Wednesday, December 18, 2019
"Extreme Inequality Is Like Economic Pollution"
Monday, September 23, 2019
Capitalism's Own Propaganda Machine
News: Hong Kong, Vancouver, Diaspora Nationalism
Over a hundred million Chinese travel outside China every year. And, out of their own seeming free will, they travel back. China, obviously, is no North Korea. A lot of them will tell you, they support their government. They will line up arguments in its defense. What is going on? It is conditioning. And it is so total.
There is a similar conditioning in America. It is capitalist conditioning. The corporations that so own the political process, that so own the media, have also similarly conditioned 300 million Americans.
China needs a heavy dose of democracy. China needs to open up. That is the only way it will avoid the middle income trap. The only way China can hope to become a high tech superpower that it aspires to be is if there is free speech in China.
America also needs a fair dose of democracy. Right now it is not a democracy. America is corporate socialism. It is a corporate welfare state. It is a political system designed to work for the biggest corporation and its richest citizens. Not even the top 1% but 1% of that 1%.
The CCP has a political monopoly in China that needs to be broken. Similarly, the stranglehold of the 0.01% in America has to be broken. Then America will become a democracy.
There is need for triangulation. We want post-capitalism. We want post-communism. We want democracy. We want a market economy devoid of monopolies and oligarchies and one party ownerships.
Hong Kong should not try to imitate America. Hong Kong needs to show America the way.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism
Hong Kong Should Take The Plunge
Universal Basic Income (aka Freedom Dividend) Is Not Free Money
Could Andrew Yang Become President?
Hong Kong Protests: The World Should Not Watch A Possible Massacre
The knee jerk way to interpret what is happening in Hong Kong is, well, China wrong, America right. Both are wrong. The 20th-century dichotomy no longer explains aspirations. Capitalism is in crisis in America. Communism is in crisis in China. And the trade war between the two puts the whole world in crisis mode. Something fundamental is not working. There is a need for a rethink.
A big reason capitalism is not working in Hong Kong is because the Hong Kong capitalists control half the legislature. That is not sustainable. You can't have a Chief Executive who answers to Beijing but not to the ordinary citizens of Hong Kong.
That is where you start.
But then you quickly have to move to things like Universal Basic Income.
There is an acute housing crisis in Hong Kong. It is a big city problem. Singapore does it much better. Hong Kong can learn from Singapore. But it does not have the option to learn unless it can elect its own leaders.
Election day should be a public holiday. People should be able to vote from their phones. Or maybe no holiday, and a week-long voting period.
Citizens also have the responsibility to regularly meet in-person to engage in political dialogue.
Hong Kong is showing the way for the 100 biggest cities in the world. This is a turning point in world history. New Yorkers should also march. Not for Hong Kong, but for New York. Demand UBI. Demand voting rights for all residents, citizen or not.
Hong Kong’s protests are just the tip of the iceberg: capitalism is in crisis across the globe While Hong Kong is embroiled in unprecedented social and political upheaval, a silent revolution is unfolding in the capitalist heartland of the world...... This transition from “shareholder capitalism” to “stakeholder capitalism” is more than semantics. ..... The lopsided emphasis on maximising profits has been responsible for a disproportionate share of social, environmental and political problems in contemporary society – notably, extreme economic inequality, distortion of human needs, environmental destruction and climate change, corporate tax evasion and, above all, the integration of economic power with political power...... Hong Kong has for a long time had one of the highest Gini coefficients in the world, rising from 0.533 in 2006 to 0.539 in 2016. The number of poor households reached 530,000, with more than 1.3 million people living in poverty (over 15 per cent of the population)...... In May 2018, the total net worth of the wealthiest 21 tycoons amount to HK$1.83 trillion, approximately the same as Hong Kong’s fiscal reserves. But, for low-income workers, real wages have only increased 12.3 per cent in the past decade....... In a city in which seven out of the 10 richest people are in the real estate business, financial assets are the major source of income polarisation........ Hong Kong’s case is special in that its government is not accountable to the populace; Lam was “elected” by a 1,200-strong committee and is expected to follow Beijing’s line....... These same issues plague the capitalist West. Because of the presence of a nominal democratic system, some of the mass revolt has found expression in outcomes such as Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as US president, as well as the Yellow Vest movement in France. ....... their fate is bound up with the fate of “capitalist” development in China, which is also heading towards a major crisis...... There is a huge amount of repressed unrest on the mainland; it is just not visible because of the powerful social control mechanisms in place: China’s budget for maintaining social stability is already greater than its defence budget and it is still growing....... All this points to the urgency of reinventing capitalism.
