Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Bloomberg Machine

Poll: Bloomberg Extends Lead in NYC Race Two new polls indicate the mayor's response to the terror threat helped him nearly double his lead over Fernando Ferrer. And an overwhelming majority of voters said they believe Bloomberg is stronger on security than his opponent....... Bloomberg with a 28-point lead over Ferrer, 60 percent to 32 percent, among likely voters....... the mayor appeared with the police commissioner and FBI officials to announce the potential al-Qaida attack and a tightening of subway security........ A Quinnipiac poll released three weeks earlier found the incumbent leading by 14 points...... CNN and the New York Post, citing unidentified sources, reported that an informant in Iraq who had told U.S. authorities about the plot later admitted he made it up. Bloomberg and police officials questioned those reports Tuesday........ The billionaire incumbent, who is financing his campaign with his fortune, led among both black voters and Democrats in the Quinnipiac poll. Ferrer, who is of Puerto Rican descent, had a slight edge over the mayor among Hispanic voters...... More than three-fourths of those surveyed gave Bloomberg high marks on security and favored him over Ferrer for keeping the city safe.......

Ferrer Attack: Ferrer's chief complaints about Bloomberg's security record are that he has failed to fight for federal counterterrorism funds, and should hire more officers to the city's police force of nearly 37,000.

Bloomberg Attack: Bloomberg's opposition grumbled about whether last week's threat announcement was a political ploy, but Bloomberg said Monday that he and his police commissioner were not playing politics....... "The implication that Ray Kelly or I would try to scare people for some sort of petty political gain is pretty cynical," the mayor said. "You can't stop and worry about politics when you're talking about keeping people safe in this city."

Looks like Bloomberg did get a major security boost.

Bloomberg: No Mr. Security

And compare the Ferrer attack to the Bloomberg attack. Bloomberg's is sharper. Sharpness works.

Bloomberg's online ads the past few days have been more message focused. The beauty ads are gone. I wonder if people on the Bloomberg campaign have been reading my blog. Maybe not. But I did criticize the beauty ads a few days back.

Ferrer could get more aggressive. But then if Bloomberg is getting most of the black vote, something is cooking up.

The self-made billionaire perhaps has limitless supplies of money and a political instinct or two to top that.

Ferrer Can

One Blog One LinkUp One Atom

Blogger allows that. So every Organizer of a MeetUp/LinkUp would have a blog, and all participants of that MeetUp are invited to become members of that blog. And so the meeting literally never stops. It is at that blog that you can read the agenda a few days before the MeetUp.

After getting a Blogger account to join the LinkUp blog, a member can create a personal blog or more using the same account. Having a Blogger account is kind of like having one of those email accounts, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, what have you.

This way there is virtually limitless space for policy talk. And the policy discussions during Face Time will be more informed.

That will also free up time at the MeetUps. We could use that to make sure the MeetUps stay within the hour. If people were to know MeetUps last only an hour, more people are likely to show up.

More free time would also mean we could use that for team building exercises. Ice breaknig exercises. Let's get to know each other exercises.

We could get really creative.

One blog per MeetUp would also mean the leaders in the organization could really get a feel of the larger group on their own schedule.

A blog plus a MeetUp/LinkUp would thus be the building block of the nationwide DFA organization. This is transparent democracy.

Instead of minutes, we could have a volunteer take pictures of each MeetUp. The enthusiastic ones might even snap up video highlights to post online.

This synergy will really help us communicate with MeetUp groups across the country.

Star LinkUp Organizers could hope to receive a national audience. Kind of like having your own TV show.

The LinkUps would feel more national that way.

The social bonding would get enhanced.

Screen Time does not take away from Face Time, it contributes to it.

This idea would also lessen the pressure on the Pre MeetUps, and the After MeetUps. Such gatherings could then afford to be more social and less business.

For members to get to know each other as individuals is important.

Audio, Video, Photos.

Once we have this unit going, we could then work on the blogalaxy idea. This is one star. A galaxy is many stars.

From atoms, you can make molecules, compounds, and bigger things.

A LinkUp plus its blog is the atom.