Romney Makes Obama-Osama GaffeAdolf Hitler - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaNew York Times he twice confused Senator Barack Obama with Osama bin Laden when referring to the latter’s new recorded message. ...... “Actually, just look at what Osam — uh — Barack Obama, said just yesterday. Barack Obama calling on radicals, jihadists of all different types, to come together in Iraq. That is the battlefield. That is the central place, he said. Come join us under one banner.” ........ It turns out, of course, Mr. Romney was talking about the new audiotape from bin Laden calling on insurgents in Iraq to unite. Oops. ....... It’s time to end the divisiveness and fear-mongering that is at the heart of Governor Romney’s campaign.” ...... “I don’t pay too much attention to Mitt Romney,” Mr. Obama said.
This is not a tongue slip on my part, and this is not a tongue slip on Matt Romney's part either.
These guys have to realize this is not funny.
Those who monkey around with Bin Laden's name are people who pretty much lose their security credentials forever. Do they find 9/11 funny? The Al Qaeda is stronger than ever before. If it could explode a dirty bomb in some American city, it would not hesitate for a second. The threat is very real. America has never faced a more grave threat before.
Matt Romney is trying to be racist by saying Osama when he should be saying Obama. There are very few Americans who don't know who Osama is. And most Americans know who Obama is. And most know the difference. That is extra true for someone running for president. Has to be. Otherwise you are too much of a political illiterate to run for anything in this country.
Matt Romney has better options if he is trying to sound racist. There are so many metaphors he could draw from American history itself. Why bother going offshore? Recently some racist drew the noose on some black Columbia University professor's door. As in, black people should be lynched. Romney could try that. He could go ahead and utter the n_______ word. That would be racist. He could go ahead and say Barack is biologically inferior because he is black. Or like James Watson said recently, he could go ahead and say Barack comes from a heritage - African - whose people are less intelligent as a rule. All that would qualify for racist but it would not be making light of 9/11 or America's continued threats. He would only be racist. After all, by calling Barack Osama is an attempt to sound racist. So why not do a better job of sounding racist? Why not leave the American people alone? Why not focus only on Barack and his blackness?
This is so out of line.
Matt Romney should be ashamed of himself.
Pig In The Barn, Ailes At Fox News
Media Smear On Obama's Name
Wolf Hitler, I mean Bitler, Blitler, Whatever
Bill O'Reilly, Bill O'Rama, Whatever The F___ His Name Is
Wildfires In Southern California: Welcome To Global Warming
Arson, Terrorism, Land Mafia Or Global Warming
This is the same thing that happened in Greece earlier this summer. Folks, my bet is this is global warming. Weather is not a very understood phenomenon. Slight changes in temperature can have major impact. Pollution in one part of the world could have dire impacts somewhere very far away.
Just like in Greece, people in California first suspected arson. The Greeks rounded up and jailed tens of known arsonists.
This is not arson. When patches of wildgrass or forests achieve a certain level of dryness, and temperature, they can start their own fires. That is what explains simultaneous fires erupting many different places. A perfect storm is created.
The knowledge of global warming is already here. The solutions are also known. Too bad we need Katrinas and wildfires and receding water lines in the Great Lakes to feel the urgency to bring forth the collective political will to do something.
Too bad we need a 9/11 to realize every Arab country has to be turned into democracies. We can't have the political foresight that will make us act before disaster strikes.
Fire and water retardant will not work in this case in California. The fire is too big. What will work is bombing. Yes, bombing. You strike parts of the fire like it was Iraq. I am not kidding. You can't wait for the wind to subside. Fire creates its own wind.
Added October 25, 11 PM: The line above suggesting bombing as a firefighting measure was not meant as a cynical statement to protest the war in Iraq. It is to be taken at face value. If a forest fire is about to eat up 100,000 houses, and if bombing the fire so as to break its path will help, that option has to be considered. Maybe that is not a good idea. I don't know a whole lot about firefighting. But I threw that in as an idea when little else seemed to be working.
In The News
Jesse Jackson Jr. cuts ad for Barack Obama Baltimore Sun The senior Jackson won the South Carolina Democratic primary during his 1988 campaign for president, a victory the younger Jackson recalled in the ad, which is airing on gospel and R&B stations with a predominantly African-American audience. “Once, South Carolina voted for my father, and sent a strong message to the nation,” the younger Jackson said. “Next year, you can send more than a message. You can launch a President.” ....... The younger Jackson lauded Obama for legislation he passed in the Illinois state senate combating racial profiling and for seeking to counter "the railroading of the poor in the justice system." ....... "A lot of politicians call themselves our friends," Jackson said. ...... "But Obama has a heart that beats for our community.
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Put Dumbledore Back in the Closet
Alabama Picks a Bible Textbook
Turkish Premier Renews Warning Over Rebels New York Times
Raging Calif. Wildfires Make 500K Flee
Romney Slip: Another Osama-Obama Mix-Up The Associated Press "Actually, just look at what Osam — Barack Obama — said just yesterday. Barack Obama, calling on radicals, jihadists of all different types, to come together in Iraq. That is the battlefield. .. ......... Romney apparently was referring to an audiotape aired Monday in which a speaker believed to be terrorist Osama bin Laden called for insurgents in Iraq to unite and avoid divisions. ........ Obama spokesman Bill Burton said, "Apparently, Mitt Romney can switch names just as casually as he switches positions
Clinton Considers Giving Up Some Powers The Associated Press they have this theory of the so-called unitary executive, and then Vice President Cheney has a whole different theory about how he's a fourth branch of government ....... Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Bush and Cheney have taken steps to expand presidential authority and diminish the role of Congress and the federal judiciary. Among other things, they have pushed for warrantless wiretapping of terrorist suspects and the use of "signing statements" to justify ignoring or defying laws enacted by Congress. ....... Clinton said that during the Bush administration "we've seen an orgy of cronyism and no-bid contracts, no accountability. It's just unbelievable."
Governor Christine Gregoire
Christine Gregoire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia her mother, Sybil O. Jacob, who raised Gregoire alone after leaving an abusive marriage shortly after the future governor's birth. Gregoire grew up on a small farm in Auburn ....... As an assistant attorney general, Gregoire concentrated on child-abuse cases, coordinating with social workers to get children removed from abusive family situations and placed with relatives or foster homes. ....... In 2003, she was diagnosed with breast cancer in an early stage after a routine check-up and a mammogram. She had surgery and recovered to good health. ....... she negotiated a three party agreement in 1989 with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy to clean up waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. ....... now estimated to require a total of $50 to $100 billion. ....... Chris Gregoire was elected to three terms as attorney general and was the first woman to be elected to the position in Washington. During her time in office, she worked on children's issues, reformed the state's juvenile system, led an effort to strengthen identity theft victims' rights, worked to pass a new ethics law for state government and to find alternatives to litigation in resolving legal disputes. ....... Gregoire was also heavily involved in the lawsuit against the tobacco industry in the 1990s and won the state a $4.5 billion share of the settlement, including a $500 million bonus for her lead role. ...... "There isn’t a stronger tobacco control leader anywhere in the Country than Chris Gregoire" ....... Gregoire performed relatively poorly among blacks and liberal whites ..... Washington the first state with a female governor and two female US senators ...... One notable bill that failed in the 2005 session but subsequently passed in the 2006 session was a gay civil rights bill, expanding the scope of protected classes to include sexual orientation and gender identity in cases of discrimination. The bill was signed by Gregoire on January 31, 2006. ....... Governor Gregoire signed a law on April 21, 2007 granting same-sex couples domestic partnership rights.