30 Ways To Close Sales https://t.co/ixpxm1BXlM pic.twitter.com/9XU0xa0F3J
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) February 23, 2025
@paramendrakumarbhagat 30 Ways To Close Sales https://a.co/d/c6limLj
♬ original sound - Paramendra Kumar Bhagat
30 Ways To Close Sales https://t.co/ixpxm1BXlM pic.twitter.com/9XU0xa0F3J
— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) February 23, 2025
@paramendrakumarbhagat 30 Ways To Close Sales https://a.co/d/c6limLj
♬ original sound - Paramendra Kumar Bhagat
Yudh - Episode 19 - 13th August 2014 - Amitabh Bachchan https://t.co/BE4hc6Re6x via @YouTube— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) November 7, 2017
https://t.co/x74LytfAsE Binge Watching Two Seasons Of @QuanticoTV @QuanticoWriters @QuanticoTV @priyankachopra @jazmasri @JohannaEBraddy— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) November 7, 2017
Oh snap! We're back! Cast dinner for abcquantico season 3! #quantico https://t.co/AeMUpiL8aC— Johanna Braddy (@JohannaEBraddy) October 21, 2017
The script is everything. A show or a movie floats or sinks on the strength of the script, or lack thereof.Priyanka Chopra's Quantico is a big hit after its telecast was shifted from Sunday night to Mondayhttps://t.co/unaPke4YaN
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) February 13, 2017
Some smart asses at the FBI thought they could sink Hillary Clinton. Instead they might have ended up giving her a last minute bounce. Early voting records are being broken.
Another white institution that sounds like it is issuing empty threats is the Republican Party. It is sounding like they are threatening to end American democracy. The American democracy is going to be just fine. What is not going to survive is the Republican Party. This country will never again see a Republican president.
But the FBI has exposed itself to be a white male club and that will not stand. People into early voting are also paying taxes. And they will demand accountability.
It would seem that basically everyone at the FBI is leaking their sides of various internal disputes and turf wars, largely tied to various investigations of the Clintons or attempts to start investigations of the Clintons. That alone paints a picture of Director James Comey as having totally lost control of the organization.
The upshot, from Barrett's reporting, is that basically everyone at the Justice Department thought the investigators didn't really have anything. Seemingly, that opinion was shared among senior officials at the FBI. But the agents, who seem to have started the digging basically on their own, were sure they did. They were repeatedly told to move on, they didn't have anything. But they seemed to keep pursuing it regardless.
there's very little to shake Democrats of their longheld belief that the rank and file of the FBI has a strong Republican lean (like most law enforcement, to be fair) and that that not infrequently bleeds out in high profile public corruption probes - especially when it comes to the Clintons.
a pretty toxic situation with FBI agents pursuing probes prosecutors believe have little merit, leaking to congressional Republicans and finding various ways to force their probes into the public.
the extraordinary Wall Street Journal coverage this week that revealed frustrations in the bureau over alleged Justice Department pressure to slow-walk an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. ..... The cherry on this banana-republic split is a tweet published Monday from a long-dormant Twitter account called @FBIRecordsVault. It disclosed that new records of the bureau’s probe into Bill Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich had been released because of a Freedom of Information Act request. ..... “The Marc Rich tweet is evidence of open warfare between the Justice Department and the FBI.” ...... The move certainly appeared political. After all, former Attorney General Eric Holder was one of the first former officials to criticize Comey’s decision to update Congress on the e-mail investigation. ....... Perhaps the tweet was a shot across the bow to Holder, who recommended the Rich pardon in 2000 as deputy attorney general under President Bill Clinton. ..... many rank-and-file FBI officials are frustrated about the investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the way the e-mail probe was handled ..... As he announced his decision to close the investigation, he also excoriated Clinton, calling her decision to use a private e-mail server for official business reckless and speculating that foreign powers accessed her e-mails (although he said the bureau could not prove that). Comey then promised Congress he would keep them abreast of new developments. He did just that less than two weeks before the election. ....... Through leaks and tweets, people in his bureau appear to be helping Donald Trump -- a man who has called for Clinton to be jailed. Ironic that Trump is the one who keeps saying the election will be rigged.
American democracy is safe as long as James Carville is around.
