I think she is going to win the nomination. And I think she is a formidable candidate. And I am opposed to sexist rants against her just like I am opposed to racist rants by her.
But we are going to win. Barack is going to prevail.
New York Times: Signs Grow That Palin May Run: Sarah Palin is fortifying her small staff of advisers, buying a house in Arizona — where associates have said she could base a national campaign — and reviving her schedule of public appearances. ...... Palin and her husband, Todd, have bought a $1.7 million house in Scottsdale, Ariz. ...... the Palins, who have become especially protective of their privacy in the maelstrom that has followed them since 2008 ..... Palin has reshuffled her staff, rehiring two aides who have helped plan her political events. And she is expected to resume a schedule of public appearances soon — perhaps as early as this weekend — to raise her profile at a moment when the Republican presidential field appears to be taking final form. ...... the moves are at odds with conventional wisdom — if not wishful thinking — among establishment Republicans in Washington that Ms. Palin has decided not to run. That thinking has been voiced increasingly as the party’s professional political class, which Ms. Palin has railed against, has sought to declare the field of candidates closed. ..... None of the likely and declared candidates have fully galvanized the Tea Party activists who form the core of Ms. Palin’s support. ...... “I want to make sure that we have a candidate out there with Tea Party principles,” she told the Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity last week. ..... “We have got to have faith that the Republican Party is going to surface somebody who can take on both sides of the aisle,” she said on Fox Business Network. ...... “I have that fire in my belly.” ...... her one-woman media conglomerateShe will run. She will win the nomination. She will lose in the general election by a wide margin. And that will be the end of Sarah Palin as a political figure in America.

Emphasizing values like faith, family and work is one thing. Talking small government is one thing. Talking low taxes is one thing. But rabid racism is quite another. The Tea Party is not getting away with rabid racism. They shall be countered.
Sarah Palin "gets" the basic conservative principles. She can talk in broad outlines. She is telegenic. She is charismatic in her own way. But on the specifics of policy she remains shallow.
Let there be a fair fight. Let opposing philosophies and worldviews be fully heard by the people, and let the people decide. It does not have to get ugly. Racism is ugly. It worked during the depths of the Great Recession when Palin appealed to the baser instincts of the masses. But that Great Recession is over, thanks to Barack. If this country had done what Palin wanted done during those depths, the unemployment rate in America today would have been more like 29% and not the 9% it is.
We are for eliminating the deficit. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have a better track record on the deficit than do George W Bush, George HW Bush, and Ronald Reagan.
I Am Going To Act Like This Is 2007
Obama 2012 Is On
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