guys will love them for sending them out to protect the boundaries, something like that. That is one way to create social space, especially white guys who are not WASP. Romney calling Obama Osama was him trying to figure out how to get into this white thing.

There is a concrete difference between someone who makes 100K and someone who makes 50K. The difference is 50K. That is money. Power works the same way. Having internet access, and not having internet access. If you can smell the contours, power is as concrete as money.

The software loop/bug of an organization that performs a few basic functions: will you join, will you not join, will you come, will you not come, can you come, can you not come.

There's the spider organization and there's the starfish organization. Spider is hierarchy. That's all the big companies in NYC. Starfish is the Al Qaeda, the Wikipedia. The Apache Indians who fought the Spanish for centuries, they were a starfish organization.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez locked himself up for 19 months or so and wrote One Hundred Years Of Solitude. I came to NYC to launch a company but instead found myself giving two years of a zombie existence to Nepal: best work I ever did. There is a social price to be paid for that. I paid. You are socially absent at the time, and you have weak social muscles in the aftermath. You build.

What do you do? Where do you live? Standard questions.

It gets exotic. Like watching a coral reef. Watching the social reality in motion. There's the observation part. There's the analysis part. There's the action and participation part.

There are three obvious Harvard people on the Manhattan political scene. Dave Pollak, Elizabeth Caputo, and Justin Krebs. They all liked me at first sight, before I found out where they went to school. It felt very similar each time. And I am thinking I must be some kind of a good looking guy.

I sometimes wonder about smarts. Are some people biologically smarter, or have they just read more books? How does that work? I mean, I know it is both. But even if everyone had books, are some people still biologically smarter? Am I one? Can you see that on my face? My eyes?

I am long past the age of worrying about who went to college where.

I was the top student at the top school in Nepal, a top country, but that was before the Bahuns and the British got me. Nuru was number two. He went to Harvard.

It is possible Pollak, Caputo, and Krebs mistook me for Harvard people. Caputo's first question was, "Where did you go to school?" But I would like to stick to the good looks theory. Makes me feel better during this oncoming recession.

I will compare my Nepal and Obama work to anything Pollak, Caputo, and Krebs might have done. I am okay in the self esteem department.

Some day I would like to make corporate use of Pollak. McAuliffe did that a lot while working for the party for "free."

There is a reason all the top names in tech are college dropouts. Ellison could not have worked his way up IBM. He was in his 30s when he launched Oracle. One wife of his dumped him for a Harvard MBA. He claims his first wife left him because he did not work at all. His second wife left him because he worked too hard. After his third divorce, he called up his first wife and asked, "How does this work?"

Middle and upper middle income mindsets can not fathom the early stages of big money mindset. Ellison is proof. He went ahead and bought a boat and that sent his first wife into therapy. She decided it was between insanity and divorce.

At some level you could say I am both a high school and a college dropout, mentally, emotionally. After high school I launched a national political party. At Berea, I was still there after year one for the room, the food, the internet access - T1 - and the library. Going to class was a price I was willing to pay.

Faith, Family, Work, Health
Zone 3/The Blue Zone: Positive, Creative Group Dynamics.

If you are in the blue zone, the green zone people look exotic, the brown zone people look exotic. But to the brown zone and the green zone people, you look like you are part of some hierarchy, usually one where they are above and you are below.

Spider organization people are kind of like green zone people. They think hierarchy. The culture clash is very real.

My young company is both, spider and starfish. Ultimately when everyone everywhere is online, everyone is potentially an Apache Indian. But the institutions of society, of power and money, will not go away. They will change for the better. They will become more transparent, more agile. But many of their outlines will remain.

If you love New York City like I do, and if your target audience is the Global South, your career goes online.

