Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Obama, Hillary, Spitzer

Good Times Are Here

The Democrats have it real good right now. But we must remember, a party in power for about 12 years gets tired. You become too much of a status quo. You are no longer looking for new ideas, new political techniques. But I must admit I did not think Bill Clinton was spent in 2000. That guy would easily have won two more terms if there were no term limits. He is a policy work. He is experimental. He is open minded. He works like a demon. That last part escapes most people's minds. If there is one outstanding quality that Bill Clinton has, it is that he works very very hard.

The party is on an upswing. We won 2006.

I was crazy about Hillary, and then Obama showed up, and I have been crazy about him since. I am betting on Obama. He really is gifted, his appeal is postracial. Take two examples.

Hillary: "I am in to win."

Obama: "I am in to transform the country."

Hillary was in a hurry to announce how much money she had raised, $25 million tops. Obama instead came out saying more than 100,000 people had donated to him.

Those were two master strokes in a row.

The third was on health care. Hillary came out as the policy work, with all the right ideas. But Obama was the one who hit it on the selling part. He came out saying it is the selling part that is more challenging. And he started work on that.

Hillary is supersmart. I have long thought she is smarter than Bill Clinton. She sure got better grades at Yale than he did. And she is methodical. Her mantra is Money, Message, Organization.
Obama is smart too. But I suspect he has better political instincts than Hillary, slightly better. That is what draws me to him. It also helps that I can identify with him more: he is a minority male, brown, with Third World background, has spent a few years as a child in a poor country.

Bad News

Hillary has only spent 20% of what she raised. That looks great on her. She is thinking long term. She is being wise. Obama on the other hand has been spending left and right. This is the worst Obama news I have received since he jumped into the fray. If he were to repeat this Dean mistake two more quarters, Hillary will be the nominee.

Looks to me like Obama does not have tight control over his staff. Some of his staffers are believing the Obama halo and hype a little too much. Obama's charisma is for real, but not even he can survive bad budgetary indiscipline in his campaign. If you can't run well the finances of a presidential campaign, how will you run the finances of a country where you are talking trillions of dollars?

Because Obama is more reliant on small contributors than Hillary, he needs to be miserly. He needs to beat the Hillary ratio. She is at 20%. You shoot for 18.

Fitting In Spitzer

It might be an Obama-Hillary ticket. It might be a Hillary-Obama ticket. It might be an Obama-Spitzer ticket. It might be a Hillary-Edwards ticket. My first choice is Obama-Hillary with a muscular gender agenda: half the cabinet is female, War On Domestic Violence, a major push for equal pay.

There are three Democrats in America right now who I would love to see in the White House: Obama, Hillary, Spitzer. All three fire up my imagination. Good for Spitzer he is not national right now. That plays to his number one strength: making sure you do your due, diligent homework.

How do you fit all of them in?

Say it is Obama-Hillary for eight years, and then Hillary does a Cheney and steps out. That opens it up for Spitzer who has had eight wonderful years as New York Governor. And although he is a Dem, he has been away from Washington, acting like he were in the opposition, away from the national seat of power, and so preparing, busy preparing, and it does not feel like Democratic continuation, but eight fresh years.

I would hope Spitzer would have a woman running mate.

16 Years Are Possible

Thanks to Obama, Hillary, and Spitzer.


I really really did like the idea of the first woman president. The good news for me is I don't matter. I am not even a voter. It is the process that will decide if it will be Obama or Hillary. So I will not feel bad if it is not Hillary but Obama.

But I do think 2004 was Hillary's year. She missed it. Oh, well. And she could not have been an anti-war candidate back then.

Remember when in 1992 Bill Clinton said "Vote for one, get one free?" It is the same deal with a vengeance. Now the Clintons are post-scandal. There is no more mud for anyone to throw. They are rich and content and so more focused. Daughter is post-college. No kid to raise. They know presidential politics inside out. And they have each other.

Obama sure has his work cut out for him.

But then Hillary has Bill. Obama has the internet. Obama has done a great job with his website. It is much more interactive than that of the others.