James Comey, the formerly respected FBI director whose maladroit handling of a fresh email “discovery” threatens to change American history. A few weeks ago, I wrote that the rise of Trump is a sign that the Constitution is “gravely, perhaps terminally, ill.” I underestimated how far the rot has spread and how hard it will be to cure. A constitution is not simply a collection of words, or even a set of rules; it is a complex focus of text, history, values, and institutions. And as the nation forsakes the values and devalues the history, the institutions—for all their marble majesty—are hollowing out. The Comey episode is but the latest symptom of a seriously ailing civic culture.
He defied Department of Justice tradition and policy, and the advice of Department of Justice staff, to boldly tell the nation . . . essentially nothing except, “Everybody freak out!” In so doing, he has left not only his own reputation but the organization he heads sadly diminished for some time to come.
The email announcement—now denounced by, among others, Democratic and Republican attorneys general, the ethics counsel for the Bush White House, and Fox News’s Judge Jeanine—seems not to have been a partisan maneuver so much as an extraordinary lapse in judgment
a chilling reminder of how many such pillars of the republic have been buckling lately.
Consider that Donald J. Trump, a man incapable of a coherent English sentence, now has a lease (with option to buy) on the Republican Party. The United States Congress—where the Northwest Ordinance, the Homestead Act, The Fourteenth Amendment, the Social Security Act of 1935, and the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts were drafted—now spends its time happily threatening to default on the national debt and refusing to confirm judges.
The Supreme Court—once vaunted as the branch that worked, is now literally hollowed out, its one missing justice having robbed it of not only its ability to decide cases but its very confidence in itself. A new step downward is now being pledged, as Senators like John McCain and Ted Cruz begin to suggest that Court vacancies should never be filled. (“[L]et the Supreme Court die out,” one conservative commentator suggested last week.)
State governments—once the supposed “laboratories of democracy”—are hollowing out too, degenerating into semi-democratic one-party satrapies (look at Kansas, North Carolina, and Wisconsin).
even the elected state courts are increasingly under the sway of unregulated money.
The institutional media is now a shadow of itself. In the rise of Trump, cable news was an eager collaborator.
The FBI’s Halloween trick was not intended light-heartedly, and it may be a harbinger of the same.
Clinton is guilty of SWF (Speaking While Female), and emailgate is just a reminder to us all that she has no business doing what she’s doing and must be punished, for the sake of all decent women everywhere.
FBI Chief James Comey has shown himself to be another bully of the same kind. He has repeatedly talked down to Clinton, admonishing her as a bad parent would a 5-year-old. He has accused her of “poor judgment” and called her use of a private email server “extremely careless.”
What drives people? When your professional obligation is to uphold the laws and the constitution but you helplessly undermine your chain of command and your department guidelines and your heart says to not obey because your boss is a black woman (that don't look right) and you are moved by the ideologies of racism and sexism as certainly as the electrons are moved by electric forces and you are okay with Huma Abedin being a Hillary Clinton surrogate but a Pakistani Indian American is getting too close to the president for your comfort, what do you do? You make one last ditch effort. You would rather a madman near the nuclear code than a Pakistani Indian American near the President Of The United States.
The FBI did it to John Liu, who is born in New York City. He looked too Chinese to possibly occupy the second most powerful office in the country.
This is how you know racism in America's criminal justice system is a very real issue.
On Clinton Emails, Did the F.B.I. Director Abuse His Power?
Warren: Warrior
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warrior
To dig deeper into the DOJ’s reasons for going easy on the alleged wrongdoers, Warren dispatched a letter the same day to James Comey, asking the FBI Director to release all interviews and other materials “related to the FBI’s investigations and prosecutorial decisions regarding these referrals” to the DOJ. It’s interesting that Warren stated that the highly unusual public disclosure of such information is justified because of a recent precedent: the release of records about Hillary Clinton’s email system. If the email release was justified by “intense public interest,” as the FBI stated, then according to Warren, the same standard applies to its investigation of the financial crisis.
The FBI's relentless harassments of MLK are well documented, and the dude was nothing less than a prophet. It is not like the institution ever apologized. The reality really is black and white there. MLK was doing God's work. The FBI was with The Devil.
In recent years I have noted the FBI basically ended the possibility of John Liu becoming New York City mayor. Otherwise the guy had collected more votes citywide than Bloomberg only a year before the institutional attacks started coming. That John Liu was born and raised in NYC did not seem to matter. That his origin was Taiwanese (not Chinese) did not seem to matter.
