Showing posts with label prashant kishor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prashant kishor. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2022

बिहार को २०% आर्थिक वृद्धि दर देने के लिए फोर्मुला: सब्जी और फाइवजी (5G)

मैंने कल्ह प्रशांत किशोर को ट्विटर पर डायरेक्ट मेसेज किया तो उन्होंने तुरन्त जवाब दिया। कि अपना नम्बर यहीं पर भेजिए, मेरे टीम से कोइ आप से सम्पर्क कर लेगा। मैंने नम्बर भेज दिया। व्हाट्सप्प यूनिवर्सिटी का मैं भी असिस्टेंट लेक्चरर। 

२०% आर्थिक वृद्धि दर किसी ने नहीं दिया। चीन भी १० तक आ के अटक गया। अब तो वो १० भी रफुचक्कर है। अमरिका दो करता है तो खुद की वाहवाही करने लगता है। कि हमने दो किया। ब्रिटेन तो अभी भी चोरी ही करता है। कहा जाता है (और ये तथ्यांक है) ब्रिटैन ने २०० साल में भारत से ४५ ट्रिलियन डॉलर की चोरी की। तो चोरी तो बरक़रार है। छोटे छोटे ढेर सारे टापु हैं जहाँ दुनिया भर ले लुटा पैसा लंदन के बैंको तक ले जाने का काम होता है। उस प्रत्येक टापु पर ब्रिटेन का शासन है। 

पहला काम ही फाइवजी (5G) --- सही मापदंड के आधार पर सही कंपनी को लाइसेंस दिजिए, उससे पैसा लिजिए, और वो पैसा शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य पर खर्चा किजिए। देश के कोने कोने में फाइवजी (5G) है तो सरकारी सेवा अभी से ९०% कम खर्चे में नागरिक तक पहुँचाया जा सकता है और अभी से १०० गुना बेहतर। सरकारी सेवा घर घर। ८०% सरकारी वेतन वालों की छुट्टी। उनको निजी क्षेत्र में भेजो ताकि दुगुनी कमा सके। 

रोजगारी असीमित है लेकिन इंटरनेट पर है और दुनिया के कोने कोने में। लेकिन उसके  लिए शिक्षित होना जरूरी है। ये मान के चलिए उससे सिर्फ २०% लोग लाभान्वित होंगे। 

बाँकी ८०% के लिए सब्जी खेती। कोशी नदी पर चुरिया पहाड़ पर नया डैम। पुर्ण बाढ़ नियंत्रण। १२ माह प्रत्येक खेत तक पानी। पुर्ण बाढ़ नियंत्रण का मतलब नेपाल से ५०,००० मेगावाट बिजली मिलने लगेगा। कोलकाता बंदरगाह तक रेफ्रिजरेटेड ट्रेन। सब्जी जाएगी दुबई से शंघाई तक, सिंगापुर से सिडनी तक। मुंबई तो जाएगी ही। 

आज अगर नालंदा का स्थापना करना पड़े तो किताब और रिसर्च जर्नल सब ऑनलाइन होंगे। कॉस्ट सीधे आ जाता है जीरो पर। 

Fed delivers jumbo 0.75% rate rise The Federal Reserve hiked interest rates by a super-sized three-quarters of a percentage point Wednesday — the biggest increase since 1994 — and said it may do so again in July in a bid to bring inflation to heel. Consumer prices have crested to the highest level in 40 years, reaching an annual 8.6% in May. The central bank's benchmark federal funds rate now stands at a range between 1.5% and 1.75%, and the Fed said rates could hit 3.4% by the end of the year — the highest since 2008 — and 3.8% by the end of 2023. ......... The Fed expects economic growth to slow to 1.7% this year as borrowing becomes more expensive, and for unemployment to reach 3.7% by the end of this year and 4.1% through 2024.

Tesla shifts cuts into higher gear

Improving communication across distributed teams

Artificial Intelligence is the future & the future is here! The global Artificial Intelligence(AI) market is valued approximately at USD 350 billion and annual growth rate is estimated to be roughly 38%.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

प्रशांत किशोर और २०२४ का चुनाव

हम मोदी जी के प्रशंसक हैं। अच्छा काम किया है और कर रहे हैं। उद्यमी के लिए काम करना (Ease Of Doing Business) आसान किया है। पुर्वसंरचना (Infrastructure) पर काम हो रहा है। नितिन का काम देखो। लेकिन शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्र ब्लाइंड स्पॉट की तरह है। जिस पृष्ठभुमि से आए हैं और जहाँ पर पहुँचे हैं वो एक मिशाल है। विश्व मंच पर देश के लिए एक जगह बना लिया है। 