In The News

Richard Gere up in flames in India Online Rock Radio Protests against the actor erupted in at least three Indian cities ..... At some point during the event, Gere kissed Shetty several times on the cheeks and dipped her in an embrace. Pictures of the hug made the front page of several newspapers ...... Shetty said protesters "over reacted" ..... He recently spoke to 15,000 sex workers about the subject and said it was one of the most meaningful experiences of his life: "I asked the girl who was translating for me, 'They understand the word sex?' 'Yeah, absolutely.' 'Do they understand the word condom?' She said, 'Absolutely.' So I started chanting 'No condoms. No sex. No condoms. No sex.' And 15,000 sex workers chanting that as a family, it was really extraordinary. One of the more moving moments I've had."
Bollywood Stars to Marry Friday in India ABC12.com
Obama dominates Democratic fundraising race World Peace Herald has out-spent every other Democratic candidate -- Analysts studying the latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings warn that Mr. Obama is taking the same path as former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, whose 2004 Democratic presidential campaign generated early excitement but collapsed quickly after his defeat in the Iowa caucuses. ....... Obama has a clear edge over his Democratic rivals among small donors, with 22 percent of his fundraising coming in contributions of less than $200, accounting for $5.8 million. Small donors accounted for 9 percent of Mrs. Clinton's fundraising ........ Mrs. Clinton's campaign is in a strong position, Mr. Toner said, because her rate of spending was less than 20 percent of her receipts -- a frugal pace for a major national campaign operation. ..... Obama also has received contributions from former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner ..... "When you can get millions to participate and donate small amounts to your campaign, you have an easier time and you can focus on other things."
Clinton old guard lines up with main rival Obama Mail & Guardian Online Senior Democratic figures are defecting from Hillary Clinton's camp to her main rival, Barack Obama ..... Among Obama's contributors were a dozen former fundraisers for Bill Clinton and at least four members of his administration. ....... he will seek to blunt criticism that he is all sizzle and no beef, lacking detailed policies. ...... The defectors include Alan Solomont, who was in charge of party finances during the Clinton administration and was close enough to the Clintons to be an overnight guest at the White House. He told Newsweek: "People are ready for a new generation, a new face and a new voice." ........ Former members of the Clinton administration now supporting Obama include James Rubin, Reed Hundt, Michael Froman, Brian Mathis and Greg Craig. Obama raised almost twice as much as Clinton from one of the leading Democratic funders, Goldman Sachs: $94 450. Leonore Blitz, who raised about $250 000 for Clinton's senate race, said she was supporting both Clinton and Obama. ........ Obama raised $24,8-million in donations for the Democratic primary contests, which begin in January, whereas Clinton reported $18,2-million. ........ On the Republican side, Mitt Romney was confirmed as the most successful fundraiser ...... Obama's biggest donor state was California, providing him with $4,1-million, followed by his home state, Illinois, with $3,8-million. He raised $2,7-million in New York ....... Clinton only raised $378 000 in Illinois. She raised $5-million in California, and $3,5-million in Washington DC. Obama, who refuses money from lobbyists and has returned money received from them, raised only $876 000 in DC.
India to be second largest market: GM Times of India Indian manufacturing costs are extremely competitive and among the lowest in the world, even as this country is poised to become the world's second largest market in less than a decade ...... not just because of low wages but also because of the Indian attitude that abhors waste ........ "In the second phase of growth, we expect more and more OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) to use India as a domestic base for exports,"
