Monday, October 17, 2005

The Saudi Royal Family Has Got To Go

The War On Terror is the same magnitude as the Cold War, but it does not have to last 70 or 50 years. It can be concluded by the year 2020 or earlier. And you do that by ensuring a total spread of democracy in a proactive way. Spreading democracy the progressive way has got to be the progressive strategy to win the War On Terror.

The House Of Saud has to fall, it has to get out of the way. Looks like there is a convergence point between me and Osama Bin Laden there. But then disagreements start. How to get there? We disagree. What to do after getting there? We disagree. His strategy of getting there is violent. And he wants to turn the country into a medieval theocracy. We want a Saudi Arabia that is a republic and a democracy.

The idea has got to be to ensure the most sophisticated moral and logistical support to the grassroots, non-violent activists for democracy right there in Saudi Arabia. We are going to give Osama a run for his money right there. We are going to train non-violent activists for democracy like he never trained an Al Qaeda fighter. It is going to be war with communications technology.

King George was wrong for America. The House of Saud is wrong for the people of Saudi Arabia. Monrachies make no sense.

Either a country is a democracy, or it is not, there is no middle ground. And countries that are not democratic need some rapid therapy.

The Arab immigrants in New York City will take the lead, first by aligning themselves with DFNYC, and then by splitting like amoeba to spearhead their own movements. Democracy For Qatar, Democracy For Yemen, Democracy For Kuwait, Democracy For Saudi Arabia, what have you.

NYC is the capital city of the world, and it is going to act like it too.

5 Steps To Democracy

Once the activists can get a critical mass of people out in the streets, all the world's powers need to come around to recognizing them as the new interim government. Start out by kicking out the ambassadors of the old regime.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I Am Running For Dean 2008 Campaign Chair

I think I am. I think of Dean 2008 every single day. Google my name: I am qualified. It can be said I moved to NYC, the progressive capital, to set up shop, although it has been more like gelling than an outright announcement.

I am old enough, in my early 30s. You could not have hired a 40 plus executive to launch Google. Dean 2008 is nothing less than a Google. This is like launching a Google. You need me. I will hire older CEO, COO, CTO, CFO types if I have to balance it out, duke it out. But not for the sake of it. You need the person with the idea leading the effort. Nuts and bolts are not the primary challenge. What you are looking for is oomph, fire in the belly, and I have it.

I am the only person who has so totally thought it through. I deserve it because I have thought it.

Dean 2008 is like a major dot com startup. Only its impact will be much larger than any dot com ever. A startup does not get launched by a veteran. A startup gets launched by a newbie.

Only a Deaniac can lead Deaniacs. I am a 2004 veteran.

Dean 2008 can not be launched until January 2007, and that is all good. But that does not prevent me from working on it every single day till then. On my own. Howard Dean is an inspiration, and that is all I really need to do my work. And I am really hoping I can make enough money through online marketing and blogging in a residual way by then that I can become a Campaign Chair who refuses a salary. A volunteer might better inspire an army of volunteers.

There is not another Democrat in America who has a strong on defense prescription like I do, and the experience I have acquired by telecommuting into the movement for democracy in Nepal.

I have personally won an election in the South. I think I have a solid strategy to win at least half the Southern states.

I have invented a few concepts that are really going to blow the competition out of the water.

I can do it. I have the talent, the vision, the will, the desire. I am ready as is. I will prepare more.