लेकिन १०% आर्थिक वृद्धि दर तो दिया नहीं। २०% देंगे ये तो संभावना दिख नहीं रहा। 

और विपक्ष बिलकुल असफल है। बगैर एक सबल विपक्ष के लोकतंत्र ही कमजोर हो जाता है। 

बिहार, उत्तर प्रदेश, झारखण्ड, मध्य प्रदेश, ओरिसा जैसे चार पाँच राज्यों में प्रशांत को खुद जाना होगा। उसके अलाबे देश भर एक मोर्चा बनाना होगा। मोर्चा का फोर्मुला हो कि एक पद एक उम्मेदवार देश भर। और चुनाव के बाद सभी सदस्य पार्टी सांसदों की एक निर्वाचक मंडल। वो निर्वाचक मंडल मतदान कर कि मोर्चा का नेता कौन हो। उतना मानने वाले पार्टी मोर्चा के सदस्य बन सकते हैं। नहीं मानने वाले नहीं बन सकते।  वो कांग्रेस पर भी लागु होती है।   

ऐसा भी हो सकता है कि कांग्रेस इस बात को न माने। और उसके विरुद्ध भी चुनाव लड़ना पड़ जाए। 

इस रास्ते चल के देश के लिए दोनों हाथ में लड्डु। मोर्चा ने सरकार बनायीं तो सरकार बनायीं। नहीं बना पायी तो देश को सबल विपक्ष मिल जाएगा। 

15: Modi, Prashant Kishor, India

बिटक्वाइनको मूल्यमा कीर्तिमानी गिरावट
‘गाली गर्ने कार्यक्रम’ भन्दै किन रिसाएर हिँडे मेयर बालेन ?

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Prashant And 2024

I think Prashant Kishor is going to be forced to run for parliament.

You can't do a Padyatra and not launch a party. You can't say I will sit 2024 out, and launch a party for 2025. That would not work.

Prashant is the only person who could form an all India coalition of opposition parties. Congress would be the junior partner.

This should not be an alliance but a confederation. All MPs of the alliance would come together to form a formal decision making body. It would elect its leader. Simple as that. I don't think Rahul stands a chance.

The Mahatma's magic is not in his last name, although it is good branding. The Mahatma's magic is in his thoughts, ideals and methods.

Remember, he experimented. My Experiments With Truth? He asks you to experiment. He does not ask you to simply accept his conclusions like rote learning.

The rule for the alliace would be, only one candidate per constituency.

You do those two things, and you put yourself in a position to collect the 60% of the votes that have always been out of reach for the BJP.

Prashant Kishor is not a political consultant, or a political strategist. Those terms don't describe him. He is a political talent. I can't think of another example like him on the planet. And I follow the politics of many countries.

I think he could give India a 20% growth rate. Perhaps not in year one, or year two, but by year three or four.

That would be world changing. Literally. Most of the poor people on earth live in India. It's not Africa.

I have a suggestion for a name for his party. Navajagaran. Meaning: New Beginnings. The current fashion when you launch a political party is to give it a one word name.

Prashant could get his party to contest every seat in Bihar, in Uttar Pradesh, and also Madhya Pradesh. Yes, the Congress has been number two in many contituencies in MP. But if you have been number two election after election after election, that is not being number two. You need to vacate the scene. Possibly even a chunk of Maharashtra, a chunk of Gujarat.

Monday, May 09, 2022

सुसाशन और समृद्धि: प्रशांत २०२४

प्रशांत किशोर को आगे क्या करना चाहिए? पदयात्रा का निर्णय बहुत अच्छा है। पार्टी लॉन्च करिए। देश का चुनाव २०२४ को है। बिहार का चुनाव को उसके एक साल बाद है। तो अभी बनता है कि आप केंद्र में जाने की सोंचिए। पदयात्रा करिए। पार्टी खड़ा किजिए। बिहार के ४० सीट और उत्तर प्रदेश के ८० सीट पर लड़िए। और एक राष्ट्रव्यापी अलायन्स बनाइए। चुनाव से पहले का अलायन्स।  

Ease Of Doing Business पर मोदी ने अच्छा काम किया है लेकिन उससे भी अच्छा काम करना संभव है। Infrastructure पर मोदी ने अच्छा काम किया है लेकिन उससे भी अच्छा काम करना संभव है। शिक्षा और स्वास्थ्य के क्षेत्र में केजरीवाल ने अच्छा काम किया है लेकिन उसको राष्ट्रिय स्तर पर करना जरूरी है। 