Why Lalu Prasad failed in Bihar - and succeeds as railway minister
indiainteracts.com when he took charge of the railway ministry, transformed it into a miracle of modern management technique. ..... behind his deceptive exterior ticks an astute mind, which has little difficulty in mastering the complexities of a behemoth such as the railways and ensuring that it operates at a profit.
Iraq's Shiite political fissures widen
Christian Science Monitor
Sadr pulls loyalists from Iraqi CabinetLos Angeles Times
Al-Sadr orders six Cabinet ministers to quit Houston Chronicle
Google breaks into radio Stuff.co.nz
Why Google spent $3.1 billion on DoubleClick
Times Online
Microsoft Warns of Google-DoubleClick Danger Redmond Channel Partner
Is Google taking over the internet? PC Advisor
Microsoft Wants Google's Acquisition of DoubleClick Blocked SYS-CON Media
WiMAX Devices, Coming Soon GigaOm
San Francisco, Partying Like 1999
Look, it’s a router in the sky Cisco and Intelsat are working together to put routers in to orbit, as part of Internet Routing In Space (IRIS) project. The idea is that the U.S. military could use internet protocol for their voice, video and data needs. “IRIS is to the future of satellite-based communications what ARPANET was to the creation of the Internet in the 1960s
First Look: Preparations on at Bachchan residence Rediff Amitabh Bachchan's famed Jalsa Bungalow in Mumbai's Juhu suburb ..... massively guarded home ....... Bachchan's other Juhu residence, Pratiksha .... A wedding in a massive Indian family: is there ever a more legitimate time for household chaos?
Sonia, Rahul, Priyanka likely to skip Abhishek-Ash wedding Newindpress (subscription)
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Dell hires first-ever Chief Marketing Officer Blogging Stocks Former execs with Solectron, Motorola, AMR Airlines and now Oracle have all joined Dell Inc.'s (NASDAQ: DELL) ranks as the world's second-largest computer manufactures tries to fight back from a very depressing 2006 and regain some semblance of growth and profit levels. ...... Dell has operated in a cost-crucial commodity business for so long that it really didn't need a marketing leader. Even its servers, storage and printing businesses operated in a commodity fashion. You don't need to market in that universe in most cases. ....... Competitor Hewlett-Packard Co. (NYSE: HPQ) has beaten Dell soundly in the retail consumer market in physical stores (where Dell does not even exist). Also, Dell's recent acquisition of Alienware (high-end PCs) needs a marketing push. If Dell wants to sell more high-margin goods and less of the boring-box and low-margin PC, where competitors have erased Dell's direct manufacturing advantage, it needs to focus on marketing.
Quanta may be developing Smartphone/PocketPC Phone for Dell Mobility Site Quanta, which is the biggest notebook supplier for Dell, is actively developing products for the PDA handset and 3G phone market, and it currently supplies handsets for Hewlett Packard (HP) and O2. Although the size of Quanta's handset business is smaller than High Tech Computer (HTC), its position as an ODM without its own-brand business or collaboration with telecom carriers has allowed it to win the Dell PDA handset project, the sources commented.
Dell to eliminate more than 19 million pounds of lead Reliable Plant Magazine pledged to eliminate more than 19 million pounds of lead from its manufacturing processes as part of EPA’s National Partnership for Environmental Priorities (NPEP). ..... Dell will achieve the pledged lead reductions by eliminating the cathode ray tube computer monitors it previously manufactured and replacing them with flat screen panels. The switch will cut a total of 19.75 million pounds of lead and lead compounds and will make Dell the largest reducer of hazardous chemicals in the nation to join the NPEP program
Owner of Bell Canada In Talks To Go Private New York Times it would convert to an income trust, a structure that avoids corporate taxes by paying out most of its earnings directly to investors