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism #HongKong #HongKongProstests @demosisto @joshuawongcf @nathanlawkc @maryhui @kinlinglo @sumlokkei @rachel_cheung1 @lokinhei @HKDemocrats @WilsonLeungWS @HongKongPLG@jasonyng @BillyOYLi @cng1238
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @Fight4HongKong@FreedomHKG @BeWaterHKG @ezracheungtoto @antd @RichScotford @XinqiSu @holmeschan_ @chowtingagnes @ray_slowbeat @hk_watch @hkpoliceforce @EricCheungw #HongKong #hongkongairport
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @EricCheungwc@realdonaldtrump @pontifex @narendramodi @pmoindia @potus @whitehouse @RT_erdogan @sushmaswaraj @queenrania @HHShkMohd @ImranKhanPTI @KingSalman @tcbestepe @10DowningStreet @StateDept
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @RepAdamSchiff @thehill @politico @cspan @rollcall @SpeakerBoehner @washingtonpost @mikeallen @WSJ @GOPLeader @whitehouse #HongKong #HongKongProtestors #HongKongProtest #HongKongers #HongKongWay
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @speakerboehner @GOPleader @GOPconference @GOPwhip @reppaulryan @CathyMcMorris @EricCantor @johnboehner @heritage @thehill @DarrellIssa @cspan @republicanstudy @politico @BuckMcKeon #HongKong
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @kevinomccarthy @rollcall @RepTomPrice @senate_gops @WSJ @whitehouse @housedemocrats @NancyPelosi @WhipHoyer @thehill @repbecerra @politico @barackobama @rollcall @cspan @nytimes #HongKong
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @DWStweets @clyburn @washingtonpost @VP @mikeallen @SenatorReid @ChrisVanHollen @maddow @repjohnconyers @thehill @politico @cspan @rollcall @SpeakerBoehner @washingtonpost #HongKong #HongKongProtest
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @mikeallen @WSJ @GOPLeader @whitehouse @mikeallen @chucktodd @ChadPergram @jaketapper @TheFix @davidgregory @GStephanopoulos @BretBaier @JoeNBC @DanaBashCNN @mikeallen @maddow #HongKong #HongKongers
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @chucktodd @EzraKlein @jaketapper @mitchellreports @thefix @GStephanopoulos @DavidGregory @nytimesKrugman @ChadPergram @fivethirtyeight @danabashcnn @hardball_chris @lukerussert @andersoncooper
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @ChrisLHayes @AriannaHuff @donnabrazile @samsteinhp @wolfblitzer @JoeNBC @mikeallen @ChadPergram @bretbaier @karlrove @DanaPerino @chucktodd @seanhannity @gretawire @michellemalkin @jaketapper
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @fredbarnes @thefix @DavidGregory @megynkelly @joenbc @teamcavuto @govMikeHuckabee @ewerickson @jmartnyt @majorcbs @thehill @politico @cspan @rollcall @washingtonpost @WSJ @AP @nytimes #HongKongers
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @rollcallpols @cnnbrk @thehill @politico @rollcall @cspan @nytimes @washingtonpost @NPRnews @AP @NPRpolitics @cnnbrk @nationaljournal @rollcallpols @huffingtonpost @cnn @WSJ #HongKongers #HongKong
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @MeetThePress @huffpostpol @msnbc @thinkprogress @edshow @thehill @cspan @politico @rollcall @WSJ @foxnews @washingtonpost @redstate @drudge_report @AP @dailycaller @rollcallpols @cnnbrk #HongKong
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @nytimes @nationaljournal @weeklystandard @cspanwj @foxbusiness @foxandfriends @cnn @SpeakerBoehner @GOPLeader @RepPaulRyan @GOPWhip @DarrellIssa @johnboehner @EricCantor @cathymcmorris #HongKongers
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @NancyPelosi @WhipHoyer @NancyPelosi @WhipHoyer @repbecerra @DWStweets @clyburn @SenatorReid @ChrisVanHollen @repJohnConyers @repKarenBass @KeithEllison @askgeorge @RosaDelauro #HongKongers #HongKong
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @john_dingell @jaredpolis @repGaramendi @repDonnaEdwards @repSpeier @repbarbaralee @senGillibrand @repSteveIsrael @SpeakerBoehner @GOPleader @GOPwhip @reppaulryan @CathyMcmorris @EricCantor #HongKong
