There are a few fundamental laws to the Internet.
- Who is the president of the Internet? That was an actual question asked of an early internet pioneer by some major French investors. People used to pyramid group dynamics need to realize cloud group dynamics are a whole different ball game. I prefer to mix up the two. That works best for me. Leadership functions don't go away in my version of cloud group dynamics.
- The more computers that connect to the Internet, the better it becomes overall. This second point is key because spreading democracy and prosperity works the same way.
But then Lincoln inherited a largely agricultural economy and he worked to turn the country industrial. It is a good thing that America is not going to be an industrial economy forever because there is more money to be made in the knowledge economy.
It will be the job of Barack Obama and the president after him to turn America into being a full fledged knowledge economy. America has to become a wireless broadband nation or it can go ahead and cede its leadership position in the world.
If it were not for the robust growths that China and India have seen for the past few decades, America right now would have been in a deep, deep recession. Otherwise George W has fucked up the American economy every way imaginable. Say thanks to the Chinese, say thanks to the Indians.
Imagine how much more America will benefit if the per capita income in China and India were to double and triple. You got to keep adding more and more computers to the Internet. It is a win win proposition. The industries, the companies, the jobs of tomorrow have to be created.
This will be the century when finally global equity is achieved.
No politician anywhere can stop trade any more than any dictator anywhere can prevent the ultimate prevalence of democracy. But the smart politicians will invest heavily in the education, health and credit of their people to keep ploughing them back to the jobs and careers of tomorrow. Lifelong education, universal health and credit are the answer to so-called jobs shipped overseas. People who lose jobs have to be retrained for new jobs. Those new jobs have to be created. And while people make their transitions, their health care should be there for them.
Political Sci-Fi
Education, Health, Credit: Universal And Lifelong
Takes Two Arms And Two Legs To Swim

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How India 'Colonized' Britain Time celebrating Indian art, film, theatre, music, fashion and food. ..... A little over a decade ago an Indian Prime Minister called the U.K. a "third rate" country after a perceived slight on an anniversary, and Prince Philip caused a furor during a Royal visit to the site of the massacre at Amritsar when he suggested that a memorial plaque "exaggerated" the number of people killed there by British troops. .......... drinking tea is a joyous ritual that binds Delhi and Doncaster. (Polo is a rich man's sport, of course, but class and caste have long mattered in both countries.) ....... English may be Britain's greatest gift to India (which, today, is home to the world's largest English-speaking population) ....... Indian cuisine long ago surpassed fish-and-chips as Britain's most popular restaurant food. ....... business decisions rather than gestures of colonial nostalgia ...... Tata's timing is perfect, and that if it manages the British manufacturer well, it could prove to be very profitable. ...... Indian companies have been on a buying spree over the past few years, snapping up companies across the globe. ...... And now that it's our turn in the sun of course we look at British things in a desirable way. ...... it helps when you begin to talk if you both know what's pukka.
Visits on previous 'day': 212.
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'Most wanted criminal' wins election as independent candidate NepalNews Baban Singh alias Mr. John, the prime suspect of the serial blasts in Kathmandu last September that killed three persons and left dozens others injured was declared winner in Rautahat-1, securing 9201 votes. He defeated his nearest rival, Ajay Gupta of Sadbhawana Party, by a margin of 2613 votes. ..... Baban, who was never seen in the public during election campaigning, used gimmicks that were probability never seen or heard before. His wife, daughters and some relatives did the campaigning for him, mostly asking the voters to give him a chance to correct himself and save him from being hanged to death for his crimes. ...... Posters showed him with folded hands, apparently pleading for 'mercy', with a noose lurching around his neck. "Hamara Ke Bachali" (Save Me) read the slogan on the poster. ...... He didn't show up in the victory rally after wining the election, fearing arrest.
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