Thursday, February 10, 2022
The Kisan Andolan (Farmers' Movement) Raging Across Nepal
Democracy And Revolution In Nepal
भगवान राम धरती पर पैदा हुवे थे
एक झिझक
Ask The Government Of Nepal To Come To Dialogue With The Kisan Andolan (Farmers' Movement)
आखिर संविधान ढलने अवस्था किन आउन लाग्यो?
चुनाव लड्ने निर्णय स्वागतयोग्य छ
जनमत पार्टी के लिए आगे का रास्ता
पलड़ा भारी
किसान आन्दोलन ले एमाले आदि पार्टी को समर्थन लिने कि नलिने?
सड़क आन्दोलन सँग वार्ता नगर्ने तानाशाह
सार्वजनिक जग्गा वापस जनता लाई
Dr. CK Raut: February 2: मशाल जुलुस
म यस क्रान्ति को Open Source Script Writer
दुनिया को नंबर एक लोकतंत्र बनाउन कस्तो संविधान लेख्ने?
क्रान्ति तो जनता करती है, नेता कार्यकर्ता आते जाते रहते हैं
रूद्र पाण्डे र सीके राउत
फ्युजन को प्रयास
सीके राउत को किसान आन्दोलन र राष्ट्रिय राजनीति
देउबा सरकार, दमन बन्द करो, वार्ता करो
क्रान्ति एक मात्र उपलब्ध रास्ता है
First They Ignore You
गमछा, पगड़ी और लाठी
जनमत पार्टी और मैं
ज्ञानेन्द्र को चुनाव, देउबा, पुष्पक, माधव, ओली, उपेन्द्र को चुनाव
अपराधी मंत्री रेणु यादव को जेल चलान करो
क्रान्ति अपना माँग खुद पुरा करती है
सड़क क्रान्ति, सभा क्रान्ति, सदन क्रान्ति देश को राजधानी सार्नुपर्छ
दुई तिहाइ सैनिक, प्रहरी, र कर्मचारी को घर वापसी नै संघीयता हो
काठमाण्डु की ओर बढ़ रहा किसान आन्दोलन का कारवां
किसान महारैली
Democracy And Revolution In Nepal
४६ साल वालों का सफाया
. नेपाल को एकीकरण हुन बाँकी छ, राष्ट्र निर्माण हुन बाँकी छ
पृथ्वी नारायण शाह र आज को नेपाल
किसान आन्दोलन: राजनीतिक मास्टर स्ट्रोक
दुनिया को नवीनतम क्रान्ति बाट दुनिया को उच्चतम लोकतन्त्र को अपेक्षा
प्रतिक्रान्ति विरुद्ध पुनःक्रान्ति किन?
क्रान्ति, अझ बढ़ी क्रान्ति, लोकतंत्र, अझ बढ़ी लोकतंत्र
सीके राउत लाई सोधिंदै आएको अहिंसा को प्रश्न
यो सीके राउत बीपी कोइराला भन्दा दामी मान्छे हो
किसान आन्दोलन ले राष्ट्रिय रूप लिनेछ
तामासालिंग का किसान काठमाण्डु झर्ने बेला यो
नेपाल के इतिहास में अभी तक का सबसे शांतिपुर्ण पार्टी जनमत
किसान आन्दोलन बारे मैले नबुझेको
Sinema Is The Democrats' Sudetenland Moment
Sinema And The Filibuster
Russia And The US: Modi Should Mediate
The US Is Making A Major Mistake In Afghanistan
Ending White Minority Rule Across America
Reorganize The US Senate
Bin Laden's Fantasy, Trump's Reality
Monday, September 23, 2019
Imran Wants To Lift 100 Million Pakistanis Out Of Poverty
So says Imran. I think he can get it done. Not only that, I don't see anyone else on the horizon who can get it done. How will he be able to get it done? Here are my ideas.
- Peace with India. This is the most important thing. Unless India and Pakistan can figure out a way to create lasting peace, Pakistan will have it tough. And the formula for peace is that both agree that the Line Of Control will be the final border, and both will compete with each other to bring democracy and human rights to Kashmiris on both sides. Then they have to focus on trade and gradually, over time, get the troops away from their borders.
- Peace in Afghanistan. I'd say to Imran, break the rule and talk to the Taliban. There is something about this Pathan Saheb that the Pakistani Army Chief plays ball with him, and looks like the Taliban want to respectfully talk to him. Let them. The formula for peace there is like what happened in Nepal. The Maoists and the Nepal Army were at war. Peace meant the two armies got combined and became one. Incorporate the Taliban fighters into the Afghan Army even if that means a huge defense budget. Peace is worth the price.
- Peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The status quo is unsustainable. And this is way beyond the scope of Imran's capabilities. The PMO office in Pakistan has a hard enough time dealing with internal villains. But in a 10-year timeframe I hope he does play a role here, a role there to bring about a fruitful outcome.
- Law and order inside Pakistan. This means unless you are a soldier or a police officer, you don't get to carry a gun inside Pakistan. Zero tolerance for terrorist groups. He really has to lead the Pakistani army here. When Imran's hero and role model Nitish Kumar came to power in Bihar in 2005, he only said, "Law and order!" That is all he said when he ran for office, and that is all he worked on for the first few years. Nitish knew that unless he could restore law and order, nothing else he does really matters. Next thing you know, he had put 70,000 people behind bars.
- Infrastructure. That road that China is building is key. It will transform Pakistan. It will unify Pakistan. I am for robust federalism in Pakistan. I am not for breaking Pakistan into smaller pieces, a fantasy of some Hindu fanatics in India. After law and order, Nitish focused on building roads. Roads, roads and more roads. When Deng Xiaoping started his reforms in China, his first mantra was, lay down train tracks everywhere. Infrastructure is important.
- Health and education. This is another place where Bill and Melinda Gates are huge fans of Nitish Kumar. I believe Imran Khan is making all the right noise here and making the right moves. I wish him all the best.
- 5G. This is where you want to take your bathroom trip when Donald Trump starts talking about Huawei. If the Chinese want to steal Pakistani secrets, let them. That might be a stealth way of forcing them to learn Urdu. But get 5G done. And Huawei has the best deal in the market by a wide margin. Blanket Pakistan with 5G. This is more important than train tracks and roads and bridges. 5G is the most important infrastructure today. If you blanket the land with 5G, you will be able to do in 10-15 years, what China did in 30.
- Ease of Doing Business. Here, learn from Modi. The guy has helped India climb up the ranks.
Imran Wants To Lift 100 Million Pakistanis Out Of Poverty @ImranKhanPTI @PTIofficial @PTIKPOfficial @PTICPOfficial @PTIPeshawar @SMQureshiPTI @ImranIsmailPTI @AliHZaidiPTI @PTIHazara @narendramodi @PMOIndia @BJP4India @AmitShah @MehboobaMufti @OmarAbdullah— Paramendra Kumar Bhagat (@paramendra) September 23, 2019
Pakistan's prime minister blames Trump tweet for derailing Afghanistan peace deal
— Bloomberg (@business) September 24, 2019
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
China Failed To Fail
The Chinese economy has grown so fast for so long now that it is easy to forget how unlikely its metamorphosis into a global powerhouse was, how much of its ascent was improvised and born of desperation. ....... China now leads the world in the number of homeowners, internet users, college graduates and, by some counts, billionaires. Extreme poverty has fallen to less than 1 percent. An isolated, impoverished backwater has evolved into the most significant rival to the United States since the fall of the Soviet Union. ........ the Trump administration has launched a trade war and is gearing up for what could be a new Cold War. Meanwhile, in Beijing the question these days is less how to catch up with the West than how to pull ahead — and how to do so in a new era of American hostility. ....... China’s Communist leaders have defied expectations again and again. ...... they presided over 40 years of uninterrupted growth, often with unorthodox policies the textbooks said would fail. ........ And China may be just hitting its stride — a new superpower with an economy on track to become not just the world’s largest but, quite soon, the largest by a wide margin. ....... There is no simple explanation for how China’s leaders pulled this off. There was foresight and luck, skill and violent resolve, but perhaps most important was the fear — a sense of crisis among Mao’s successors that they never shook, and that intensified after the Tiananmen Square massacre and the collapse of the Soviet Union. ...... Bureaucrats who were once obstacles to growth became engines of growth. Officials devoted to class warfare and price controls began chasing investment and promoting private enterprise. ....... It was a remarkable act of reinvention, one that eluded the Soviets. In both China and the Soviet Union, vast Stalinist bureaucracies had smothered economic growth, with officials who wielded unchecked power resisting change that threatened their privileges. ....... Party leaders called this go-slow, experimental approach “crossing the river by feeling the stones” — allowing farmers to grow and sell their own crops, for example, while retaining state ownership of the land; lifting investment restrictions in “special economic zones,” while leaving them in place in the rest of the country; or introducing privatization by selling only minority stakes in state firms at first. ........ After a visit to China in 1988, the Nobel laureate Milton Friedman called the party’s strategy “an open invitation to corruption and inefficiency.” ...... mainland China now produces more graduates in science and engineering every year than the United States, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan combined. ...... In cities like Shanghai, Chinese schoolchildren outperform peers around the world. ...... most students also enroll in after-school tutoring programs — a market worth $125 billion, according to one study, or as much as half the government’s annual military budget. ....... the party made changes after Mao’s death that fell short of free elections or independent courts yet were nevertheless significant. ....... The party introduced term limits and mandatory retirement ages, for example, making it easier to flush out incompetent officials. And it revamped the internal report cards it used to evaluate local leaders for promotions and bonuses, focusing them almost exclusively on concrete economic targets. ........ “China created a unique hybrid,” she said, “an autocracy with democratic characteristics.” ....... The private sector now produces more than 60 percent of the nation’s economic output, employs over 80 percent of workers in cities and towns, and generates 90 percent of new jobs ...... As often as not, the bureaucrats stay out of the way. ....... Of the many risks that the party took in its pursuit of growth, perhaps the biggest was letting in foreign investment, trade and ideas. It was an exceptional gamble by a country once as isolated as North Korea is today, and it paid off in an exceptional way: China tapped into a wave of globalization sweeping the world and emerged as the world’s factory. China’s embrace of the internet, within limits, helped make it a leader in technology. And foreign advice helped China reshape its banks, build a legal system and create modern corporations. ........ “China’s policies were tremendous,” he recalled. “They were like a sponge absorbing water, money, technology, everything.” ........ Mr. Lin was part of a torrent of investment from ethnic Chinese enclaves in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and beyond that washed over China — and gave it a leg up on other developing countries. Without this diaspora, some economists argue, the mainland’s transformation might have stalled at the level of a country like Indonesia or Mexico. ........ Taiwan jump-started capitalism in China and plugged it into the global economy. ....... Before long, the government in Taiwan began to worry about relying so much on its onetime enemy and tried to shift investment elsewhere. But the mainland was too cheap, too close and, with a common language and heritage, too familiar. ......... The shock of China’s rise as an export colossus .. was felt in factory towns around the world. ....... Now Mr. Xi is steering the party toward repression again, tightening its grip on society, concentrating power in his own hands and setting himself up to rule for life by abolishing the presidential term limit. Will the party loosen up again, as it did a few years after Tiananmen, or is this a more permanent shift? If it is, what will it mean for the Chinese economic miracle? ........ “The cost of censorship is quite limited compared to the great value created by the internet,” said Chen Tong, an industry pioneer. “We still get the information we need for economic progress.” ....... It is a rare consensus for the United States, which is deeply divided about so much else ...... a gnawing sense that the party’s formula for success may be faltering. ...... The party is investing ever more in censorship to control discussion of the challenges the nation faces: widening inequality, dangerous debt levels, an aging population. ...... Mr. Xi himself has acknowledged that the party must adapt, declaring that the nation is entering a “new era” requiring new methods. But his prescription has largely been a throwback to repression, including vast internment camps targeting Muslim ethnic minorities. “Opening up” has been replaced by an outward push, with huge loans that critics describe as predatory and other efforts to gain influence — or interfere — in the politics of other countries. At home, experimentation is out while political orthodoxy and discipline are in.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
भारत १५% कर सकता है
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 30, 2017
