Wednesday, November 09, 2005

38, 20

Bloomberg had a 38 point lead going into the polls but his victory margin is only 20. I had been suspecting something of this sort all along.
  • Bloomberg had only a 14 point lead before he pulled his security stunt. I read that as a 5 point lead.
  • He gave himself a huge security boost. (Bloomberg: No Mr. Security) Ferrer was not able to play that against him.
  • The media felt bought. Bloomberg gave them a ton of ad money. Ferrer called it a "brick wall."
  • There was an overt racial bias against Ferrer from the white boys among the pollsters as well as the media reporters. I saw it in action firsthand at the Bill Clinton event. The bias was to the tune of 38-20. (Bill Clinton Had Icecream For Lunch)
  • Quite a few Bloomberg supporters stayed home.
  • Ferrer should have used the online medium more. He plain refused. (100 Hours Of Video Online Will Elect Ferrer)
  • Ed Koch played villain. He did his very best to neutralize Ferrer's record as Bronx Borough President. It can be argued the $100 million did not come from Ed Koch, it came from Bill Clinton. So Ed Koch gets no credit for the urban renewal in the Bronx. And if it was Koch who did it, all five boroughs should have experienced it, only Bronx did.
  • A lot of Dems lost their passion after the primaries. Many except the national stars who just liked the idea of dropping by the city. It is one sexy city.
  • The blacks were not behind Ferrer. The ethnics can't see eye to eye. It is the socio-psychology of the powerless.
  • Ferrer did great going on the offensive during the first debate. He did the same during the second debate, instead of offering an alternate vision. (First Mayoral Debate)
At the end of the day, Bloomberg won by a landslide. And he deserves to be congratulated. I just felt the need to analyze, crunch a few numbers. (Congratulations Bloomberg, Now Switch Back Parties)

Congratulations Bloomberg, Now Switch Back Parties
Obama Was In Town And I Missed It
Dean And Ferrer At City College
First Mayoral Debate
Mixer For Ferrer
Ferrer Gets Aggressive At A Ferrer Fundraiser
Mixing It For Ferrer
Bill Clinton Had Icecream For Lunch
Bill Clinton Has Left The Building
100 Hours Of Video Online Will Elect Ferrer
Jesse Jackson On Martin Luther King Boulevard
No Taxation Without Representation
My Photo At
The Bloomberg Machine
Ferrer Can
Bloomberg: No Mr. Security
Messages To Dean, Ferrer
Soaking In Howard Dean
Lewis Cohen Has Been Behind Ferrer Since Summer 2004
Going On The Offensive For Ferrer
Dean Was In Town Yesterday
Bloomberg Is No Democrat
Fernando Ferrer

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Congratulations Bloomberg, Now Switch Back Parties

The official results are not out yet, but you had a 38 point lead in the polls going in, so I figure you will win. This is an hour past the polls have closed.


You were a lifelong Democrat. Then you switched parties in 2001 to avoid the crowded, machine-oriented, cumbersome Democratic primaries to run for mayor of this great city. And you stayed a Republican for 2005. But now all that is behind you. You will not be running for mayor again.

So now it is high time you reclaimed your Democratic roots. Switch back. Make it official. Come out of the closet.

The Republicans just lost New Jersey and Virginia. They will lose the Congress in 2006. Switch now. Or people might think you will go with the party on the upswing. Now is the time. Switch and honor this great progressive city.