I think we are doing 50-50 right now. I can feel it. I can smell it. It is in the air.
Some time around the radio debate on September 7, and possibly even earlier if the TV journalists in this town can prove they are entrepreneurial, the East Side is going electric. (Brian Lehrer's Message To TV Journalists In Town) The new women on the East Side are going to come out full force for The New Woman. And that is how we are going to swamp Maloney.
The techies and the brownies - my name for Indians - are going to pad the victory margin, but they are not going to be the reason Reshma wins on September 14.
The New Woman's victory is going to come from the new women on the East Side.
Mark my word, the East Side is going electric.
September 14 Will Birth The New Woman
Bloomberg Video: Saujani Sees Private Sector Jobs Crucial To Recovery
Showing posts with label Lower East Side. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lower East Side. Show all posts
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Carolyn Maloney Is No Mother Teresa
I was just saying.
In The News
Styleite: Kate Spade Halle:The three-inch wedge heel starred in a New York Times article earlier this week. Reshma Saujani, a Congressional candidate, swears by them, and so do two of her campaign staff members and various women with political influence. Suajani said she got the tip from someone who works for Hillary Clinton.
The Lower Down NY: Reshma Saujani Makes Her Case For Change: The former Wall Street lawyer taking on Rep. Carolyn Maloney has had no trouble attracting mainstream media attention. But these sorts of events are arguably a lot more important to an insurgent candidate than any article in the New York Times...... After the forum, I got the chance to ask her a few additional questions, as she walked back to her apartment .... Having shaken a Maloney campaign operative videotaping her every move, Saujani also ditched the high heels (see today’s New York Times), and we were on our way..... she emphasizes her middle class upbringing, as well as centrist positions on most issues. ..... she is in favor of requiring developers to set aside 20-percent of each residential building for residents who can’t afford market rate rents. ....She does not have a policy position on the redevelopment of the Seward Park Urban Renewal Area, the 7 acre development site adjacent to the Williamsburg Bridge. Saujani supports charter schools as a way of increasing innovation in education...... Saujani has made a major issue of her opponent’s rejection of multiple, televised debates. This week, both campaigns meet to discuss ground rules for their upcoming radio encounter..... In the meantime, Saujani is keeping up a busy schedule of campaign appearances. She’ll be on the Lower East Side again Thursday night. There will be a “meet and greet” at the Roots & Vines coffee shop, 409 Grand Street, at 6pm.
Jezebel: A Defense Of Writing About Female Politicians' Shoes: Reshma Saujani, who's running against Democratic Representative Carolyn Maloney, and attorneyneral candidate Kathleen Rice are fans ..... Even with the meta-analysis, it's hard to shake the feeling that it all is a sexist distraction, even when done by a woman who knows how to talk the talk. This is not about some sort of gag order imposed on tiptoeing journalists. It's a small but vocal pushback in a world where until very recently, Hillary Clinton's pantsuits and "larger bottom" were considered valid subjects to debate..... We all know voters want candidates they can relate to. ("Beer summit," anyone?) But women who just magically walk around all day, every day, for hours at a time, in heels, without ever limping, complaining, or bandaging their blisters, and *never* talk about their shoes? Not relatable...... I also think it's awesome that these same women not only have pretty good taste in shoes but are also out there spending 99.9998% of their time on things of tremendous substance and significance.
In The News
Styleite: Kate Spade Halle:The three-inch wedge heel starred in a New York Times article earlier this week. Reshma Saujani, a Congressional candidate, swears by them, and so do two of her campaign staff members and various women with political influence. Suajani said she got the tip from someone who works for Hillary Clinton.