Virginia Tech Shooting: Hunting Must Be Regulated

Nepali students at Virginia Tech shocked but safe NepalNews "I spent a lot of time yesterday (within hours of the two incidents) to be in touch with Nepalese (students, staff, and families). Based on my conversation and meetings with Nepalese here, it is my understanding that no Nepali individual has been injured or dead," Gnyawali told Nepalnews. ....... Dr. Gnyawali, who is the only Nepali faculty at Virginia Tech, has been teaching there for the past 10 years. "It is a wonderful university and used to be a very peaceful one," he said.
I have been to the campus. My high school classmate Tirtha who was a Ph.D student there showed me around. I still have a friend there. And so I had to shoot a quick email her way, ccing it to her husband in Chicago, also a friend: Please confirm you are okay. She is Russian, he is Albanian, college friends. I have been to the town many times. It is a big fancy university in a small hilly town by a very busy interstate.

Americans are fat. That is the first thing I think about whenever I get into thinking about health care as a policy. And, no, it is not genetics. It is to do with unhealthy eating and exercise habits. There is a need for a culture shift. Obesity is the source of most diseases.

Similarly, there is another obvious, glaring truth. The gun laws in this country are insane. I understand hunting. Although I prefer people shot with their camera and not their gun. But if they do have to shoot with their gun, the gun must be limited to the sport of hunting. That part I understand. And this is supposed to be a country of rule of law. Citizens are not supposed to take law into their hands. Law enforcement is a state function. And I totally understand why police officers have to carry guns. That I understand.

What I don't understand is why it is legal to manufacture and sell and carry all sorts of firearms which have no purpose other than to kill people. Most are designed to kill many people all at once. If these are not meant to kill but are only meant to be toys, maybe only non-lethal bullets should be sold. But what does it mean to sell lethal bullets?

If the right to bear arms is mentioned somewhere in the constitution, it should be scrapped. 1776 you were worried about wild animals in your backyard. Back then slavery was also protected by the constitution. There is a right to free speech, and a right to peaceful assembly, but no right to bear arms. I don't read that anywhere in the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights, which supercedes all constitutions of all countries all over the world.

Hunting should be a regulated sport. Police officers should be the only ones allowed to carry guns. And the right to bear arms has to be scrapped from the constitution.

People will get depressed, sure. People will get angry. People will get mad at each other. But they should not have the option to go buy a handgun for a few hundred dollars and go on a killing spree.

Va. Tech Gunman Writings Raised Concerns San Francisco Chronicle, CA whose creative writing was so disturbing that he was referred to the school's counseling service ...... he may have been taking medication for depression, that he was becoming increasingly violent and erratic, and that he left a note in his dorm in which he railed against "rich kids,""debauchery" and "deceitful charlatans" on campus. ....... the deadliest shooting rampage in modern U.S. history .... "He was a loner, and we're having difficulty finding information about him" ....... he left a note in his dorm room that included a rambling list of grievances ...... he had recently shown troubling signs, including setting a fire in a dorm room and stalking some women. ...... the note, several pages long, explains Cho's actions and says, "You caused me to do this." ....... two guns were found ..... Cho's backpack contained a receipt for a March purchase of a Glock 9 mm pistol. Cho held a green card ....... he was eligible to buy a handgun unless he had been convicted of a felony. ..... one gun was used in both ....... "He was very quiet, always by himself," neighbor Abdul Shash said. Shash said Cho spent a lot of his free time playing basketball and would not respond if someone greeted him. He described the family as quiet. ........ Virginia Tech Police issued a speeding ticket to Cho on April 7 for going 44 mph in a 25 mph zone, and he had a court date set for May 23. ....... South Korea expressed its condolences, and said it hoped that the tragedy would not "stir up racial prejudice or confrontation." ....... Gov. Tim Kaine was flying back to Virginia from Tokyo ....... Jessie Ferguson, 19, a freshman from Arlington, left Newman Hall and headed for her car with tears streaming down her red cheeks. ......... Although she wanted to be with friends, she wanted her family more. "I just don't want to be on campus," she said. ....... The victims in Norris Hall were found in four classrooms and a stairwell ...... a shooter who fired away in "eerily silence" with "no specific target — just taking out anybody he could." ...... Until Monday, the deadliest shooting in modern U.S. history was in Killeen, Texas, in 1991, when George Hennard plowed his pickup truck into a Luby's Cafeteria and shot 23 people to death, then himself. ...... Previously, the deadliest campus shooting in U.S. history was a rampage that took place in 1966 at the University of Texas at Austin, where Charles Whitman climbed the clock tower and opened fire with a rifle from the 28th-floor observation deck. He killed 16 people before he was shot to death by police.
Va. Tech Gunman Writings Raised Concerns Forbes, NY
Campus Gunman Lived In Us 14 Years Guardian Unlimited, UK
Gunman's Writings Were Disturbing Guardian Unlimited, UK
Sources: Gunman left rambling note Baltimore Sun, MD
Gunman in Virginia Tech massacre had raised concerns with his ... Boston Herald, MA
Campus Gunman Lived in US 14 Years Newsday, NY
Gunman ID'd as student; tests tie same gun to both attacks Newsday, NY
Campus gunman lived in US since 1992 Reuters.uk, UK
The English major who shot his way into history Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
Shooter Identified as Cho Seung-Hui, 23 ABC News
Gunman came to US at age 8 from South Korea SI.com
Gunman in Virginia Tech massacre had raised concerns with his ... San Diego Union Tribune, CA
The Shooter: Cho Seung Hui Wall Street Journal
Virginia killings: South Korean immigrant was the shooter Times of India, India
Asians fear backlash after Virginia school shooting Malaysia Star, Malaysia Virginia Tech student Jiyoun Yoo was terrified when she heard a gunman had rampaged through her campus, killing 32 of her classmates. When news broke on Tuesday that the gunman was a South Korean student, her fear took a new direction. "I'm from South Korea, so I am a little bit scared," said Yoo, 24, as she walked on campus. "The shooting was just one person, but maybe it will affect all South Korean students." ....... Yoo, a petite graduate student with long black hair, said she didn't know the gunman and none of her Korean friends had heard of him either. ... "If he speaks Korean, we'd maybe know him, but none of us does," she said. She said her family in Seoul had called overnight, very concerned Yoo might be a target if there was a backlash against Asian students at Virginia Tech. ..... The South Korean government also expressed fears of a backlash. ..... South Korea has the largest number of foreign students in the United States, with nearly 15 percent, according to the U.S. Customs and Enforcement Web site. ..... Some 1,655 students at Virginia Tech, or 6.2 percent, are Asian, the university's Web site says. ..... Foreign-born residents in Blacksburg said the town, nestled in the mountains of southwest Virginia, has been a welcoming place to live and work.
Classes canceled for rest of the week after deadly shooting ABC2 News, MD
Va. Tech Shooter "A Loner" 13wmaz, GA
Virginia Tech Gunman Note Lashed Out at Students My Fox Boston, MA

