Monday, April 03, 2023
Monday, March 27, 2023
27: Taiwan
Ukraine is being made to fight the war the hard way, not the smart way.
........ Unfortunately, NATO states, including the U.S., have been reluctant to provide the Ukrainians with missile systems with too long of a range, seemingly for fear of escalating tensions with Russia. Instead of allowing the Ukrainians to degrade Russian forces far from the front line, Ukraine is being prepared to attack that line. The Ukrainians’ fortitude and ingenuity up to this point suggest that they could indeed accomplish their task—but it’s been made much harder than it needs to be.@KaiserKuo Listened to this with utmost interest I have some questions for @ryanl_hass
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) March 25, 2023
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Taiwan's Medicare For All
In the 1990s, Taiwan did what has long been considered impossible in the US: The island of 24 million people took a fractured and inequitable health care system and transformed it into something as close to Sen. Bernie Sanders’s vision of Medicare-for-all as anything in the world......... No health care system is perfect. But most of America’s economic peers have figured out a way to deliver truly universal coverage and quality care. The United States has not.
Taiwan's Medicare For All #MedicareForAll #universalhealthcare #BernieSanders #Bernie #BernieBeatsTrump #BernieSanders2020 #Bernie2020 #Sanders2020 #FeelTheBern #AOC @BernieSanders @AOC @justicedems @sunrisemvmt #HealthForAll #healthcare
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) January 16, 2020
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre
The protests are so large scale. They represent the sentiment of the people in Hong Kong.
This is not about changing the political system in China. This is about keeping the political system in Hong Kong. Beijing should not have problems with that.
More than 10 weeks of protests with the Hong Kong airport shut down --- that is enough. The message is loud and clear and it needs to be heard.
The agreement of one country, two systems was between Britain and Beijing. Britain has a moral responsibility to speak up.
This revolution is being webcast live. China should not think there is a military solution to this. There has not been a police solution. Obviously. What are you going to do that the Hong Kong police has not already done? Any attempt by the Chinese military to try to mow down the protesters out in the streets is going to infect the Chinese mainland. China could see large scale protests inside China itself. 1989 will have come to China.
Or, it could negotiate with the protesters. Accept their demands. They want the CEO of Hong Kong - or whatever her title is - out. Well, let her go. They want the extradition bill scrapped. Well, scrap it. They want the chief executive of Hong Kong to be directly elected by the people of Hong Kong. Well, do it already. They want all members of the Hong Kong legislature directly elected by the people. I say, why not? They want the one country, two systems to be permanent. Make it permanent.
Carrie Lam does not have the authority to accept or reject these demands. The Hong Kong protest leaders seek to negotiate with Xi Jinping.
Accept the demands or prepare for the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party inside China itself. Should that happen, finally the unification with Taiwan can happen. Taiwan is proof Chinese people can prosper without a communist party running the show. Maybe what China needs is to get rid of the communist party to avoid the middle-income trap. You don't want to get trapped.
The Chinese constitution actually has provisions for things like free speech and other parties besides the communist party. But the fact on the ground is otherwise.
A 25% tariff on 100% of Chinese exports to the United States will bring 1989 to China. Hong Kong is leading the way. If there is a military crackdown in Hong Kong, the rest of the world should follow the US lead and also slap tariffs on Chinese exports. You might only have to do it for a few short weeks.
The world can not watch idly by. No massacre can be allowed to happen. When the people revolt like they are revolting in Hong Kong, they are always right.
A 1989 will create a federal China. Tibet will become the Arunachal Pradesh of China.
Military intervention in Hong Kong will be the death knell for the Chinese Communist Party in China. 30 years after 1989, the winds are blowing again.
There are protests also in Moscow.
The Hong Kong protesters are not organized enough. Become one organization with an elected central committee and leadership. Elect one person to be your leader and spokesperson. Basically, form one political party.
So far the protest organizers have focused on organizing the protests themselves. And they have done a fabulous job. The scale of the protests is incomparable to anything in recent history anywhere. But the organization has to go one level up. It has to become political. Five million people need to form one democratic political organization. It can be done quickly through digital tools.
These protests are like New Year's Eve in Times Square, only much, much larger, and much more sustained. One year I stood for 10 hours near Times Square. This has been going on for 10 weeks.
Ordinary citizens in the 100 biggest cities of the world all need to gather in their own cities to express solidarity with the people of Hong Kong. The governments of the world need to speak up against any possible military interventions before they happen.
There are Chinese in Hong Kong. But then there are also Chinese in London, and New York City, and Sydney. They should form the nucleus around which the non-Chinese should also congregate. One solidarity protest gathering on a Saturday or Sunday will send a strong signal to the leaders of the world. The Chinese diaspora needs to wake up.
Freedom is truly an internal matter. It is a matter of the heart.
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @raypaxful @AndrewYang @elonmusk @AOC @BernieSanders @ewarren @KamalaHarris @LiuNewYork #Hongkongprotest #HongKongAirport #democracy #taiwan #hongkong— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 13, 2019
Earlier - Police assaulting young girl already fallen on ground #antiELAB #NoExtraditionChina— Galileo Cheng (@galileocheng) June 12, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @daaitoulaam @laurelchor @chowtingagnes @joshuawongcf @ManYuen_Ng @nathanlawkc @yauwaiching @CardJosephZen @jasonli @JackHHazlewood @2legit2trip @Anon_Snufkin @anti_elab @fulgur_irruptiv— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 13, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @galileocheng @GeoffreyKFCheng @HighlandPaddyHK @Hk60740379Hk @HKBigLychee @HKWORLDCITY @HongKongHermit @hkerblog @kittychittii @lifang072 @liuyun2018 @MaggieHo20 @Qwe123a01478314 @RHaccart— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 13, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @singsingarsing @wildwong @wys1215baozi @whitebison66 @kaming @jeromyu @kbflF5 @LeoAW @aaronMCN @alanwongw @alvinllum @andreas_lo @austinramzy @benjaminbland @BrittClennett @chengchungtai— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 13, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @realDonaldTrump @stephenbannon @BreitbartXM @BreitbartNews @SiriusXMPatriot @chopkickpunch @creery_j @damon_pang— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 13, 2019
Hong Kong tonight.— Venus Wu (@wu_venus) June 9, 2019
Photo’s taken roughly six hours after the protest began.