The Lower Down NY: Reshma Saujani Makes Her Case For Change: The former Wall Street lawyer taking on Rep. Carolyn Maloney has had no trouble attracting mainstream media attention. But these sorts of events are arguably a lot more important to an insurgent candidate than any article in the New York Times...... After the forum, I got the chance to ask her a few additional questions, as she walked back to her apartment .... Having shaken a Maloney campaign operative videotaping her every move, Saujani also ditched the high heels (see today’s New York Times), and we were on our way..... she emphasizes her middle class upbringing, as well as centrist positions on most issues. ..... she is in favor of requiring developers to set aside 20-percent of each residential building for residents who can’t afford market rate rents. ....She does not have a policy position on the redevelopment of the Seward Park Urban Renewal Area, the 7 acre development site adjacent to the Williamsburg Bridge. Saujani supports charter schools as a way of increasing innovation in education...... Saujani has made a major issue of her opponent’s rejection of multiple, televised debates. This week, both campaigns meet to discuss ground rules for their upcoming radio encounter..... In the meantime, Saujani is keeping up a busy schedule of campaign appearances. She’ll be on the Lower East Side again Thursday night. There will be a “meet and greet” at the Roots & Vines coffee shop, 409 Grand Street, at 6pm.
Jezebel: A Defense Of Writing About Female Politicians' Shoes: Reshma Saujani, who's running against Democratic Representative Carolyn Maloney, and attorneyneral candidate Kathleen Rice are fans ..... Even with the meta-analysis, it's hard to shake the feeling that it all is a sexist distraction, even when done by a woman who knows how to talk the talk. This is not about some sort of gag order imposed on tiptoeing journalists. It's a small but vocal pushback in a world where until very recently, Hillary Clinton's pantsuits and "larger bottom" were considered valid subjects to debate..... We all know voters want candidates they can relate to. ("Beer summit," anyone?) But women who just magically walk around all day, every day, for hours at a time, in heels, without ever limping, complaining, or bandaging their blisters, and *never* talk about their shoes? Not relatable...... I also think it's awesome that these same women not only have pretty good taste in shoes but are also out there spending 99.9998% of their time on things of tremendous substance and significance.
Related articles by Zemanta
- Carolyn Maloney's Newest Lie (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Hillary's Support For Reshma Can Not Be Spinned Away (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Al Hagan, Carolyn Maloney: Did They Apologize Yet? (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Joke Of The Day: Carolyn Maloney (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Credit For Credit Card Bill Goes To Barack Obama (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- The Anti Maloney Brigade (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Hillary Clinton Just Endorsed Reshma Saujani (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Carolyn Maloney: Feeling Ugly? (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Debating Is Not About Media Attention To Reshma Saujani (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Yes, Maloney Is A Crook (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Reshma's Lower East Side Community Conversation
I am blogging today from Boston where I am visiting with my sweet little sister Babita for Rakchha Bandhan. (I Was In Chicago? Facebook Places Messing Up) In NYC it feels like the buildings will all fall down on you. Boston is more manageable. She moved here from NYC over a year ago. Her place is much, much nicer than mine for a similar price. Like much much. Her neighborhood is straight out of the textbook. Mine only a few blocks away looks like I never left my country of origin. A North Carolina dude once told me, the only thing I like about New York is the doughnuts. I, on the other hand, love the city. My love is for the whole package deal, the filth, the crowds, especially the crowds.
I am going to be back in town to attend the Upper East Side community conversation, which is tomorrow.
Last night I showed up for the Lower East Side conversation. It was near the 14th Street and First Avenue intersection. It was well attended. It felt to me like I was seeing Reshma for the first time. I think the town hall format is my favorite setting in which to see Reshma in action, although I think she looks great on TV too. She is an amazing, amazing candidate. She is the most amazing politician I ever met. She makes it sound like Obama's health care reform has been the 1.0 version, and some day she would like to take a crack at Health Care Reform 2.0. Same about Wall Street reform.
The question answer session went great. There were one or two agitated ones, but that is statistical. You have to expect that.
It was good to see the staff again after long. It must have been two weeks since I last saw them, but it felt like ages. Reshma has a wonderful relationship with her staff. I used to hear that about John Liu last year on the campaign trail.
