It is important to learn the mechanics. It is important to get to know the tools of technology that are so important. But beneath it all it is all about the larger goal.
I have long maintained meeting "ordinary people" is the best part of being part of a political campaign.
You can have the best intentions, but if you can't navigate the political process, your ability to deliver gets hindered. Good politicians are like good doctors. They know their stuff.
But often times a lot of politicians get lost in the process. The process took over the purpose a long time ago for them. They are going through the motions. Incumbency can do that to you. You can lose touch.
NYDailyNews.com: NY-14 Money Matters: Carolyn Maloney V. Reshma SaujaniCommunity Conversations Wrap-Up
NY-14 Hopeful Reshma Saujani No "Uptown Girl"
UK Asian: Interview w/ Reshma Saujani At Netroots
Inspire@BTHS: “Don’t Ever Let Anyone Tell You That You Can’t Do Something”- Reshma Saujani:Ever since she was a child, Reshma Saujani was extremely passionate about law and public service. Saujani says her father, a prominent figure in her life, provided her with the tools for a successful career in both law and politics. “Law and politics were always in my interest. I always wanted to be an attorney. My father would read to me about Gandhi and Eleanor Roosevelt. They were inspiring because they were always working on social justice issues. That was very empowering to me.”.... Saujani used her teen years to build experience in social work. ..... “I did a lot in high school to prepare for attorney skills. In college, I was part of student government. I led marches and I was an activist. .... I want to make this country a better place.” .... asked if being a first-generation Indian-American woman has ever held her back from doing anything, Saujani was very firm in her answer. “No,” she says. “It has never held me back.” On the contrary, it seems that being a first generation Indian-American woman has pushed her forward...... the strong, confident and incredible woman that is Reshma Saujani. ..... She constantly stresses one idea:dreaming big...... Don’t worry about making money. Money will come. ...... Favorite fictional character: Atticus Finch, the lawyer from To Kill a Mockingbird ...... Your most treasured object: A bracelet my father gave me when I was thirteen. .... Greatest achievement: Running for office. ...... Greatest influence: My father...... The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again .... if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. ..... A passionate, determined and strong-minded woman, Saujani is working towards winning the Congressional seat. Brilliant, courageous, and caring, this woman is undoubtedly reaching for the stars. She’s working ardently to help rebuild Main Street and work with Wall Street. ..... cannot wait to see what this phenomenal woman will do once in office.
Pennsylvania Lemon Law: “Maloney and Saujani spar on Wall St., L.G.B.T. issues”: includes America's wealthiest voters on Manhattan's Upper East Side, as well as some of the nation's largest and most troubled public housing projects in Queens .... will experience a very rare event later this month — a Democratic primary challenge to its nine-term representative. ..... an effort she describes as generational, ethnic and based, as much as anything else, on "leadership style." ..... could in time land the congresswoman in front of the same sort of ethics investigation currently plaguing Charles Rangel ...... Saujani now explains that her concern about the banking industry's health has to do with the availability of credit, which she said is vital to the prospects for small business owners in Queens to survive. ....... the press has uniformly ignored an inspiring immigrant story ..... widespread frustration among L.G.B.T. voters with the slow pace of change two years into the Obama presidency and after four years of Democratic control of Congress. ..... Her passion for not waiting, Saujani explained, is "generational," an example of her willingness to emphasize her age difference with Maloney. She would challenge the House speaker in the same way that she took on the organizers of the Aug. 15 India Day Parade, whom, she said, she threatened to "call out" prior to their agreeing to allow the South Asian Lesbian and Gay Association (SALGA) to march openly. ...... Saujani readily acknowledged that she has no endorsements to speak of, saying she really never expected any. True to her insurgent form, she turned that lemon into lemonade, noting, "Membership has its privileges."
MSNBC: NYC House Race Boils Down To Wall Street Visions