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @johnboehner @DarrellIssa @BuckMckeon @kevinomccarthy @repTomPprice @repkenmarchant @boblatta @PeterRoskam @repdavecamp @virginiafoxx @jasoninthehouse @rephensarling @michelebachmann @jim_jordan
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @alfranken @ChuckSchumer @amyklobuchar @RepKarenBass @RepAndrews @LorettaSanchez @BruceBraley @MarkWarner @RepDianaDeGette @DorisMatsui @DarrellIssa @jasoninthehouse @tedcruz @OrrinHatch #HongKong
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @SenToomey @ChuckGrassley @SpeakerBoehner @GOPWhip @VernBuchanan @GOPLeader @NancyPelosi @DWStweets @SenSanders @alfranken @SenatorReid @clairecmc @elizabethforma @SenGillibrand @ChuckSchumer
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @SenJohnMcCain @SpeakerBoehner @marcorubio @RepPaulRyan @SenRandPaul @MicheleBachmann @GOPLeader @tedcruz @DarrellIssa @ChuckGrassley @RepBeatty @RepRobinKelly319 #HongKongers #HongKong
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @JuliaBrownley @RepJuanVargas @RepTimWalz @RepSusanDavis @RepBillEnyart @RepLipinski @RepDonaldPayne @PeterWelch @USRepRodney288 @ChiesaNews337
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
@RepJasonSmith408 @TiberiPress624 #HongKongers
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @RepRWilliams679 @Rep_Hunter681 @RepFrankLucas693 @RalphHallPress704 @RepRobBishop742 @RepLaMalfa @SpeakerPelosi @MichelleObama @TheDailyShow @Trevornoah @jonfavs @RepMaxineWaters #HongKongers
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @iamjohnoliver @Emma4Change @ananavarro @Telemundo @jaketapper @TheLeadCNN @CNNSOTU @davidfrum @davidaxelrod @maggieNYT @BillKristol @Acosta @tedlieu @RepSwalwell #HongKongers #HongKong
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Hong Kong: A Crisis For Capitalism As Much As Communism @ChrisMurphyCT @JoeBiden @JoyAnnReid #HongKong #hongkongairport #HongKongProtestors #HongKongWay #HongKongers #HongKongProtester #HongKongPolice #HongKongProstests
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
Trump on thinner political ice than Xi in trade war
Xi brings in 'firefighter' Wang Qishan in bid to calm Hong Kong
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Dem Debate: Texas Edition
“My father grew up on a peanut farm in Asia with no floor and now his son is running for president.” #DemDebate
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) September 13, 2019
Medicare for All is the best healthcare plan for working and middle class Americans.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 13, 2019
It guarantees critical healthcare, like insulin treatments, as a right, & at a lower cost too.
Corporate choice plans virtually guarantee profits for insurers, not healthcare for Americans.
The secret’s out! Have you entered to win our #1kGiveaway? Visit now!
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) September 13, 2019
Oh man... Poor Pete had to follow @AndrewYang providing a year's worth of #BasicIncome to 10 Americans for one year. He chose to mention 9/11, 18 years after the fact, and then Kamala went after Trump in the same way everyone does every day... #ISupportYang #YangGang #DemDebate
— Scott Santens (@scottsantens) September 13, 2019
Systemic racism is a root ideology that propped up an extractive economic system that prioritizes profit over human & environmental considerations.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 13, 2019
The injustices of slavery evolved into Jim Crow, redlining, the War on Drugs, mass incarceration, & beyond:
In his opening statement, Andrew Yang says his campaign will give "$1,000 a month for an entire year to 10 American families."
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 13, 2019
If elected President, Yang plans to give every American adult $1,000 a month in ‘universal basic income’
This teacher in China removed his students' make-up with such force some of them were left in tears.