Modi's 2019: Contested And Won Already
New economy for new India: Fundamental changes put in place
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 28, 2017
जयंत सिन्हा ने दिया अपने पिता यशवंत सिन्हा को जवाब -
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 28, 2017
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley defends demonetisation & GST, trashes slowdown talk
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 28, 2017
Arun Jaitley reminds Yashwant Sinha, Chidambaram of their own track record as finance minister
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 28, 2017
PM Narendra Modi 'singularly responsible' for damage to economy: Anand Sharma via @economictimes
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 28, 2017
26 of 27 Congress MLAs shun Sonia-appointed Bihar chief - Times of India via @timesofindia
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 28, 2017
Moving Fast and Breaking Things, a Saudi Prince Tests His Public
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 28, 2017
BBC हिंदी - सोशल: यशवंत सिन्हा का हमला, 'अरुण जेटली ने बेड़ा ग़र्क कर दिया'
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 28, 2017
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 28, 2017

Ab Ki Baar: For 2019, PM Narendra Modi Hedges on Caste as Flagging Economy Throws Up New Social Coalitions
— Paramendra Bhagat (@paramendra) September 29, 2017
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Modi's Remarkable Political Maneuvers Are Nobel Peace Prize Size
Saturday, March 05, 2016
नीतिश का एक Blind Spot: FDI (2)
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English: Fixed Capital Formation and FDI in the Philippines (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Foreign direct investment incoming in Jordan (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
मोदी खुद कटोरा ले के सारे दुनिया घुम रहे हैं डेढ़ साल से कि FDI दे दो। स्वाभाविक है केंद्र सरकार के पास पैसा नहीं है। तो बिहार सरकार पैसे क्यों माग रही है? मुख्य मंत्री थे मोदी गुजरात में तो सालाना एक समिट करवाते थे। घर बैठे FDI आ जाती थी। विशेष राज्य का दर्जा मिलने से कितना पैसा आना है? जितना भी आना है उसकी सीमा होगी। लेकिन FDI का कोई सीमा ही नहीं है। सिर्फ लेनेवाले पर निर्भर होता है कि लेने का क्षमता कितना है? एक लाख करोड़ चाहिए कि दो लाख कि पांच लाख? क्षमता कितना है? जितना है उतना लेते जाओ।
समाजवाद में शायद FDI नहीं होता। समस्या शायद वो है।
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Thursday, February 25, 2016
Free Speech और इंडिया
मीडिया थोड़ा अपरिपक्व है। मैं ईमानदारीपूर्वक एक बात बता दुं। जैसे कि कोई एक घटना हुइ मानो। जैसे की एक आया था दादरी। फिर एक सुसाइड का आया था। तो मीडिया एक घटना पर लटक जाती है हप्तो। मेरे को लगता है वैसे ढेर घटनाएँ होते होंगे। सिर्फ न्यूज़ में नहीं आता। नहीं तो उतना बड़ा देश है और सिर्फ एक वैसा गलत घटना घटा हो तो वो तो बहुत ही ख़ुशी की बात होगी। कि इतना कम। लेकिन मेरे को लगता है मीडिया थोड़ा अपरिपक्व है। एक ही घटना को दो चार हप्ते दौड़ा दो तो फील्ड वर्क ज्यादा नहीं करना पड़ा। रिसोर्स भी कम होंगे।
अभी बात आया है फ्री स्पीच का। तो फ्री स्पीच का मतलब क्या? आप बोल सकते हैं। आप ने कुछ बोला उसके आधार पर अरेस्ट नहीं हो सकते। लेकिन फ्री स्पीच का मतलब ये नहीं कि आप हिंसा का आह्वान कर सकते हैं। आतंकवाद को दुनिया के प्रत्येक लोकतंत्र में गैर कानूनी। आप कहेंगे ये उडा दो वो उड़ा दो इसे मारो उसे मारो तो वो तो फ्री स्पीच नहीं हुवा। पकडे जाओगे।
फ्री स्पीच यानि कि शांति के परिधि में रह के। हिंसा गैर कानुनी होता है।
दूसरा फ्री स्पीच का मतलब ये नहीं कि मेरे को जो मन में आए बोला फ्री स्पीच है तो फिर मेरे को कम्पनि ने नौकरी से क्यों निकाला? किसी कंपनी के अपने नियम होंगे कुछ दस्तुर होंगे। कंपनी बोले के आधार पर अरेस्ट नहीं करवा सकती। लेकिन नौकरी से निकाले जा सकते हो।
फ्री स्पीच का मतलब ये नहीं आप किसी के घर गए और गाली गलौज किए। और घर से निकाल दिया तो आप ने कहा फ्री स्पीच। घर वालों का अधिकार है निकाल दिया। उसी तरह एक संस्कृति की बात होती है। राजनीतिक संस्कृति। एक सभ्य परिधि के अंतर्गत रह के विचार आदान प्रदान करेंगे --- सभी पार्टीया मिल कर कुछ वैसी राजनीतिक संस्कृति का निर्माण कर सकते हैं। वो भी फ्री स्पीच ही हुवा।
फ्री स्पीच का वास्तविक मकसद ये होता है कि समाज में वैचारिक विकास होने के लिए। किसी ने कह दिया पृथ्वी गोल है तो उसको फांसी पर मत लटकाओ। नहीं तो विज्ञानं का विकास तो होगा नहीं। फ्री स्पीच के बगैर साइंस और टेक्नोलॉजी संभव नहीं।
मेरा अनुभव रहा है एक आम अमेरिकी के तुलना में एक आम भारतीय बहुत ज्यादा opinionated होते हैं। जैसे कि सब्जी किन्ने जाते हैं तो भारतीय वहीं पर मोल मोल्है शुरू कर देता है। जब कि अमरिकी का व्यवहार ऐसा होता है कि लगता है ये नार्थ कोरिया में रह रहे हैं। प्राइस टैग देख के पैसे दे देते हैं।
आर्य भट्ट ने शून्य का अविष्कार किया। वो बगैर फ्री स्पीच के संभव नहीं हुवा होगा। मैं ये नहीं कहता कि जितने अच्छे चीज हैं सब भारत के इतिहास में हैं। नहीं। लेकिन जो अच्छे हैं वो अच्छे तो हैं।
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Sunday, August 23, 2015
What Is Bihar's Current Growth Rate?
