YourNabe.com: Battle Brews Over Queens Plaza Millstones by Nathan Duke An effort to preserve a pair of Long Island City millstones from the 17th century has split western Queens community activists who are debating where the artifacts should be stored even as the city plans to relocate them to a neighborhood library. ..... believed to be the oldest surviving European artifact in Queens .... leaders of the Dutch Kills Civic Association and the Greater Astoria Historical Society have clashed ..... the Department of City Planning intends to move the stones from Queens Plaza to the Queens Library’s Long Island City branch on 21st Street for storage at an undisclosed time. ..... “We’re being rolled over,” Dutch Kills resident Megan Friedman said of the city’s plan. ...... another example of the city steamrolling over the interests of the neighborhood. ...... cited the city’s delay in implementing a 2005 plan to rezone Dutch Kills, which enabled a number of hotels to obtain permits to build in western Queens. ...... “It’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. ...... a bombshell to the community.” ...... would hire a preservation consultant to keep an eye on the stones. ..... “Mr. Singleton is nothing more than an interloper,” said civic member George Stamatiades. “He has not taken an interest in the stones for 20 years. Now he wants to be the great white knight. ........ the stones are currently encased in plywood boxes with barriers and locked behind a 10-foot gate at Queens Plaza. ..... Reshma Saujani, a Manhattan attorney who is challenging U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-Astoria) for her seat, said the millstones have suffered from years of “abuse.” “The residents of Dutch Kills have voiced their concerns about the future of the historic millstones that have suffered years of abuse and neglect,” she said. “The city’s decisions about moving the millstones have been made in backroom dealings instead of in open public forums.” Saujani said she would like to see the Greater Astoria Historical Society care for the stones. ...... The stones, which are more than 6 feet in diameter and weigh at least 400 pounds, were used as part of the tile mill’s operation to grind wheat into flour. But the mill was closed down in the 1820s
That was a break from regular programming. And now I would like to go back to thinking about world peace.
Read News: Paterson Takes A Swipe At Rangel No-Shows The governor, a longtime ally of of the Harlem congressman, urged people not to rush to judgment on Rangel and said the charges against him did not compare to other recent offenses committed by lawmakers, including the case of ex-state Sen. Hiram Monserrate who was booted from the Senate for assaulting his girlfriend. “They are real,” Paterson said of the charges against Rangel. “They are seriousIran Democracy
News India Times: Reshma Saujani Criticized for Comment About Rival “Reshma stands by both of her statements. Carolyn Maloney has tried her best to pass a health care bill for 9/11 workers. But last week, her best wasn’t good enough and Congress failed to get this critical bill passed to help the heroes of 9/11 and their families. She is part of a broken political system in Washington that has failed to deliver for New Yorkers – and last week was a perfect example.”