— SCMP News (@SCMPNews) September 13, 2019
I think I’m the only person on stage who’s been a public school teacher. Money for public schools should stay in public schools. I’ve already made my commitment: When I’m president, we will have a Secretary of Education who has been a public school teacher. #DemDebate
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 13, 2019
Know that this wasn’t an ad for young conservatives of color - that was the pretense.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 13, 2019
What you just watched was a love letter to the GOP’s white supremacist case.
Click #MyYangStory. It'll make your day. It's an incredible timeline of real Americans sharing why they support @AndrewYang. It's truly inspiring to see so much diversity and unity in America. It's what we need. The #YangGang is incredible and no other candidate can inspire this.
— Scott Santens (@scottsantens) September 12, 2019
Kamala always says “let me be very clear” before saying something extremely vague.
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) September 13, 2019
In a rare moment amid tension between police and protesters, a man successfully lands a 360-degree bottle flip, earning him congratulations from both sides. #HongKongProtests
— SCMP News (@SCMPNews) September 13, 2019
"On April 20th 2021 I'm going to pardon everyone who's in prison for a low level non violent drug offense."
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) September 13, 2019
This is the ad @ABC allowed to run during tonight's #DemDebate: right-wing propaganda depicting @AOC set on fire, burning into images of skeletons.
— Bend the Arc: Jewish Action (@jewishaction) September 13, 2019
This is right out of the white nationalist playbook. No news network should be profiting off such
Hmm. You’re taller than I am. From the video, you’re probably a better shot. And, I’ve seen you dunking (on an 8-foot rim). Altogether, pretty strong. So.......
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) September 12, 2019
Every Democrat on this stage wants to improve our health care system. But we cannot lose sight of the biggest threat to Americans' health care:
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) September 13, 2019
Donald Trump.
I’ve proposed a two-cent wealth tax that would mean #UniversalChildCare for every baby and child aged 1-4, would cancel student loan debt for 95% of people who have it, invest $50 billion in HBCUs, and strengthen our unions. #UltraMillionaireTax #DemDebate
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 13, 2019
Cancel all student debt. #DemDebate
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) September 13, 2019
"The data shows that a good teacher is worth his or her weight in gold." #Math #DemDebate
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) September 13, 2019
Yang just said the most bold shit I’ve ever heard in my life! “We need to admit we suck at rebuilding other countries” Yang is honest and they can’t handle it! #YangGang #DemDebate
— Chef4yang2020 (@Mjoubert5) September 13, 2019
People ask me if Trump is responsible for El Paso — I say he may not have pulled the trigger, but he’s tweeting out the ammunition. #DemDebate
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) September 13, 2019
I drove my daughter into school today. She noticed a new armed guard outside. She started to panic and said, “what if it’s a trick and he’s not a real guard & is welcomed in with a loaded gun to kill us all”
— MommaT (@tweetmommybop) September 12, 2019
—- yeah we fucked our kids up real good, America.
Why did they not let @AndrewYang speak about guns or race relations? #LetYangSpeak This is 3 debates in a row he’ll likely end up at the least amount of speaking time. What’s up @ABC @MSNBC @CNN?
— Jonathan Munitz 🌹🦅💰 (@MyLifeIsMunitz) September 13, 2019
I want my taxes to go up to pay for #Medicare4All. I know if I pitch in a little more, my overall healthcare costs will go down.
— joelle (@joellestangler) September 13, 2019
When we all pitch in to raise everyone up, we’re all better off.
So, yeah, raise my taxes.#DemDebate
Like many of you I hate hearing and seeing myself most of the time. But the #YangGang is courages, and we step outside ourselves for the greater good.
— Dylan Hearn (@Zoimaker) September 12, 2019
This is #MyYangStory and why #ISupportYang.
Let’s go baby!!! #YangBeatsTrump
— The Wandering Unicorn (@Unicorn36902) September 12, 2019
It’s short and I’m sick, but next time I’ll clip the bloopers together into something more presentable 😂
And now, @realDonaldTrump, you can go back to watching Fox News. #DemDebate
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) September 13, 2019
Two years ago, @AndrewYang met me at Dean & Deluca and said he was running for president.