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Per capita net state domestic product (NSDP) of Indian states in 1997-1998 (Darker states have higher per capita NSDP). The states of Rajasthan, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have one of the lowest NSDPs. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Per capita income in Bihar PER CAPITA INCOME OF ALL STATES/UT'S AND ALL INDIA AT CURRENT PRICES (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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Macro-economic trend, This is a chart of trend of gross state domestic product of Bihar at market prices estimated by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |

Indian states by GDP Growth
At constant 2004-05 prices, Puducherry has attained highest GSDP growth of 10.69% among 33 Indian States and Union Territories In year 2013-14. Only Puducherry has growth rate of above 10 per cent. Next in line come Meghalaya (9.76%), Chandigarh (9.64%), Madhya Pradesh (9.48%) and Delhi (9.35%). With Gross state domestic product Growth rate of 9.12 per cent Bihar is at number 7 and Gujarat is at number 10. .......... The bottom five states, in reverse order, are Odisha (1.82%), Telangana (4.76%), Rajasthan (4.79%), Uttar Pradesh (4.95%) and Chhattisgarh (4.99%). ..... Data for 2014-15 are available for 23 states. Puducherry (11.54%) is fastest growing Indian state of country followed by Madhya Pradesh (10.19%). These two states have growth rate of above 10 per cent. Three states Bihar, Uttarakhand and Meghalaya has gdp growth rate between 9 to 10 percent. Jammu & Kashmir has lowest growth of -1.57%. ........ During Period 2005-14, Sikkim has highest average growth rate of 16.49%. Uttarakhand (12.45%), Puducherry (10.62%), Goa (10.26%) is at 2nd, 3rd, and 4th position, respectively. Rank of Bihar is 8 and rank of Gujarat is 9. Four states/UTs has average growth rate of above 10 per cent. 11 states has above 9 per cent, and 18 has above 8 per cent. 20 states has grown faster than India's average 7.61 per cent at 2004-05 prices. Bottom five states are : Manipur, Assam, Jammu & Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh and Odisha. .......Economy of Bihar
At current prices, top five fastest growing states during 2005-14 are : Sikkim (26.06%), Uttarakhand (19.57%), Bihar (18.10%), Telangana (17.92%), and Rajasthan (16.74%).
17 states has growth rate greater than India's average 15.04 per cent. Five slowest states are : Manipur, Jharkhand, Assam, Tripura and Nagaland.
As of 2012, agriculture accounts for 22%, industry 5% and service 73% of the economy of the state ..... Bihar has the lowest GDP per capita in India but there are pockets of higher per capita income like the southern half of the state and its capital city, Patna, had per capita income greater than that of Bangalore or Hyderabad in 2008. ...... in June 2009, the World Bank reported that Patna was the second best city in India to start a business, after Delhi. ...... in January 2010, the Indian government's Central Statistics Organisation reported that in the five-year period between 2004–2005 and 2008–09, Bihar's GDP grew by 11.03%, which made Bihar the second fastest growing economy in India during that 5-year period, just behind Gujarat's growth of 11.05%. ....... The state has a per capita income of $360 a year against India's average of $1265 and 30.6% of the state's population lives below the poverty line against India's average of 22.15%. ...... The level of urbanisation (10.5%) is below the national average (27.78%). Urban poverty in Bihar (32.91%) is above the national average of 23.62%. .... Also using per capita water supply as a surrogate variable, Bihar (61 litres per day) is below the national average (142 litres per day).Bihar's economy grew 9.92 per cent in FY14: Survey
"Bihar is one of the few states, which have a higher growth rate than the national economic growth. It means
development here has consolidated and growth has become irreversible now.
