The Clintons must have made too much money since they left the White House. Their definition of middle class has changed. Those making more than $97,000 a year are the top 6%. But for Hillary that is now middle class.
Barack's point is that you can have the fiscal responsibility that Hillary talks about and still you are going to have to do more because over 70 million baby boomers are getting ready to retire. He says the cap has to be lifted. People making more than $200,000 are going to have to start paying also on that income.
Fiscal responsibility is breakfast, raising the cap is lunch. It is not a choice between one and the other. Both agree on the breakfast part but Hillary refuses to accept the reality of lunch. She is in denial.
This is another attempt on Hillary's part to sound like a Bush Republican. Oh, don't raise that tax now.
Did Hillary vote for the trillion dollar Bush tax cuts? Back in 2001? Somebody go check the records. Considering Hillary thinks going back to Bill Clinton policies on everything is the way to go on every issue, she should realize all Barack is doing is undoing Bush' harmful trillion dollar tax cut for the top 1%. Maybe she will fall for that if explained that way.
In 1992 Bill Clinton falsely accused Paul Tsongas of wanting to raise taxes on the middle class. He knew he was lying. But before the news cycle was over, he had managed to "shake Tsongas off his trousers." Tsongas never got the opportunity to correct.
Hillary is mistaken. This is not 1992, Bill Clinton and Paul Tsongas. This is 1960, JFK, and Lyndon Johnson. At worst, this is 1980, George H W Bush, and Ronald Reagan. But likely 1960.
In The News
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