Mitch McConnell At The Bronx Zoo
We are not in the US Senate. We are at The Bronx Zoo. The US Senate is governed by the US Constitution. But that document is just a piece of paper at The Bronx Zoo. It might as well be toilet paper at The Bronx Zoo. The Bronx Zoo is Madagascar. There it is all about the basic animal instincts. Food, sleep, sex, and vigorous fights. Fist fights. Tooth fights. Nail fights. Scratches. Gouging of eyes. Tearing up the abdomen. Cleaning the gut. Blood on the lips.
According to the US Constitution the President Of The United States makes nominations to the US Supreme Court. He/she is the only one who does. Otherwise it is not like I don’t know a few people myself.
This is Iran all over again. In the US Senate they read and learn. At The Bronx Zoo there is no read, there is no learn. That the same logic time has proven to have been wrong on Iran does not matter. It is not supposed to matter at The Bronx Zoo. It is not thought, it is instinct. When you see the enemy, or food, you behave a certain way. There is no read, there is no learn. There is no read, period. Instinct is like you flip a light switch. The bulb will behave a certain way. Every single time. As long it is alive.
I have some idea about the thought processes back in Kentucky. There is The Bronx Zoo and then there is The Kentucky Zoo. The Kentucky Zoo is larger, much, much, much larger. Mucho larger.

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