This points out towards a vibrant economy in the state." ....... "The growth in per capita income is encouraging. It has climbed to Rs 17,294 in 2013-14 from Rs 15,931 in 2012-13. Ten years ago it was one-fourth of the national per capita income, but now it is around 40 per cent of the national per capita income, which is at Rs 39,904," Yadav said. ..... "It will take around 15 to 20 years to catch up with the national average at the current economic growth rate," he said.

Bihar tops in growth: CSO
Bihar is the fastest growing State while Tamil Nadu is the worst performer ..... Bihar’s Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) grew 10.73 per cent during 2012-13 — the only State that clocked a double-digit growth rate during the year. The growth rate was 10.29 per cent in 2011-12 and 15.03 per cent in 2010-11. ...... Tamil Nadu recorded the slowest growth rate — 3.39 per cent — slower than the national average of 4.5 per cent in 2012-13. The second-best performing State is Madhya Pradesh, which grew at 9.89 per cent. Delhi is third with a growth rate of 9.33 per cent. ...... The CSO-verified growth rate for 2012-13, however, is lower than that reported by Bihar’s Statistics Directorate. The State government had reported a growth rate of 15.05 per cent. ...... All major industrial States lag behind Bihar. Growing at 7.96 per cent, Gujarat is ranked sixth and Maharashtra ninth with 6.18 per cent. ..... “The CSO never seeks political approval of any of its numbers. Even the Prime Minister cannot be provided any data before it is made public,” said a senior source at the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, citing one of the reasons for the rising discrepancies. ...... “However, the rules of the State Statistical Directorates need them to seek political approval from Chief Ministers or Finance Ministers,” he said.Bihar’s growth accelerates to a record 14.48%
Bihar has revised its economic growth for 2012-13 to 14.48%, five percentage points higher than what was initially forecast, according to two officials at the state’s directorate of statistics. .... The new numbers confirm the state’s structural shift away from agriculture, with a sharp increase in the share of the tertiary or services sector.......Bihar''s economy grew 9.92 per cent in FY14: Survey
Experts said the data released by the Bihar’s directorate of economics and statistics should be interpreted carefully.
..... “Bihar’s growth story reflects that if you have heavily distorted regional economies, even small policy changes have large growth effects” ..... while the state’s growth performance was remarkable, it needed to do more to reduce poverty.
the GSDP at constant prices (2004-05) for 2013-14 has been estimated at Rs.3,43,054 crore against Rs.2,96,153 crore in 2012-13, registering a growth of 9.92 per cent. ..... However, the economic growth marked a decline of 0.82 per cent in comparison to 10.74 per cent in 2012-13. It was also lesser than 10.29 per cent growth registered in the state during 2011-12. ...... "Growth of the states is driven much by the national growth rate, and move up and down accordingly. The fall in the figures can also be attributed to slight decrease in the construction sector, serious drought in the state over the last few years and high prices of diesel." ..... the own tax revenue of the state grew from Rs.8,090 crore in 2009-10 to Rs.19,961 crore in 2013-14. ...... Sales tax alone comprised 42 per cent of the total, followed by 22 per cent through taxes on goods and passengers, 16 per cent via state excise duty, 14 per cent by stamp and registration fees and four per cent through taxes on vehicles. ....... Power availability during the peak period was 2,335 MW in 2013-14, which increased to 2,829 MW in September 2014Land issue: How PM Narendra Modi can go on the offensive
