Barack, "He Walks Between Worlds."
I have been looking for those four words forever. And now help comes in the form of Maya Soetoro-Ng, his half-sister. I have long thought, I like this guy at a very fundamental level. What is it, what is it?
In my very own person, two countries live, Nepal and India. To a lot of folks in America accustomed to color coded thinking, both might look brown, but I will have to offer that the ethnic politics in a country like Nepal are way more complicated than the racial politics in America.
I lost something in 1989. I feel like I might regain it through Barack's elevation to the White House. I have faced challenges of dealing with many different worlds. Now you can be serene about it, and can almost feel like you are in fashion, like this century belongs to you and people like you, but when you are dealing with it at periods in your life when you don't even have the vocabulary to describe what you are going through, you can't think of anyone who does, it is not fun. There are leftover emotional scars. You try to move beyond them by revisiting the past in your mind. You revisit in hopes of liberation. So you can become capable again of easy conversation with the multitude, easy laughs, small gestures of bonding.
My support for Barack is personal, it is selfish, it is about me. The proof is in the pudding. I am not a voter. I can't vote for the dude. You could say there is some of the political animal in me. The process fascinates me. I am no Dick Morris. I could not bring myself to advise non progressives. Even among progressives I am picky. I am no Karl Rove. That dude could not run for public office himself in a thousand years. If I were citizen, and I set my mind to it, I think I could have become the guy to succeed Bloomberg. (DL21C Annual Summer Bash: Barack Won The Straw Poll, 7 Point Agenda For New York City) But I am not a citizen. And when I think of masses of people, I don't think New Yorkers, I don't think Americans, I think Third World people. My people are those. My fascination is with group dynamics. I don't enjoy beer, I don't enjoy shaking hands. I have determined my startup is the best, most efficient way to do the most good by my people. So my expression of my fascination with group dynamics will be corporate, curiously. But at least it will be a progressive company.
My selfish interest in a Barack presidency also is that I want to contribute to the goal of a total spread of democracy by 2020. I am a Buddhist. One concrete thing I want to do for my faith is to see Tibet as a state in a federal China that is a multi-party democracy. I have to stay in the private sector, and I have to do my activism the digital democrat way, I don't have the patience for the slow, non digital versions, but a friendship with a POTUS can go a long way in enhancing your impact when you are trying to spread democracy.
When I first started experiencing prejudice and racism, my initial feelings were always of disbelief. People at primitive levels of group dynamics and political consciousness were engaging in acts that were not in the best interests of all concerned. It was as if they were not even driven by self-interest. A little while later you realize they are moved by self-interest the way they understand that to be, or like Newt said once, "Because I can." That was logic enough.
Barack's appeal to me is not that some black man will be in the White House. When I think of cultural diversity, I think of coral reefs. Barack reminds me of that richness. It feels like good background music.
Cultural diversity is a kaleidoscope experience.
In The News
Photo of Karachi bomber released Reuters Newspapers carried photographs of the head of the suicide bomber propped on a white sheet. The dead eyes stared blankly out of a chubby, unshaven face. ....... "The age of the suspect is between 20 to 25 and he looks to be a Karachiite," said a security official ....... On Saturday, a car bomb killed four people in the southwestern province of Baluchistan. ...... Suicide bombings have multiplied since the army stormed the Red Mosque in the capital Islamabad to crush an armed student movement in July. ...... Angry Bhutto supporters burnt tires, threw rocks at cars and forced shops to shut in some Karachi neighborhoods on Saturday ...... she retained more mass appeal than any other Pakistani politician. ...... Government officials have said the culprits were Islamist militants but they are uncertain which group. ...... said she had more to fear from unidentified members of the power structure who she described as allies of the "forces of militancy".
Chain of errors blamed for nuclear arms going undetected Los Angeles Times That August flight, the first known incident in which the military lost track of its nuclear weapons since the dawn of the atomic age, lasted nearly three hours, until the bomber landed at Barksdale Air Force Base in northern Louisiana. ....... allowing the plane to take off Aug. 30 with crew members unaware that they were carrying enough destructive power to wipe out several cities. ......... The Air Force has fired four colonels who oversaw aircraft and weapons operations at Minot and Barksdale, and some junior personnel have also been disciplined ...... human error, rather than inadequate procedures, were at fault.