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) September 12, 2019
I called him a "longer-than-longshot." Then he dunked on me by qualifying for the debates. Today on The Daily, we talk about what I got wrong.
#LetYangSpeak Andrew Yang has spoken for a total of 2 minutes this entire debate.
— Evan (@Iamtoastyss) September 13, 2019
ABC should be embarrassed that their first climate question, 2 hours in, was about meat consumption.
— Jamal Raad (@jamalraad) September 13, 2019
#MyYangStory Part one!
— 🔥heartburn honey🔥 (@Brithebaby) September 12, 2019
I've seen more autopsy photographs than I care to tell you.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) September 13, 2019
I've attended more police officer funerals than I care to tell you.
I've hugged more mothers of homicide victims than I care to tell you.
I won't wait for Congress to have the courage to act. #DemDebate
Democratic presidential candidates are participating in the third 2020 #DemDebate in Houston, Texas.
— CNN (@CNN) September 13, 2019
Follow live updates:
Where candidates stand:
What to watch for:
Sometimes you need to do something unprecedented to be presidential. Glad to have your support, @alexisohanian! #DemDebate
— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYang) September 13, 2019
Alex. You should do it in addition ....... and run for office yourself! :)
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 13, 2019
I have never met anyone who likes their health insurance company. They like their doctors, their pharmacists, their nurses. What people want is affordable health care. What we need to fight for is #MedicareForAll. #DemDebate
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 13, 2019
I want to be as clear as I can: When Democrats next have power, we should be bold. It’s time to get rid of the filibuster. #DemDebate
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 13, 2019
A Few Essential Books for Wrapping Your Head Around the Opioid Crisis
— Danielle Ofri (@danielleofri) September 13, 2019
Under #MedicareForAll, people will have access to all of their doctors, their nurses, their rural and community hospitals. What this is about is making sure we have the most efficient way possible to pay for health care for everyone in this country. #DemDebate
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 13, 2019
I grew up acutely aware of the flaws in our criminal justice system and chose to reform it from the inside. I took on the position that allowed me — without asking permission — to create a first in the nation initiative to help people arrested for drugs get jobs. #DemDebate
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) September 13, 2019
My story has a lot of twists and turns, but I was resilient. I kept fighting, and I lived my dream. I'm standing here today because I got back up, and I fought back. I know what's broken, and I want to be in the fight to fix it. #DemDebate
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) September 13, 2019
we won the debate in under 10 minutes. incredible.
— Robyn Kanner (@robynkanner) September 13, 2019
President Trump: "I hit Pocahontas way too early. I thought she was gone, she's emerged from the ashes. And now it looks like she could beat Sleepy Joe. He's falling asleep, he has no idea what the hell he's doing or saying."
— The Hill (@thehill) September 13, 2019
Sen. Cory Booker said "systemic racism" is "eroding our nation":
— ABC News (@ABC) September 13, 2019
"We have a criminal justice system that is so racially biased, we have more African Americans under criminal supervision today than all the slaves in 1850." #DemDebate
#MyYangStory I used to be a Bernie Supporter, he woke me up to understand that the establishment is screwing the people over. @AndrewYang came and helped me understand what Freedom truly is. Freedom is to have a chance to live the way you want to live and pursuing your passions
— Danny (@DannyParkIRL) September 12, 2019
#MyYangStory is that I never was into politics, although I did vote. But I never voted for someone I felt spoke to me or even to the issues of others. When I first heard of @AndrewYang on the @SamHarrisOrg podcast I instantly knew I was going to support Yang. After that podcast
— Matthew (@seenmaya) September 12, 2019
I just have to say that watching all of your #MyYangStory videos today has made me so incredibly happy. I love seeing your faces, hearing your voices, feeling your experiences. We can see & understand the breadth and reach of this campaign. I ❤️ this #YangGang family. 🇺🇸🖖😍
— Bay (@BHabshey) September 12, 2019
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Bernie Picked The Wrong Fight With Andrew Yang
Obviously, the Democrats can't have both Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang. So who is it gonna be?
To Bernie's credit, the idea of a shorter work week is not that bad. How about you work four days a week, not five? But a reduced work week is not an argument against the UBI. They are apples and oranges.