बिहार को २,००० साल पहले वाला गौरव चाहिए। 

बिहार में प्रशांत एक लोकतान्त्रिक पार्टी खड़ा करते हैं तो मुख्य मंत्री का चेहरा कोइ आ जाएगा। मुख्य मंत्री प्रशांत को बनना है वो कोइ जरूरी नहीं। प्रशांत की जरूरत दिल्ली में है। अलायन्स जिते तो वो प्रधान मंत्री बन सकते हैं। नहीं जिती तो अभी कोइ ऑप्पोजीसन लीडर है ही नहीं। 

प्रशांत किशोर अकेला वो सख्स हैं जो विपक्ष को एक जगह ला सकते हैं। 

प्रशांत भारत को २०% का आर्थिक वृद्धि दर दे सकते है। ऐसा मेरे को लगता है। 

प्रशांत का उम्र कोइ कम नहीं है। ४५। ओबामा राष्ट्रपति बने ४६ के उम्र में। 

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Finally Prashant

You can not turn an IBM into a Google. You can not turn a Google into a Tesla. Prashant Kishor's attempts to resurrect the Congress party have been like beating a dead horse. Modi still has considerable momentum, especially on the econmic growth front, but Bihar is an open game. Prashant Kishor is easily the sharpest mind on the Indian political scene. He should apply that to Bihar. I think he could sweep Bihar and become its next Chief Minister. He could at the same time give India a vibrant opposition. And he could be the man after Modi. Modi might win again in 2024, but the election after that is open season. After 15 years in power, I expect the BJP to have become a little heady, and the opposition energized. And who better to energize the oppsotion than Prashant Kishor? He is the only leader in the opposition who manages to cross borders and party lines. Rahul Gandhi nobody outside the Congress accepts. Mamata is limited to Bengal. Kejri is a Delhi plus Punjab man. If you think about it, Punjab is just a large suburb of Delhi. Kejri has done good work, but he has not been able to articulate a holistic vision.

To go from being a superstar political strategist to becoming Chief Minister is not a small jump but that is why you go to the people. The padyatra is a political masterstroke.

He should do the padyatra and launch a political party to contest all seats in Bihar, and give it a national name so as to later run also in Uttar Pradesh. The padyatra should go hand in hand with an intense digital campaign to get people to join his party.

Say in 2024 Modi wins 300 seats along with his allies, and the opposition wins 200 plus seats, then those opposition MPs should come together and elect the leader of the opposition democratically. Rahul Gandhi, of course, will have the right to contest. But the victor will be the one who gets the most MPs to vote for him/her and must cross the 51% mark. There might be a second round. That might as well be MP Prashant Kishor. India lacks an opposition. A democracy that does not have a vibrant opposition is not being well served.

Heck. It might even swing the other way. It could be BJP 200 and the opposition 300 plus. Dilli dur hai. BJP ke liye bhi.

Prashant Kishor could win 40 of 40 seats in Bihar in 2024. That is possible.

Prashant Kishor: Why India's top political strategist didn't join Congress
'Truth is…': Prashant Kishor jabs Nitish as Bihar CM says opinions don't matter Prashant Kishor said the truth about Bihar was that even after 30 years of rule by Nitish Kumar and Lalu Yadav, the state continued to remain the poorest and most backward in the country. .
Defending Constitution, not Prashant Kishor’s exit, is Congress’ challenge: Salman Khurshid We know that the Congress is in a make-or-break situation. Election machinery and management are critical for us as we attempt to reverse the trend of the last few years. .
Nitish asserts he gives 'no importance' to PK's assessment of his performance as CM Kishor had contended that Kumar's administration had brought in economic growth but did not succeed in propelling Bihar for a great leap forward .

Infrastructure today means 5G. If you can get educated and come online, you can work anywhere in the world from home. Job creation is no longer a problem. So blanket the state in 5G and engineer a massive investment in education and health for all age groups, but especially the young. Then Bihar is Taiwan, Bihar is South Korea, Bihar is the Bihar of 2,000 yeaers ago. Bihar is in a position to export tutors and yoga teachers all over the world. Ghar baithe baithe.

Floor control will have to be a Nepal-Bihar thing. Enough dams, enogh places, enough irrigation canals, and there will be total flood control.

Road to Nitish bana chuke hain.