It was good to see Arthur, it was good to see Josh. And I bumped into Nina near 33rd Street when I went for a long walk after the event. She informed me of a major Reshma fundraiser that was taking place this evening. The host was someone who was a major player with Obama 08, yet another piece of evidence that the Obama people are slowly but surely coalescing around Reshma 2010. The Obama 08 people owe me one on this one. And it helps that Reshma is an Obama like candidate.
I am going to be back in town to attend the Upper East Side community conversation, which is tomorrow.
Last night I showed up for the Lower East Side conversation. It was near the 14th Street and First Avenue intersection. It was well attended. It felt to me like I was seeing Reshma for the first time. I think the town hall format is my favorite setting in which to see Reshma in action, although I think she looks great on TV too. She is an amazing, amazing candidate. She is the most amazing politician I ever met. She makes it sound like Obama's health care reform has been the 1.0 version, and some day she would like to take a crack at Health Care Reform 2.0. Same about Wall Street reform.
The question answer session went great. There were one or two agitated ones, but that is statistical. You have to expect that.
It was good to see the staff again after long. It must have been two weeks since I last saw them, but it felt like ages. Reshma has a wonderful relationship with her staff. I used to hear that about John Liu last year on the campaign trail.
It was good to see Arthur, it was good to see Josh. And I bumped into Nina near 33rd Street when I went for a long walk after the event. She informed me of a major Reshma fundraiser that was taking place this evening. The host was someone who was a major player with Obama 08, yet another piece of evidence that the Obama people are slowly but surely coalescing around Reshma 2010. The Obama 08 people owe me one on this one. And it helps that Reshma is an Obama like candidate.
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Debate Format

Baruch Plus Radio Plus NY1 Could Work
Carolyn Maloney: Feeling Ugly?
Carolyn Maloney's Newest Lie
Finally A Debate? Is A Non Debate A Debate?
Debating Is Not About Media Attention To Reshma Saujani
Maloney Refuses Debate Yet Again
Carolyn Maloney: The Alan Keyes Of District 14
Carolyn Maloney: Chicken
Who Is The Congressperson For Ground Zero? Not Maloney
Look Who Is Talking: Carolyn Maloney's Dipshit Lies
Charlie Rangel, Carolyn Maloney And Their Ethics Violations
Charlie Rangel: Motherfucker
So I guess the debate is happening after all. The clock on the Reshma 2010 site has been pulled down. After 100 days Carolyn Maloney has finally agreed to a debate. That is one mean record to have for 100 days.
It is going to be a radio debate, but I think TV cameras will be allowed. And I really hope the whole debate ends up on YouTube. In this day and age, I mean. I am opposed to the idea of physically carrying Maloney to weekly debates as a matter of principle, (How My Grandfather Became Mayor The First Time) otherwise what I would really have liked is weekly debates. But looks like we are getting just that one debate. Maloney is not going to be creating jobs for those two hours. What a loss!
I look forward to the debate. What I am really looking forward to this moment is the event this evening on the Lower East Side. (Arthur Schwartz, Jeff Kurzon, Reshma 2010)
Mainstream Media Kept Saying John Liu Was Losing
An Empire State Of Mind: The Final Countdown
Baruch Plus Radio Plus NY1 Could Work
My Progressive Political Religion
Reshma Saujani Loves America
Carolyn Maloney: Feeling Ugly?
Barack Obama Just Endorsed Reshma Saujani
Carolyn Maloney's Newest Lie
Related articles by Zemanta
- Carolyn Maloney's Newest Lie (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Debating Is Not About Media Attention To Reshma Saujani (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Arthur Schwartz, Jeff Kurzon, Reshma 2010 (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Carolyn Maloney: The Al Sharpton Of Gender Relations (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Joke Of The Day: Carolyn Maloney (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Barack Obama Just Endorsed Reshma Saujani (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Maloney Refuses Debate Yet Again (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Finally A Debate? Is A Non Debate A Debate? (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Baruch Plus Radio Plus NY1 Could Work (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
- Carolyn Maloney: Feeling Ugly? (democracyforum.blogspot.com)
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