When 13 trillion dollars evaporated like water on Mars, the fall guys were a black guy, a Hispanic, an Asian, two Indians, a Jewish guy. And that 13 is not even counting the three trillion lost to foreign misadventures. The real culprits did not even get so much as a speeding ticket.
Law enforcement is not above the law. Institutions paid for by the taxpayers, the voters have to be seen making their very best attempts to do right, and stay away from evil impulses.
You are lovely as long as you don't covet seats of power is not the message the next generation of women are eager to hear.
The timing of the FBI's recent "release" on Hillary Clinton's email thing is suspect. There seems to be a faceless clique inside the FBI trying to do maximum political damage to this person who shows every sign of becoming the first female president. The merits or lack thereof of the case aside, my political instincts are hugely suspicious of the timing and pace of the investigation process. The goal seems to be political damage.
What, the white guys running the FBI are suddenly feeling the hots for Donald Trump now? What do you see in him?
The FBI's ethnic and gender composition is suspect, and needs to be rectified. The FBI needs to look more like America. Perhaps the next president will do something about it.
Rule of law is important. And that is why it is super important that law enforcement has to be seen not propagating racism and sexism.
America is still doing seven times better than China on per capita income. Anti racism, anti sexism is not anti white male. Anti racism, anti sexism is about taking the world to an era of currently unimaginable riches. Racism is the mindless assaults of today. Just like major riches are not possible in a society where physical assaults are the norm, a racist, sexist society is fundamentally kneecapped. It is an unnecessary disadvantage to have.
Your (and everyone else's) soul is unique in the history and future of time. That eternal spiritual truth is the basis for the political and social concepts of equality. To accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior is to accept that spiritual truth. Which means if you don't believe in political and social equality, you don't accept that eternal spiritual truth, and if you don't, then you don't accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior. So help me God.
Robert Morgenthau, Manhattan District Attorney, 1975-2009 .... he grew up knowing Roosevelt. ..... In 1961, after twelve years of practicing corporate law, Morgenthau accepted an appointment from President John F. Kennedy as United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. He was the Democratic nominee for governor of New York in 1962, but was defeated by the incumbent Nelson Rockefeller. He then was reappointed U.S. Attorney and served for the remainder of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. As a United States Attorney Morgenthau established a special unit to investigate securities fraud and prosecuted highly publicized bribery cases against city officials and IRS attorneys and accountants....... He was eventually forced out of office at the end of 1969 ...... seek the Democratic nomination for Governor in 1970 ...... Morgenthau returned to private life until 1974, when he was elected to the office of District Attorney of New York County. This was a special election caused by the death of Frank Hogan, who had served as D.A. for more than thirty years. Morgenthau defeated Hogan's interim successor, Richard Kuh. He was elected to a full term in 1977 and was re-elected seven times. He was not opposed in a general election from 1985 to 2005. ...... In the general election, he was once again the candidate for all political parties in the election, having been nominated by the Democrats, Republicans and the Working Families Party. Morgenthau won re-election with more than 99% of the vote....... On February 27, 2009 Morgenthau announced that he would not seek re-election in 2009, saying "I never expected to be here this long ... [R]ecently I figured that I’d served 25 years beyond the normal retirement age." He was replaced by Cyrus Vance, Jr., a prosecutor under Morgenthau and the son of former President Jimmy Carter's secretary of state Cyrus Vance. Morgenthau officially endorsed Vance on June 25. Vance went on to win the primary election on September 15, 2009 and the subsequent general election on November 3. On January 20, 2010, Morgenthau joined the law firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. ...... Notable Assistant District Attorneys under Morgenthau ...... Sonia Sotomayor (1979-1984): Current Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Andrew Cuomo (1984-1985): Current New York State Attorney General, and previously served as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Bill Clinton. Eliot Spitzer (1986-1992): Former Governor and Attorney General of New York State. John F. Kennedy, Jr. (1989-1993): First son of President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy. Former journalist, lawyer, pilot, and socialite. .... The character of District Attorney Adam Schiff (played by actor Steven Hill), the New York district attorney in the long running TV series Law and Order, was loosely based on Morgenthau. It is reported that Morgenthau was a fan of the character.Richard Aborn For Manhattan District Attorney