Thursday, March 02, 2023
Friday, October 21, 2016
Kentucky? Never Thought I Would See This Day
The Kentucky poll is a good reminder that Trump’s slide isn’t only occurring in national polls. Donald Trump is in decline in solid Republican territory....... there are serious questions about whether Donald Trump will win deep red states like Arizona, Utah, Kentucky, and Texas. ..... What is unfolding is nothing less than the destruction of the far-right led Republican Party.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Mitch McConnell:More Dangerous Than Donald Trump
Donald Trump is never going to be president. But Mitch McConnell has been the reigning racist in the US Senate. The whole world is watching, but he doesn't care. McConnell dislikes the idea of the first black president so much, he has put the US constitution into the acid tank. What's up with no Senate hearings for Obama's Supreme Court pick?
Donald Trump is a racist. That is the only thing he is. But he is not in a position of power. Although this dude might start a war somewhere without even getting elected.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Mitch McConnell At The Bronx Zoo

Mitch McConnell At The Bronx Zoo
We are not in the US Senate. We are at The Bronx Zoo. The US Senate is governed by the US Constitution. But that document is just a piece of paper at The Bronx Zoo. It might as well be toilet paper at The Bronx Zoo. The Bronx Zoo is Madagascar. There it is all about the basic animal instincts. Food, sleep, sex, and vigorous fights. Fist fights. Tooth fights. Nail fights. Scratches. Gouging of eyes. Tearing up the abdomen. Cleaning the gut. Blood on the lips.
According to the US Constitution the President Of The United States makes nominations to the US Supreme Court. He/she is the only one who does. Otherwise it is not like I don’t know a few people myself.
This is Iran all over again. In the US Senate they read and learn. At The Bronx Zoo there is no read, there is no learn. That the same logic time has proven to have been wrong on Iran does not matter. It is not supposed to matter at The Bronx Zoo. It is not thought, it is instinct. When you see the enemy, or food, you behave a certain way. There is no read, there is no learn. There is no read, period. Instinct is like you flip a light switch. The bulb will behave a certain way. Every single time. As long it is alive.
I have some idea about the thought processes back in Kentucky. There is The Bronx Zoo and then there is The Kentucky Zoo. The Kentucky Zoo is larger, much, much, much larger. Mucho larger.

Friday, July 22, 2011
Kentucky Blues
At The Buspark (2)
At The Buspark (2), Kentucky Blues
At The Buspark
Southern Hospitality
Third World Guy
Deaths In The Family
Enemy Of The State
Larry Shinn
There was no sex. There was no alcohol. Not only that day, but any day before that. We had been seeing each other, spending time in the evenings. This was summer. I had just finished my freshman year. She had showed up as a freshman.
There was no sex, there was no alcohol. Me, her, this Afghan guy, and another girl slept on the floor. There were these two guys, the Afghan guy's brother, and this Albanian, they slept in the adjacent room.
It had been a small party in the evening. And a sleepover.
We slept on the floor.
The girl was Jewish, I learned only weeks after we started seeing each other. (Larry Ellison) But that ends up being a key detail to the story.
Many, many weeks later the college president met my entire student government team and with tears in his eyes said: "My daughter got raped." With those four words the motherfucker destroyed my college experience. He is going to have to answer for that with his legacy. I will make sure that happens. I got time.
Kara went ahead and fucked this Macedonian at a party and became pregnant and birthed a child. She said she did that because she feared I might go back to India and launch a nuclear war. Racist bitch Woolfoo put Kara into financial aid trouble for thus expressing solidarity.
One asshole - Economics professor - went ahead and christened me "the Gandhi of Berea." Gandhi is like Lincoln, he is big, he is actually bigger than Lincoln. Don't be disrespecting no Gandhi.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Reshma's Is Top Primary Race To Watch In America: BusinessWeek In May

- Reshma Saujani Vs. Carolyn Maloney (New York, House, D)
- Alan Mollohan Vs. Mike Oliverio (West Virginia, House, D)
- Trey Greyson Vs. Rand Paul (Kentucky, Senate, R)
- Blanche Lincoln Vs. Bill Halter (Arkansas, Senate, D)
- John McCain Vs. JD Hayworth (Arizona, Senate, R)
Reshma Saujani is the top political news in America this election season. 2010 is to Reshma what 2004 was to Barack Obama. She has not reached that mainstream imagination yet, but consider yourself lucky if you know her already, either in person or in name.
It is amazing she topped this poll in May when the list includes also Senate races including the Senate race of the guy who I think just ran for president not long ago.
This list includes all races for both the House and the Senate and Reshma is top of the list. This is Reshma's year. And if Barack Obama recognizes that fact, he gets to keep the House in November. I say starting from September 15 just completely take over her schedule. Call her up and say, Reshma you are coming with me, you are crisscrossing this country with me. Last I checked I was still leader of the party.
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