acquisition problems affect over 40 per cent of major stalled projects, though they are not always the binding constraint. The 2013 Act on acquisition provided for the consent of 70-80 per cent of affected persons plus a social impact assessment. Niti Aayog fears this could take years to complete. ..... Accusations that Modi was anti-farmer and pro-business tarnished his image, and may cost him the coming Bihar election. So, the government has turned tail and allowed its bill to lapse, instead of re-issuing it through an ordinance, as it did twice before. The 2013 law once again prevails. ..... Why this retreat? First, the government estimates the acquisition problem is smaller than earlier believed. Second, a detailed look at the 2013 Act has revealed loopholes that may make a new law unnecessary. That Act was supposed to make consent mandatory, but omitted the word "consent" from the clause on acquisition for a long list of government projects including industrial corridors, special manufacturing zones and other zones specified in the National Manufacturing Policy. Such land could later be leased to private companies. For all such zones, it can now be argued that no consent is required, removing one cause of delay. ........ The 2013 Act also requires state governments to issue rules for social impact assessments (SIAs). While industrialists fear this could take years, states can specify a short timeline of just 3-6 months. If this is made co-terminus with environment assessment, also required for such projects, then SIAs may not entail any additional delay at all. And so, the government believes, delays can be avoided in most cases without a new law. ....... What's legally permissible may be politically damaging. ....... A better, proactive approach would be to showcase land policy as the road to prosperity, not expropriation. Modi should have a three-pronged strategy. The first priority should be "land pooling", initiated by Chandrababu Naidu in Andhra Pradesh. The second priority should be land leasing, as provided for in section 104 of the 2013 Act. Forced acquisition should be the third and last priority. ...... Naidu has persuaded thousands of farmers to voluntarily "pool" their land to help build a new state capital. Once built, farmers will get 1,000 sq yds of residential property and 200-450 sq yds of commercial property for each acre pooled. This developed land is expected to be worth Rs 8-9 crore per acre, against the current price of Rs 1-2 crore. In addition, all farmers will get an annuity of Rs 30,000-50,0000, payable monthly, for 10 years till the city is completed. Landless labourers will get a pension of Rs 2,500 per month......... Modi should take thousands of farmers from Bihar and other states to meet the farmers in AP who are voluntarily pooling their land. That alone will convince people in far-off states that pooling can work elsewhere. It may not work for some projects, like mines in remote tribal areas, but can work for many projects. More important, it can puncture opposition claims that Modi is anti-farmer. ...... Where pooling is not feasible, leasing should be the second option. Instead of acquiring land, state governments should lease it at double the market rate, linked to the cost of living. Leases should be renewable every 33 or 40 years, with a lump sum payable for every renewal. The farmer will remain owner of the land, which will be an income-earning, appreciating asset. Industrialists will be his tenants, not his expropriators. He can sell, divide or bequeath his property, as with any other rental property. ........ States may have to amend their leasing laws to give stronger property rights to lessors. Current land laws tend to give overwhelming rights to tenants at the expense of owners. Modi should ask BJP-ruled states to experiment with this leasing option, remove glitches, and then showcase that as a superior option to acquisition. However, acquisition may still be required for linear projects requiring contiguous land — roads, railways, canals. ......
Modi has gone on the defensive on land. He needs instead to go on the offensive, showcasing pooling and leasing. He should present them as equitable solutions rather than problems.
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भारतका २४० ट्रिलियन डॉलर वाला अर्थतंत्र बनने का फोर्मुला इजराइल के पास है। वो कैसे? एक इसरायली के ब्रेन में per cubic millimeter जितना नॉलेज (ज्ञान) है उतना एक औसत भारतीय ब्रेन में भी भर दो। हो गया काम।
३०० मिलियन जनसंख्या वाले अमेरिका से ८ मिलियन वाले इसरायली सीधा प्रतिस्प्रधा करते हैं। अगर हिटलर ने दुसरे विश्व युद्ध में ६ मिलियन इसरायली को ख़तम नहीं किया होता तो शायद आज इजराइल अमेरिका से भी आगे होता।
It is all about knowledge, it is all about brain power. हवा में FM High School खोलो, घर घर ब्रॉडबैंड पहुँचाओ। संघम शरणम गच्छामि। Adult evening schools का प्रबंध करो। बच्चे दिन में पढ़ें, वयस्क रात में।
भारतीयों को trillion dollar industries के बारे में सोंचना चाहिए, and it is all knowledge based.