US Gun Control Laws Criticized Abroad San Francisco Chronicle, CA
Gun Control Is Tough Sell In Congress Guardian Unlimited, UK while Democrats now control the Congress, many of its new members are gun rights supporters from rural states.
Powerful US gun lobby has no comment about shooting Reuters
Rampage likely to stir debate on gun control Cincinnati Post, OH
Massacre sparks foreign criticism of US gun culture Reuters India, India European newspapers saw a grim inevitability about the shootings, given the right to bear arms which is enshrined in America's constitution. Australian Prime Minister John Howard, a staunch U.S. political ally, cited the tough gun laws in his country as a solution. Australia banned almost all types of semi-automatic weapons after a mass shooting in Tasmania in 1996. ...... Media commentators in Europe were quick to blame the permissive U.S. gun laws for the massacre. In Italy, the Leftist Il Manifesto newspaper said the shooting was "as American as apple pie". ..... More than 30,000 people die from firearms in the United States every year and there are more guns in private hands than in any other country. By comparison, there were 163 gun deaths in the United Kingdom in 2003 ..... Some U.S. gun advocates in fact argued it was time to lift a ban on carrying arms in American schools. ...... Gun ownership is commonplace in the Philippines and shootings over trivial incidents are routine. A few years ago several fatal karaoke bar shootouts were sparked by poor renditions of Frank Sinatra's "My Way".
Bush defends the right to bear arms The Age, Australia As renewed calls for tighter gun controls spread, the White House was quick to cut them off. A spokeswoman for Mr Bush said his policy was to vigorously enforce the right to bear arms. ..... Virginia has some of the most lax gun laws in the country. ...... John McCain said the rampage did not change his view that the constitution guaranteed the right to carry a weapon. ..... Few politicians were prepared to take up the challenge of Paul Helmke, the president of the Brady Campaign, America's premier gun control lobby group, which called on Congress to hold a debate on the gun control issue. ....... Virginia does not require licensing of gun owners or registration of weapons. You can walk into a shop and just buy a gun. There is no cooling-off period to prevent crimes of passion. ...... Virginia's governor, Timothy Kaine, cut short a visit to Japan and said: "It is difficult to comprehend senseless violence on this scale." ......... "There are lots of guns around on campus because there is a corps of cadets." Virginia Tech is one of a few universities with a military training program..... "We still live in a society where gun violence is an overriding concern,"