5.0 With Manhattan Organizations

In The News

Giuliani banks on Florida to spring back into race CNN
Clinton goes national, Obama looks to lock in South Carolina
Daschle: Bill Clinton's comments about Obama are not 'presidential' USA Today going to "truth squad" any and all attacks ..... the "incredible distortions" aimed at Obama by the Clinton campaign ..... "When Senator Clinton says -- or President Clinton says -- that I wasn't opposed to the war from the start or says it's a fairytale that I opposed the war, that is simply not true," Obama said.
Clinton keeps up Obama attacks in DC Baltimore Sun another dizzying day of losses in global stock exchanges .... Clinton said Obama “clearly came (to the debate) last night looking for a fight.” ..... she was somehow belittling Obama with “code words” meant to degrade his race ...... Clinton warned that a recession was "inevitable" and said she worried it could be deep and long. ..... her calls for a 30-day moratorium on home foreclosures and a five-year lending rate freeze.
Analysis: Hillary, Obama Battle Over Bill CBS News Since Obama's victory in Iowa, the Clintons have responded with a methodically aggressive campaign. With his own campaign now on the defensive, Obama came to Monday's debate determined to confront ....... "I can't tell who I'm running against sometimes," Obama sarcastically noted during one exchange. ...... Obama has learned how formidable the Clintons' political machine can be, particularly when its future is on the line. The former president has played the lead role in taking the fight to the senator from Illinois. ....... the comments have raised frustrations in the Obama campaign to the boiling point. ..... "I was fighting against those [Republican] ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor . . . in his slum landlord business in inner-city Chicago." ..... Bill Clinton, who attacked Obama's assertion of consistent opposition to the Iraq war as a "fairy tale." Those words rippled through the African American community as a slight against Obama's candidacy -- drawing warnings from prominent black leaders to the former president to tone down his language. ........ his wife was asked whether he is overshadowing her candidacy and her message. ..... people who believe Clinton has crossed a line a former president should not cross. That debate will continue through the primaries, but on Monday Obama decided he had to push back.
Obama ready to rumble The Australian Obama has shown everyone he can float like a butterfly. Last night, he started stinging like a bee. ..... Obama has infuriated the Clintons with a run for the presidency that has defied predictions. .... He won the first round, jabbing hard and winning the Iowa caucuses, then had the audacity to goad the Clinton machine with a victory speech so powerful that ...... never rule out a streetwise fighter. A last-minute counterattack had team Clinton win New Hampshire, and then Nevada ....... Bill Clinton, the hitman in the one-two team with his wife, Hillary, has been getting redder and angrier as he pounds away at Obama. ..... Obama's oratorical gift and elegance in the political ring makes it easy to liken him to Ali, whose mouth was a powerful weapon. Obama, like Ali, can be a cocky showman who dares to lead with his chin. Then there's the Clinton Machine, which boasts awesome firepower, like Foreman. .......... He then attacked Clinton as just saying "anything to get elected". ...... "Your husband did," Obama said. She snapped: "I'm here. He's not." Obama retorted: "Well, I can't tell who I'm running against sometimes." ...... Insiders in the Obama camp are still shocked they lost that second round in New Hampshire. ...."Staying on the ropes is the beautiful thing with a heavyweight when you make him shoot his best shot and you know he's not hitting you."
How Is Obama Doing? ABC News "Other than not getting much sleep and missing my kids, I'm doing great," Sen. Barack Obama ....... we're running not just against Senator Clinton but also a former President, who gets coverage any time he wants. ..... a former President who is actively campaigning
'Special Report' Panel on Barack Obama Taking on Bill Clinton FOXNews "I have a formidable opponent — actually, I have two," and this whole line about "I'm not just running against Hillary, I'm running against Bill Clinton" ...... Ted Kennedy said "Take it easy." .... Emanuel said "Hey, slow down a little bit President Clinton." ..... It is like a basketball team that you are facing, and they have two great scorers. And you concentrate on one and be pretty good against one, and then the other one — you concentrate on Shaq, and then Kobe Bryant buries three-pointers. .... the Clintons have been effective in their strategy and there is no backlash.

Monday, January 21, 2008

5.0 With Manhattan Organizations

Earlier I showed up for this DL21C debate watch party event. (It Is A RSVP: Here I Come DL21C) It was the same venue as this: Iowa: One And A Half Victory Parties. So I was not so sure. I got there at seven, right on the dot. I felt a little uneasy. I went to the restroom downstairs. When I came back I had to wait only a few seconds. Dan Berger came down the stairs. He was on the phone. He looked like he was uneasy. I just waited, making small talk with the receptionist, this young woman who was encouraging me to go upstairs, "There already are about 15 people up there."

I patiently waited until Berger got off the phone. Then we had the best, shortest, the only non-tense conversation we ever had.

"Can't come upstairs."

"Okay," I said.

We were both totally relaxed. Otherwise every time I have been in his presence for as long as I can remember, the vibe always has been like he wants to blame me for 9/11 or something. Every single time.

I don't know for sure but I am guessing Berger is a Jewish last name. Spitzer is Jewish. There is that er at the end of both names. I am getting better at this.

I felt good about the exchange. No, it is not easier to ask me to leave if the guy is Sicilian rather than Jewish.

The meeting with the women was good, but we really did not get to the discussion part. (Martha Outed Kenton And Women With Issues) And Martha never really wrote back on my proposal, so I guess that is a no: 2.0 Penetrates DL21C.

I really liked the setting, and finally it was going to be an event where you get to talk instead of just watch.

I am getting a little better with the Jewish angst, I think. Getting a better feel for it.

I am guessing Dan Jacoby, that is also a Jewish name. Met him at DFNYC. I was talking to this European journalist woman and he rudely interrupts to say money can be made by appearing in porn movies. As in, no money brown guy - and this was back, way back - talking to white woman: what is this about? I took offense, and I do want to leave it at that. But now I wonder if that was an expression of the angst. Black people like sex, Jewish people like money, and the rest of us are monks.