I want Prashant to engineer a 20% plus growth rate for India. I think it is possible, and I would like to contribute.

Prashant should launch a party and contest every seat in Bihar and every seat in Delhi in 2024.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Prashant Kishor

Prashant Kishor Asked To Join Party, Has Drawn Up 2024 Plan: Congress Prashant Kishor has given a detailed presentation for the 2024 elections to the Congress, sources have said ........ He has shown interest in joining the party and given a detailed presentation of the party's weaknesses and what needs to be done for improvement, such as the Congress would likely concentrate on 370 seats in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections ...... Mr Kishor suggested Congress should fight alone in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Odisha, and it should form alliances in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Maharashtra ..... A key hold-up, reportedly, is PK's desire for a Big Bang approach as opposed to the Gandhis' wish to bring in incremental changes, without antagonising party leaders too much by giving the ace strategist solo charge of revamping the Congress. ...... Despite Mr Kishor's sharp, public digs at the Congress, especially Rahul Gandhi, in the months after the breakdown, both sides have showed willingness for another shot at an understanding after the party's latest election defeats.

Prashant Kishor's Congress "Reincarnation" Plan: Exclusive Details While Prashant Kishor's Congress 2.0 plan has not been revealed, NDTV has accessed details of the plan he presented to the Gandhis last year. ....... the failure to capitalise on legacy and achievements, structural weaknesses and lack of connect with the masses. ..... For the "Reincarnation of the Congress", the leadership needs to rebuild the party and democratise it, said PK's plan. ...... It suggested Sonia Gandhi as Congress president with a "Non-Gandhi" Working President or Vice President, and Rahul Gandhi as Parliamentary Board chief. ...... sort out alliances, reclaim the party's founding tenets, creating an army of grassroots leaders and footsoldiers and creating an ecosystem of "supporting media and digital propagation"........ 'One Family, One Ticket', to counter prevalent nepotism. ........ Reconstituting organisational bodies via elections across all levels. ....... Fixed term, fixed tenures for all posts including Congress President and Congress Working Committee. ...... Identify and meaningfully engage 15,000 grassroots leaders and activate 1 crore foot soldiers across India. ........ A federation of 200+ like-minded influencers, activists and civil society members to: Coordinate Action, Raise Dissent and Build Synergy. ....... After the talks fell through, reportedly over disagreements on the way forward, the Congress enlisted the help of one of PK's top aides, Sunil Kanugolu. ..... The talks resumed after the Congress' election defeats in five key states in February-March, which threw the party's survival in doubt.

Prashant Kishor’s 5-point strategy to revive Congress fortunes Kishor said the Congress cannot be allowed to die. “The Indian National Congress cannot be allowed to die. It can only die with the nation,” he said .......... 1. The party needs to resolve its leadership crisis for once. 2. Alliances need to be decided fast. 3. The party must return to its previous ideals. 4. The Congress should mobilize its workers and leaders at the grassroots level. 5. The party needs a better and more effective communication system.

Prashant Kishor has a ‘4M’ plan for Congress to take on BJP in 2024. But it needs a Nadda If Congress dreams of beating BJP in the 2024 election, it needs to address its 'messenger' and 'machinery' issues. The Gandhis would need to adjust. ......... For several eternal optimists whose hearts skip a beat at the mere mention of the Congress’ resurrection, Easter Sunday came a little early. A day before, poll strategist Prashant Kishor was at 10, Janpath, presenting a blueprint for the party’s revival on the way to the 2024 Lok Sabha election. Sonia Gandhi decided to form a committee to study his proposition. ......... PK has been discussing his ideas with the Gandhis for two years and both sides agree on “90 per cent” issues. Their talks on the remaining 10 per cent broke down last September. If the Gandhis called him again on Saturday, their differences must be whittling down. ....... The Gandhis are desperate to get PK on board. The Congress is imploding. The trust deficit between them and their party colleagues is only widening. If nothing else, PK’s association with the Congress, in whatever capacity, could take the pressure off the Gandhis, they must hope. Those who don’t see any future in Congress may pause and re-think, given PK’s reputation as a poll strategist with a magical wand. .......

in search of a so-called secret document, we fail to read what’s available in public records.


Prashant Kishor has a ‘4Ms’ formula — Message, Messenger, Machinery and Mechanics.