Vivek Wadhwa: Get Ready for The Next Wave of Tech Disruptions
Why middle-aged entrepreneurs will be critical to the next trillion-dollar business
Steve Jobs was 52 when he announced the iPhone. ....... Years later, the Apple cofounder introduced the MacBook Air, App Store, and iPad. ..... “People under 35 are the people who make change happen; people over 45 basically die in terms of new ideas,” Vinod Khosla, a prominent investor, said at a conference I attended. ...... investor Paul Graham told the New York Times, “The cutoff in investors’ heads is 32; after 32, they start to be a little skeptical.” He acknowledged that he could be “tricked by anyone who looks like Mark Zuckerberg.” Others go so far as to claim that Internet entrepreneurs peak at age 25. .....2014 is ending, but this wave of technology disruptions is just beginning
the stereotypes are flawed
..... companies that had made it out of the garage and were generating at least $1 million in revenue .... the average and median age of their founders was 39 ..... Twice as many were older than 50 as were younger than 25. And twice as many were older than 60 as were younger than 20. .... the backgrounds of 549 successful entrepreneurs in 12 high-growth industries. The average and median age of male founders in this group was 40, and a significant proportion were older than 50. ..... in every year from 1996 to 2013, Americans in the 55-to-64 age group started new businesses at a higher rate than those in their twenties and thirties. And the trend is building. Those ages 55 to 64 started 14 percent of all new businesses in 1996 but nearly 24 percent of them in 2013. ...... there is no substitute for experience and knowledge. .... What makes entrepreneurs successful, as my team’s research revealed, is work and industry experience and management ability. ......
20 years of investment data from nearly 100 venture funds. It found that the vast majority of them produced lower returns than did the public markets.
........ The experiment by Thiel to pay college students to drop out did not result in any world-changing startups. Most Thiel fellows joined other companies or went back to school. ...... the realization set in that the innovation advantage isn’t provided by youth, but by knowledge, maturity, experience, and connections. ...... The claim that only the young can effect change has been disproved not only by Apple, but also by founders, inventors, innovators, and executives at almost every major technology company, including Google, LinkedIn,, Qualcomm, and Intel. Qualcomm, for example, was founded by Irwin Jacobs when he was 52 and Andrew Viterbi, who was 50. ....... untrue that people “die in terms of new ideas” as they approach 45 or that “young people are just smarter,” as Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg told an audience at Stanford in 2007. ...... the average age at which Nobel laureates performed their prizewinning work and the average age at which inventors had their great achievement was 39. ....... twice as many — 14 percent — were older than 50 as were younger than 26. .... the average age of innovators is steadily rising, with the average age of greatest achievement for Nobel Prize winners and great tech inventors having increased six years, to 45, in the 20th century. ....... is easier to write code for a cellphone than to learn how to
motivate and inspire employees, manage finances, and market products
. But building a business requires all of those skills. ......... A technology shift is happening that will dramatically alter the entrepreneurial landscape in the next few years. Several technologies — involving medicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, 3D printing, and nanomaterials — are advancing at exponential rates and are converging. This is the same type of advance that is occurring with computers — with processing power doubling every 18 months, prices falling, and devices becoming smaller. A $500 laptop today has more computing power than did a Cray 2 supercomputer that cost $17.5 million in 1985 and had to be housed in a large building. ...... Digital tutors will be able to transform education. ...... These technologies will make it possible to create the next trillion-dollar industries and to better our lives. But they require knowledge of fields such as medicine, biotechnology, engineering, and nanotechnology. ...... we need to get beyond the stereotypes and realize that older entrepreneurs are going to better the world.
most of our leading companies won’t exist 15–20 years from now
. ..... Imagine being able to design your own iPhone and print it at home. .... With cardless transactions for purchasing goods, we won’t need the types of physical banks and financial institutions that we presently have. Banks in the United States seem to be complacent because they have laws protecting them from competition. But our laws don’t apply in other countries. We will see innovations happening abroad which disrupt industries in the United States. ...... it is a fact solar prices have dropped about 97 percent over the past 35 years, and, at the rate at which solar is advancing, by the end of this decade we will achieve grid parity across the United States. Grid parity means it’s cheaper to produce energy at home on your solar cells than to buy it from utilities. ........ Move forward another 10 or 20 years, and it will costs a fraction as much to produce your own energy as to buy it from the grid. ..... When we have unlimited energy, we can have unlimited clean water, because we can simply boil as much ocean water as we want. ........ landline businesses disappear. These were replaced by mobile—which is now being replaced by data. When I travel abroad, I don’t make long-distance calls any more, because I just call over Skype ...... the world will be very different 15 to 20 years from now. The vast majority of companies who are presently the leaders in their industries will likely not even exist. That is because industry executives either are not aware of the changes that are coming, are reluctant to invest the type of money that is be required for them to reinvent themselves, or are protecting legacy businesses. ..... New trillion-dollar industries will come out of nowhere and wipe out existing trillion-dollar industries.
Vivek Wadhwa, me saying you are the smartest dude in Silicon Valley...
Posted by Paramendra Kumar Bhagat on Wednesday, October 7, 2015