Turkey expects US actions against Kurd rebels-PM
A Hubbub Over a Visit by the Dalai Lama? Not in New York
Patrick to endorse Obama at Boston Common rally on Tuesday Boston Herald
Can Hillary Clinton win? Chicago Tribune Ever since Clinton stepped onto the presidential stage with her husband, she has been a lightning rod on the right and sometimes the left. She offended some women when she defended her decision to work, saying, "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas." She raised eyebrows when the public learned she had turned $1,000 into $100,000 from cattle futures trading. And she became a political target when she tried to overhaul the health-care system with closed-door meetings. .......... Already, the Republican National Committee is taking aim at Clinton multiple times a day while virtually ignoring her rivals. ........ David Bonior, Edwards' campaign manager, said Republicans will "unload on her" in a general election ...... A CNN poll finds 45 percent of voters believe she is most likely to win the general election—far more than any other candidate. And the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute shows Clinton beating each of the Republican candidates in the key battlegrounds of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. ....... "I think you're seeing a higher level of frustration and desperation," said Mark Penn, Clinton's chief strategist, of Obama and Edwards. ...... "What I hear from [Republicans] is their disenchantment with the war in Iraq, the budget deficit and the feeling that their party has been taken away from them by extremists" ....... "I think the country is ready for a woman president," she said, "but Colorado is not." ...... Two friends sitting outside in the sunshine drinking coffee questioned the wisdom and the likelihood of another Clinton presidency. ......... leery of revisiting the "negative" elements of Bill Clinton's presidency ...... she didn't think Clinton could do worse in office than President Bush ....... "It certainly is brought up more by Democratic senators from red and purple states," said Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who is backing Obama. "They feel that she would have to work hard to carry their states." ....... When Clinton first ran for the Senate from New York in 2000, few thought she could overcome voters' animus, but she won in a virtual landslide. ....... "I'm still looking," he said. "I won't make a decision until the very last minute, until I'm sure."
Gov. Granholm endorses Sen. Clinton for president
Obama, Citing 'Offensive Remarks,' Calls for Justice Dept. Voting ... FOX News remarks made about elderly minorities not aging like white Americans, because they die first. ..... called the language "erroneous, offensive, and dangerous." ...... Obama on Friday pointed to one portion of Tanner's comments as evidence that voter ID restrictions "do not disenfranchise minorities, and in fact they actually benefit minorities." ....... "There are inequities in health care," Tanner continued. "There are a variety of inequities in this country. And so anything that disproportionately impacts the elderly has the opposite impact on minorities; just the math is such as that." ....... "For Mr. Tanner to now suggest, in an effort to defend his erroneous decision, that photo identification are not necessary for minority voters because 'they die first' shows just how far the Justice Department has fallen," Obama wrote.
Barack Obama Straddles Different Worlds The Associated Press also was a way for this son of an African goat herder, this Harvard-educated lawyer, author and professor to show he could be just one of the guys. ......... He had already navigated the exotic corners of Hawaii and Indonesia, the halls of privilege of Cambridge, Mass., and the poverty-wracked streets of Chicago ........ bridging gaps, making connections, forging alliances. ....... "He walks between worlds," says Maya Soetoro-Ng, his half-sister. "That's what he's done his entire life." ...... From their mother, she says, "he gets his ability to build bridges, to keep an open mind." ...... From their grandmother, Madelyn: "his pragmatism." ...... From their grandfather, Stanley: "his love of the game. My grandfather ... pursued life with great zest." ..... In Hawaii, Obama was a scholarship student at Punahou School, a private academy in Honolulu, where he was an outgoing kid with an easy laugh. Obama — then known as Barry — grew into a teen who listened to Earth, Wind & Fire, tooled around in his grandfather's old Ford Granada, sang in the choir and joined the literary journal. ........ Friends says Obama never spoke of the turmoil he revealed in his memoir, "Dreams from My Father," in which he wrote about wrestling with his racial identity and using drugs — including marijuana and cocaine — to "push questions of who I was out of my mind." .......... as one of the few blacks in the school, "I probably questioned my identity a bit harder than most. As a kid from a broken home and family of relatively modest means, I nursed more resentments than my circumstances justified, and I didn't always channel those resentments in particularly constructive ways." ........ "He had no trouble challenging power and challenging people on issues," says Gerald Kellman, the man who hired him to work for the Developing Communities Project. "When it came to face-to-face situations, he valued civility a great deal. When it came to negotiating conflict, he was very good." .......... "This man was so bright, but he didn't hit you over the head with it," recalls Loretta Augustine-Herron. "He explained things so nobody would be offended." ........ The women doted on him, chiding him for not eating enough, laughing when he showed off his dance moves, joking about his punctuality — warning each other that "baby-faced Obama" would be angry if they didn't get to a meeting on time. ........ In Chicago, Obama also honed his writing skills, crafting short stories inspired by real-life experiences. ...... Former classmates and professors remember him as a conciliator with sound judgment. ...... "He wasn't someone that you simply wanted to read his class notes or hear his voice," says Charles Ogletree, a Harvard law professor who served as a mentor to Obama and other black students. "You wanted to hear him thinking." ......... "He did not take that pound-on-my-chest attitude, 'Look at me, I'm the first one,'" says Earl Martin Phalen, a black classmate. "He was conscious of the historical significance but understood ... there was a responsibility." ......... As a newcomer in the clubby atmosphere of Springfield, Obama also encountered cold shoulders. Some lawmakers initially thought he was arrogant. ........ "It took him a while to prove that he was a real guy" ....... "If he was going to play the hand, he knew it was a hand he could win," says state Sen. Terry Link. "That's his politics, too. He's not going to do it just to do it." ....... It took just 17 minutes for Barack Obama to create a national buzz.