......... the opposition must first examine what’s working for the BJP. Essentially, three things, he says — Hindutva, hyper-nationalism and welfarism. ........ he is conscious of their limitations. ....... election data shows that only one out of two Hindus voted for the BJP ....... How can the Congress allow the BJP to appropriate an icon like Sardar Patel? How many Congressmen are actually fighting for Jawaharlal Nehru, beyond holding press conferences? Expect the opposition party to take a series of initiatives to reclaim the ‘nationalist’ space and its icons soon, that is, if PK gets associated with it. ....... Kishor has been articulate about the effectiveness of the JP Nadda model. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah virtually run the BJP. But they have Nadda as the party president. ......... “In the BJP, Modi and Shah run the organization but Nadda is the president. How does the BJP use it? It says that even a booth-level worker can become president. Whether they become or not, it sends out a message to the masses at large.” ........ PK has been vocal about his views that the jobs of the Prime Minister and a party president are different and they require different skill sets. So, one who runs the organisation shouldn’t be the PM candidate, whose main job is to strike a chord with the people, telling them their vision for them and winning the janata’s hearts. .......... If Rahul Gandhi returns, notwithstanding his proven competence, or the lack of it for the job, he shouldn’t be the PM face as per PK’s strategic vision. ........ Prashant Kishor is known to have plans to rebuild the Congress from the bottom up — forming committees from the booth, block and district levels. ......... PK often points out how the Congress blames its failures on its inability to communicate with the people. He is perplexed: How has Randeep Surjewala been heading the Congress’ communication department for over seven years?

Prashant Kishor's Blueprint For The Opposition The only campaign Kishor lost was an effort to get the Congress to win the 2017 Uttar Pradesh assembly election........ Kishor formed the Citizens for Accountable Governance (CAG), a poll advisory group that at the peak of Modi’s prime ministerial campaign had 1,200 employees work­ ing for it across 13 states. Kishor was credited for coming up with Modi’s memorable Chai Pe Charcha campaign. ......... In a recent tweet, you said “the idea and space the Congress represents is vital to a strong Opposition. But Congress leadership is not the divine right of an individual, especially when the party has lost more than 90 per cent of the elections in the last 10 years. Let the Opposition leadership be declared democratically”. ......... In the past 10 years, in the more than 50 elections, both state and general, it has lost almost 90 per cent, except the 2012 Karnataka state polls, the 2017 election in Punjab and the 2018 elections in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. ...... Of the electorate in India, BJP has 40% as a denominator as it has a 35-37% vote share; another 20 per cent goes to other challengers. To challenge BJP, Congress must capture 40% of the 60% not voting BJP. It currently has 19% ....... When Sonia and Rahul Gandhi headed Congress, their strike rate was between 31 and 35%. But since 2019, when no one knows who the leader is, the strike rate has dwindled to 10% or less ....... The last time it won this country was in 1984 (when it won 404 seats). After 1984, the party has not won a single general election. ........ The Congress, at its peak, used to be No.1 or a close No.2 in about 3,500 assembly constituencies (there are 4,121 cur­ rently). Today, that number is down to 1,500­1,600. Their graph has been on the dec line, especially after 1984 ......... No one can invite themselves to the house of the Gandhis or the leadership of the Congress and say, okay, please hear my strategy. They asked me and I gave them what I thought was the right approach. They are within their rights to accept what I put on the table or reject it. ......... post the Bengal elec­tion, it was a much more structured, intensive engagement. I almost joined the party. ........ Whoever you choose should be a full-time president. ...... Apart from the leadership issue, it needs to have faster decision-making, empower local leaders, and not centralise all the decision-making and keep it in the hands of a few individuals in Delhi. ......... given the way the Congress works currently, the real power is centralised in the hands of general secretaries and what people call the party high command. That is the biggest stumbling block to any real revival of the Congress from the grassroots. ........ Merely coming together of many parties is not a sure recipe for success against the present BJP. For that, you have to get four levers right: a unifying face, a narrative, then the arithmetic, along with the machinery ....... No third party can challenge BJP in real terms at the national level unless it takes the space Congress represents today. This Left-of-Centre ideological space is very large in a country where over 60% of the population earns less than Rs 100 a day ........ It is an unnecessary exercise to try and find a leader. Could any one of us have forecast in 1972 that JP (Jayaprakash Narayan) would unite the opposition and become its face? Or imagined in 1986 that V.P. Singh would be PM? Or Narendra Modi become the BJP mascot, in 2010? If you have the right issues, and build a narrative around them, a face will emerge ......... If the leader is constantly failing, isn’t it logical to step away and let somebody else do the job? And that somebody could be from the Congress.