An activist on Facebook said he waited for five hours before he could start marching.
Imagine that.
Photo Credit: Apple Daily
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @DavidJRMissal @elimeixler @elson_tong @EricCheungwc @erinhale @gracehw @haasbenjamin @HelierCheung @hkchrislau @holmeschan_ @IlariaMariaSala @jackycwong @jeffielam @jimcyf @joannachiu— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 13, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @karenklcheung @kevinluikf @krislc @laurelchor @maryhui @mgerrydoyle @mikeives @ngnaomi @nicolle_liu @pakwayne @phila_siu @phoebe_kongwy @RamyInocencio @selina_cheng @SijiaJ @stegersaurus— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 13, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @suelinwong @sumlokkei @timmysung @tinssoldier @tomgrundy @vickywong710 @wilfredchan @wu_venus @yuenok @HongKongPLG @jasonyng @kasefiles @missy_lao@fongyun— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 13, 2019
NEW: "The Hong Kong thing is a very tough situation, very tough," Pres. Trump says.— ABC News (@ABC) August 13, 2019
"We'll see what happens, but I'm sure it will work out. I hope it works out for everybody—including China, by the way."
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @LamYikFei @hkpoliceforce @loktinau @AlvinYeungnk @charlesmok @ChuHoiDick @ray_slowbeat @angelagui_ @jeffreychngo @johncw_Mok @ayhcheung @DanGarrett97 @keithrichburg @lokmantsui— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 14, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @patrickpoon @myetcetera @Comparativist @xinwenxiaojie @hoccgoomusic @antd @KongTsungGan— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 14, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @realdonaldtrump @pontifex @narendramodi @pmoindia @potus @whitehouse @RT_erdogan @sushmaswaraj @queenrania @HHShkMohd @ImranKhanPTI @KingSalman @tcbestepe @10DowningStreet @StateDept
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 15, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @MedvedevRussia @lopezobrador_ @mauriciomacri @rashtrapatibhvn @justintrudeau @abzayed @RoyalFamily @EmmanuelMacron @KremlinRussia @UKenyatta @NicolasMaduro @jairbolsonaro @AdelAljubeir
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 15, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @AlsisiOfficial @Elysee @MohamedBinZayed @sebastianpinera @KSAMOFA @SMQureshiPTI @MEAIndia @moonriver365 @mbuhari @arifalvi @govuk @presidencia_ec @jaarreaza @saadhariri @m_ebrard
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 15, 2019
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre @netanyahu @indiandiplomacy @paulkagame @TC_Disisleri @MevlutCavusoglu @NGRPresident
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 15, 2019
I agree with @realDonaldTrump #firsttime Xi should meet the protest leaders.
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 15, 2019
As Hong Kong braces for protests, Chinese paramilitary holds drills across border
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) August 15, 2019
Monday, August 28, 2017
Doka La Standoff: China Proved Its Point On Tibet
Doka La standoff ends: Chinese troops leave disputed area
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) August 28, 2017
If in 1890 the British Empire recognized Tibet to have been Chinese territory and dealt with the Chinese state on all matters Tibet, perhaps it is not true that China invaded Tibet in the 1950s. That is the point China intended to prove through this standoff and it has done so. China did not back down. China proved its point. Done and over with.

Doka La border standoff: India, China announce end of two-month long impasse via carefully staged face-saver
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) August 28, 2017
Monday, June 15, 2015
China: A Complex Picture
- A black guy is in the White House occupying the most powerful political office on the planet and can still be at the receiving end of racism. What is the solution to that? The only way the African Americans are lo longer a sorry lot in America is if Africa does the China thing. Africa needs to become an economic powerhouse. Africa needs to attempt a political, economic union, or at least a free trade area.
- China has lifted more people out of poverty than any power in history. I would want India and Africa to emulate that.
- China grew at double digit growth rates for 30 years. That is mind blowing. I want to know how. I want to learn.
- China has campaign finance reform. America needs campaign finance reform.
- The only way China can now go back to double digit growth rates is if it engages in fundamental political reform. China still is only one fourth the size of America measured by per capita income. It needs to grow at double digit rates for another 20 years before it relaxes a bit.
- The only way China can truly integrate Taiwan and Tibet is if it goes federal.
- You can not dream up the industries of tomorrow if you do not celebrate free speech. It is only a matter of time before the Internet is beamed down from the skies, and then your virtual Great Wall will fall like a house of cards.
- Don't exacerbate ethnic tensions in places like Sri Lanka and Burma, or India will come after you with everything it's got.
- If the Dalai Lama wants to visit Tibet, he should be allowed to visit Tibet. Anyone or any power who thinks otherwise is wrong in the head.
- China engaging in fundamental political reform paves the way for China becoming a true global power.
- China could lead the way on things like boundless clean energy and global bullet trains. But only political reforms will give it an image makeover to make big moves possible.
- True leaders are not bullies.
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