Andrew keeps coming at Universal Basic Income from the technology angle, the artificial intelligence, and robotics angle. And I believe his projections are valid. But projections are projections. Many of those things have not happened yet. The retail jobs are mostly still here. Truck drivers are still driving their rigs.
But what is already here is inequality. I like Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax idea. Marry that to the UBI idea. The inequality that already exists and keeps getting wider every year is extremely harmful not only to democracy but also capitalism. And the best way to narrow the gap is by applying a wealth tax to fund a UBI.
And if the technology arguments come to be, we will also use that Value Added Tax (VAT) to expand the UBI. I can see the UBI going up to $2,000 a month down the line. Technology could give economic growth rates of 50% in future years. You don't want all of that to end up with the top 1%. They will just end up fat and lazy.
This is a fight Andrew must relish. That is the only way for him to go into the double digits.
Unless he wins either Iowa or New Hampshire, he is toast. He is perhaps Secretary of Labor and not the president. More likely speaker and author and CNN talking head in 2021.
Universal basic income, and universal health care are two ideas that belong together. Andrew Yang does need to own Medicare For All if he has a fighting chance.
Is Trump ushering in a new 'Gilded Age' of income inequality?
— Jeffrey Levin (@jilevin) August 31, 2019
Bernie Picked The Wrong Fight With Andrew Yang @BernieSanders @AndrewYang @krystalball #UBI #universalbasicincome #FreedomDividend #Yang2020 #BernieSanders #letitbern @HollywdYangGang @BlacksForYang @YangPolicies @TeensforYang @YangGangNation @scottsantens
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) August 31, 2019
President Trump travels to his private golf club in Virginia after canceling a visit to Poland to monitor the approach of Hurricane Dorian
— Bloomberg (@business) August 31, 2019
“Humans will and should remain critical and central to the workplace of the future, controlling, complementing and augmenting the strengths of technological solutions.”
— MIT Sloan School of Management (@MITSloan) August 31, 2019
Trump fatigue: Will news overload hurt reelection chances? It's exhausting to keep up with all the news coming out of the Trump White House. But it's actually part of his strategy. Will it backfire? #Video #USRC
— Top U.S. & World News🗽 (@USRealityCheck) August 31, 2019
What if Joe Biden wins? It could mean long-term trouble for Democrats
— Salon (@Salon) August 31, 2019
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Friday, March 05, 2010
The Obama FDR Parallels

"The New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who fears a lost decade, said in a lecture at the London School of Economics last summer that he has “no idea” how the economy could quickly return to strong, sustainable growth."FDR's was the Great Depression. We are calling ours the Great Recession. FDR
I think there are obvious parallels between the Great Depression
(1) The Bailout
That was necessary. It is interesting that many of the banks have already paid back most of the money. I am on record at this blog saying that is what will happen, although I did not see it happening this fast. But they have not paid back all the money, so.
The bailout was putting the fire out. Without the bailout it would not have been a Great Recession
(2) The Stimulus
It was necessary but insufficient. When it was put together, I was not shocked by the size of it. What did bother me was it focused too much on the past and too little on the future. I was surprised how little was allocated to broadband, for example.
(3) Banking Regulation
Work here has not gone as well as needed. Wall Street
(4) Public Works Programs
Basically I am arguing for a second stimulus package
Most of the job creation
Universal and faster broadband
The idea has to be for the government to hire five million people. If you are going to do it anyway, it makes no sense to do it later, or do it in small steps. Creating new jobs has to be the centerpiece of the second stimulus bill.
On Deficits And Debts
The time to reign in the deficit
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- Dr. Philip Neches: Great Depression III (
- How The Recession Is Like The Depression (
- Dylan Loewe: Defining the Second Great Depression (
- Maddow Guest Krugman Cites Cause for End of Great Depression -- and Doesn't (Egad!) Credit FDR (
- Wall Street Bankers Are Overpaid, Says Morgan Stanley Chairman John Mack (
- Why Are We Still in a Recession? (
- Jim Moret: This Recession Is Depressing (
- Paul Krugman: In Trade, 'It's Not the Great Depression - It's Worse' (
- Beware the calls for hasty cuts | Andrew Graham (
- Taking to the streets: US vs. European edition (