Tuesday, February 28, 2006

DFNYC, Drinking Liberally, DL21C, Cosmopolity

When I came into town it was like I landed on the DFNYC helipad, no regrets. I am a Deaniac, DFNYC is a great group. But I might be growing out of it. I am looking for other groups more to my bent. DFNYC is too structured for me. I am not aspiring of event planning and stuff like that that the DFNYC leadership folks do. And I am not exactly trying to become a foot soldier, nothing wrong with that.

Through DFNYC itself I have bumped into two groups of interest. Drinking Liberally and DL21C. First time was at the Fernando Ferrer's debate with Bloomberg. Then the State Of The Union watch party. I am particulary leaning towards Drinking Liberally. I am not a big drinker. But what I have missed most at DFNYC is relentless, hard core political conversations with no deadlines. I want to be up at 2 AM. Talk is action. I want to blog, and I want to talk, and I want to go back and blog the talk.

I am surprised it has taken me this long. But I am warming up to the idea. I am not walking away from DFNYC. It is just that I am going to be more selective in terms of what events I show up for. And I am going to expand to attending events of some other groups. The Nepal related events themselves are expanding. I am going full time political in a professional way. Make the money, talk the talk. Do the work. Meet the people.

And look what I just found: The Cosmopolity Calendar. I knew there had to be a clearinghouse of this sort. There is. Wow. This Drinking Liberally thing is like having 20 LinkUps a month, and these are probably free flowing stuff.

There is a forest out there. Look.

Click Back America Makes online activism easy and effective. Anonymous philanthropists donate $1 to progressive action groups for every act of one-click participation in web-based campaigns.

DL21C Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century organizes terrific gatherings at which high-profile politicians and authors speak to 20- and 30-something crowd.

Democracy in the Park Putting the grass back in grassroots, this group basks in the sun and shade in the park on weekend afternoons, and uses free weekend cellular minutes to reach out to swing-state voters. A ll you need is a cell phone with weekend minutes and a willingness to spend a few hours under the trees helping uproot a particularly malignant Bush.

Drinking Liberally A weekly Democratic drinking club in Hell's Kitchen, where young progressives share ideas while sharing pitchers.

Move On Encourages its 1.6 million members to join nation-wide petitions, donate money to progressive causes and take individual acts for innovative publicity and fundraising events.

New Democratic Majority New Democratic Majority is a grassroots organization growing out of the energy of the 2004 Democratic Primary. Our mission is to get progressive Democrats elected and get elected Democrats progressive. From our base in New York City, we are dedicated to turning back the tide of the radical right, reclaiming the Democratic Party for progressive values, renewing individual involvement in civic life, and working together to elect candidates to local, state, and national office.

This is looking good. But I am primarily interested in events, not organizations. I just want to show up.

NYC is the progrssive supermarket, not your corner store. There is so much to choose from.

What tops it all is my own little franchise:

A Take Back The White House 2008 Meetup.

Are you the in crowd? Show up. I am barely starting.

Whas has it been like in NYC? The day I moved in I felt like I own this city. It felt like breaking the sound barrier: there was too much to leave behind. That feeling never left me. I got this tremendous sense of belonging. I vowed to never again step outside the city boundaries. I once broke the vow and regretted it.

It is not like the evil is gone, it is just that there is so much to choose from. There are people and times that remind me I am right back in Kentucky and Indiana. Like you would be talking to some woman who happens to be white and there will show up some asshole out of the blue who would like to buy that woman a drink, in the middle of your conversation. Dogs claim their territory by raising one leg. How do white males do it? I mean, it is not humanly possible I am romantically interested in every member of the opposite sex I meet. And if white women get treated as territory, it is primarily their problem, not mine.

Or the lousy childhood crowd. Because the guy had a lousy childhood, he feels the strong urge to make racist comments. He never heard of counsellors or therapy sessions. It is not personal, it is purely statistical. If you meet nine white guys, the tenth will be an asshole. You just have to ask them out of your face. I am too busy thinking of fascinating things and prospects. I don't have the time to help cure your sick heart. Go get yourself a doctor. I don't know about Staten Island yet, but the rest of the city is mine. (My Back Against The Wall)

The beauty of the 90-10 rule is the 90. The vast majority of people you meet are just great. Like Brett Buzzini; no, he is not Italian. He emailed me to meet because he had been reading my Nepal blog. He just got his Masters at Columbia. He did a search on Nepal, ended up at my blog, started reading it. And we met over coffee, he bought me coffee.

Alvaro Larrain is actually French. Met him at the Hillary event. Great guy. (Hillary In Person) He actually is from Chile though. He is from the Global freaking South.

I don't have the time to be dwelling much on white racism. We all have our problems, the white people have theirs. What I do have time for is my blacness: blac. It feels like stargazing. Keep your mouth shut. I don't want to watch you eat. I don't have the time to deal with racist comments. I am plenty busy doing other things. Besides, this city is mine. You are just passing through. This is a huge solar system, you speck of dust.

NYC & Company: New York City's Official Tourism Website for ...
NYCtourist.com - Official Guide to New York City Hotels & Tourism
New York City Guide - Recommendations and Reviews by Citysearch
NY.com, The Paperless Guide to New York City
EarthCam - Times Square
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: metmuseum.org

Karl Rove, Hands Off Hillary

I have only one message for Karl Rove: get rid of the term limits thing for the US president and let's go head to head in 2008, or shut up. You are on your way out. He gets touted as Bush' brain. I think he is reflective more of the stupidity index. Like he once famously said, Democrats tend to have Ph.Ds. Not Hillary or me.