There was another incident with Liz of MYD. Here, let me take my bag away from here where you are standing. I am guessing now that was also an expression of the angst. At the time I equated it with Obama complaining "only a few years back people were throwing keys at me in the parking lot."

I don't know for sure but I am guessing Liz is Jewish.

At first you take the incident literally, and you take offense. But over time you step back a little and realize there are a few different things at play. I don't know a whole lot about the Jewish identity, but I know enough to be able to say it is an identity that Jewish people still grapple with.

What is anti-Semitism? When someone comes across someone Jewish, they suddenly react a certain way that end in social exclusion of the said person, almost like a chemical reaction. Is that the mainstream version?

I could talk at great length about the ethnic prejudices inside the mini Nepal in Queens. It is unbelievable. People are 10,000 miles away from home, but it is like if you were to bring along a piece of rock from the moon, that would still be moon rock on earth.

There is a coral reef aspect to this ethnic, racial stuff. It is fascinating to watch it unfold, especially when it is the garden variety, social setting, pretty much harmless kind. You soak it in. So far I have limited myself to experiencing political events. Sorry, not interested in holding an Officer position, or sitting on committee, or anything like that.

DFNYC, MYD, DL21C. They now appear in the rear view window, kind of. Either their organizational structures are too primitive or I am not cut for politics, or whatever. They are designed to make you feel like, okay, so you were part of something like a French Revolution, but in this hierarchy here, who are you? You don't need a place in the hierarchy to experience an event.

Barackface: The French Revolution And DFNYC

I did not move to NYC even for Nepal, or Obama, but to launch a company. Nepal and Obama were distractions. I have absolutely no interest in the local races. As long as the subway keeps running, let me be. My fascination with NYC is that it is the capital city of the world, the Amazon forest of humanity, a feast to the eyes, a feast to the mind.

5.0 with the Manhattan organizations is offensive at two levels: they are not cutting edge group dynamics at all, not enough embracing of 2.0, and they are socially not progressive, it is not exactly post-ISMs variety. Or perhaps my standards are high.

My team member two with my young company Adam is already pissed he thinks I give too much time to politics. Forget these organizations and their events, forget Obama, let's go run with this baby. Give it total attention.

I have resisted getting structured into Obama 2008 in the city. (Barackface: NYC, Obama, Structure, Me) It has been the same resistance with the organizations before that. I function like the Wikipedia was written. There is something to be said of leaderless organizations.

Silicon City
Web 5.0: Face Time
A Web 3.0 Manifesto

What does your NYC socializing look like when the only work socializing is 2.0 with some techies in Mumbai? That is so much less stress than trying to get the message you are here only to experience an event.

I am getting better by the day with saying hello and making small talk and just plain schmoozing. My baseball is politics, and I watch it best online.

I go to an event like this one looking for some hard core political action: Martha Outed Kenton And Women With Issues. Whereas for most people it is just socializing, politics is just the excuse. And nothing wrong with that, it is a free country. When the event is over, it is over. Don't give me homework.

I am at a point where I am like, so do you still go to Dave Pollak's parties? That will have to be decided one Facebook email at a time. Go with the mood, time permitting. Or what?

Seamless 2.0 and 5.0 and the political organizations in Manhattan: that is a culture clash, a clash of civilizations.

Some of the racial thinking of white folks in Manhattan is like some Hindus I know of in Nepal: they think Christians and white people generally are the fifth caste, somewhere down there. It is a mindset, largely quixotic. The weirdest part is when they will ignore your email. They had a similar theory about email in Kentucky. Are you shy? No, I am online. And I thought it would be quicker.

It is just that all roads lead to Jerusalem, all roads leads to Silicon City.

I was kinda sorta interested in this event. Do I go? Do I not go? To be? To be no be?

Thursday, February 7

6:00 pm

Planned Parenthood and DL21C's Women's Issues Committee present

A Night Out with Women in Politics
The Zipper Factory, 336 W. 37th St. between 8th & 9th

Please RSVP!

Barackface: I Want To Join The DL21C Steering Committee
Barackface: It Is A RSVP: Here I Come DL21C
Barackface: 2.0 Penetrates DL21C
Barackface: December 12 DL21C Bash
Barackface: DFNYC, Drinking Liberally, DL21C, Cosmopolity
Barackface: DL21C Annual Summer Bash: Barack Won The Straw Poll
Barackface: DFNYC TV, DFNYC Wiki
Barackface: Tracey Denton Of DFNYC
Barackface: DFNYC And This Blog
Barackface: DFNYC Socializing Is Circle 3 For Me
Barackface: DFNYC, 100000 Strong, Scalable Organization
Barackface: Drinking Liberally
Barackface: Facebook And Drinking Liberally
Barackface: DFNYC, Drinking Liberally, DL21C, Cosmopolity
Barackface: Drinking Liberally: Session X
Barackface: Liberally Tipsy