Friday, September 27, 2019

I Am Rooting For Imran To Succeed In Pakistan

इमरान ने जनरल असेम्ब्ली में छक्का मारा
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I am.

Kashmir should have a right to self-determination. But why only Kashmir? Why not Punjab? Why not Sindh? Why not Balochistan? Why not Bihar? Why not Assam?

Scotland has a right to self-determination. It can vote to break away. It can and has organized its own referendum.

But let's face it. The democracies of South Asia have not evolved to that stage. I hope they do someday. But that time is not now.

Imran has plenty of challenges with the Pakistani economy. Kashmir is too big a distraction. But there is no way around it. He can not ignore Kashmir. It is understandable.

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