Karl Rove will go down in history as the man who cynically played the fear factor to try to win elections. This guy is not worried about your security. But he does seem to realize getting you scared works for him politically.

Karl Rove is the Brigadier General of the Bigots. His specialty is that he can get the fundies organized and riled up enough to go block vote. I have never heard Karl Rove disagree with Hillary on policy. It is because he thinks he has the misogynist card all stacked up. Expose him. When he is talking gender, I want to talk gender, I don't want to talk the weather. When he is talking the politics of personal destruction, I want to talk the politics of personal destruction, I don't want to talk policy. Let's go head to head.

This is not about one person Hillary. This is about the progressive movement. This is about this being 2006. Karl Rove lives in the 19th century. The W campaign ran ads in South Carolina in 2000 that accused McCain of having a black child. It is not possible Rove masterminded everything else but was missing in action on that one. The heck with you, Karl. Shame on you. You play the race card, you play the fear card, you play the gender card. You play the religious right fundies.

Some GOP guy came out a few days back claiming Hillary was "angry." Now Karl thinks Hillary is "brittle." Yes, Hillary is angry, so am I. We are angry at the GOP. We are spirited. The progressives across America are spirited and angry. Karl Rove is plump, he is fuzzy, he is flat faced, flat nosed. He is squishey. Karl, is Hillary still brittle? Because if she is, I am going to have 10 more adjectives down your aisle.

Karl Rove belongs in Texas. How did he ever get out?

In The News

Karl's got Rove-ing eye for me, says irate Hil New York Daily News, NY
Hillary: Rove 'obsessing' about me Newsday, NY
Clinton Says Bush Adviser Obsesses About Her and '08 New York Times, United States
Rove obsessed by me, says Clinton Guardian Unlimited, UK
Hillary will run for White House, says Bush adviser Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom
Clinton will not be pinned down on 2008 plans Independent Online, South Africa
Clinton: Rove obsesses about me USA Today
Sen. Clinton Says Rove Obsesses About Her ABC News
Sen. Clinton says Rove obesses about her Seattle Post Intelligencer
Rove to Clinton: don't flatter yourself 7Online.com, NY
Hillary Clinton Says Rove Obsesses About Her All Headline News
Sen. Clinton Says GOP 'Obsessing' Over Her HomeTown channel.com, AR
Rove and Bush on HRC Human Events
The Empress Strikes Back Human Events
Hillary Clinton says Rove "obsessing" over her KWWL, IA
Clinton: Rove obsesses about me 9NEWS.com, CO
Clinton: Rove obsesses about me WCAX, VT
Karl Rove: 'Brittleness' is Hillary Clinton's Weakness NewsMax.com, FL
Bush, Rove Expect Hillary in 2008 Truthdig, United States
'Brittle' Hillary Clinton snaps back The Age, Australia
Hillary: Rove obsesses about me News24, South Africa
Clinton labels Rove obsessed with her plans Buffalo News, United States

Karl Rove

Karl Rove - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wayne Madsen: Exposing Karl Rove
Guardian Unlimited | US elections 2004 | Who is Karl Rove?
Karl Rove
Karl Rove in a Corner
TIME.com: Person of the Week: Karl Rove -- Page 1
Karl Rove - SourceWatch
What Rove Told Cooper on Plame Case - Newsweek National News ...


25 February16:28SUNY Brockport, Brockport, United States
25 February18:26Starcomms, Nigeria
28 February07:21Nile Online, Egypt

Of Deficits And Republicans

There are fellow Democrats who argue the Republicans are incompetent. If they were better managers, the country would not have the huge deficits. They are missing the point.

The Republicans don't run huge deficits because they don't know any better. They run huge deficits on purpose. It goes with their ideology. In their world, the government is the problem. Their first choice would be if they could get the Dems to come along and together dismantle the federal government. But considering they don't get that, they move on to their next best bet which is to starve the beast. And that is why they run huge deficits.

They would like to keep the Department of Defense and abolish every other. That is who they are. That is what they want.

Either the American people do not know the truth on the Republicans, in which case the Dems are not doing their job, or the American people are okay swiping their children's stolen credit cards, in which case the democracy in the country is working precisely the way it should. Or maybe they stole elections, and the American people got precisely what they did not want. That is why you have the congressional elections on the way to right the wrongs, to get rid of the right to return sanity to fiscal policy.

The record budget deficits go on to prove Karl Rove lacks character. What kind of man would swipe his children's stolen credit cards? Karl, you got it all wrong. It is the US budget that is brittle, it is the American future that is going brittle.

China triggers giant US deficit New Zealand Herald, New Zealand
Fed's Bernanke-would like to see lower US deficit Reuters
US Trade Deficit Hit Record High in 2005 International News Service, Australia
US deficit hits another record – could global warming save the ... Investment & Business News, UK
The Economy | Here's the US deficit, but where's the yelling? Philadelphia Inquirer, PA
Don't worry: The US deficit will fix itself Globe and Mail, Canada

CNN.com - Budget office projects US deficit to hit $477 billion ...
US National Debt Clock
The US Trade Deficit: Are We Trading Away Our Future ...
BBC NEWS | Business | Greenspan warns over US deficit
The Other US Deficit (washingtonpost.com)
US deficit hits a new record