Moving To NYC
I moved to NYC summer of 2005 to launch my company but got distracted by urgent Nepal work, best work I ever did. I did not move to the city to run for office. My passions are too global. I am very political, but my style is not about shaking many hands. My way is the digital democrat way. Don't join organizations. Don't sit on committees. Show up for select events. My blog is not journalism. It is space time travel. You cut through a thick world to land in front of the right eyes. The idea is to have impact. And I have had that.
The internet is what will bridge the gap between the west and the rest. And so if your constituency of choice is the Global South, entrepreneurship makes a ton of sense. It is not just a demand issue, it is also a supply issue. I think my personality type is suited for that executive feeling of creating, growing a company. Political organizations just come across as so very inefficient to me. They also come across as socially lacking. My relationship with four white political organizations in Manhattan have soured, in each case it has been race. In a city that is 60% nonwhite, all these organizations are overwhelmingly white in their composition. That is not random. That denotes a value system.
The Jewish Identity In New York City
The Need For A Race Gender Coalition
Tackling Race As An Issue The Average Person Way
I can't imagine a political involvement minus 2.0. That is the next big thing. America is Europe. The Internet is the new America.
The Disenfranchised
The people from the Global South who live in the city are a people disenfranchised. They ought to be able to vote in the city elections. That is the single best thing this city could do to fight the War On Terror. You do that, you engineer political mobilization, you help spread democracy.
Wrong Circles
I have been moving in the wrong social circles. My startup beckons me.
I am not opposed to political involvement at all. It is just that it has to seamless 2.0 and 5.0.
Looking For 10 Ninja Women
Bill Perkins: Next Mayor Of New York City
Being Fair
I don't seem to care on a daily basis what happens in the Philippines. So it should not bother me there are people in NYC who don't care what happens in Nepal. Nepal simply is not on their radar.
The 99% Rule
More than 99% of the people also in this city stick to bonding inside the races, more like 99.9, most get even more specific. Like a woman said once, "I like my men like I like my food, which is Italian." It is a privacy issue. It is not offensive. What is offensive is when it takes the tone of social segregation. The soldiers of social segregation feel the need to enforce the rules on others, draw the lines.
The most diverse city on the planet is also the most segregated. Technology is ahead of human attitudes. At some level the whole thing is so exotic.
Work brings some discipline to the landscape. You are focused on specific tasks.
Silicon City
NYC is the most global of all cities. That is its appeal.
No Excuses
When the most exotic culture is but one simple search away, there is little excuse for people to pretend otherwise.
In The News
Unofficial Tallies In City Understated Obama Vote New York Times In the Harlem district, for instance, where the primary night returns suggested a 141 to 0 sweep by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the vote now stands at 261 to 136. In an even more heavily black district in Brooklyn — where the vote on primary night was recorded as 118 to 0 for Mrs. Clinton — she now barely leads, 118 to 116. ....... On Feb. 5, Mrs. Clinton carried 61 of the state’s 62 counties but won Brooklyn by a margin of less than 2 percent.
'One Madhes one province’ demand cannot be met: PM NepalNews
Prachanda reaffirms his presidential dream Prachanda said that the first development agreement during his presidency would be with Norway.
Steering Committee to govt: Recognise those killed in Terai movement as martyrs The seven-party Steering Committee today asked the government to recognise those killed during agitations in Madhesh as martyrs.
NSP (A) pulls out of SPA Anandi Devi Singh announced that her party was no more with the ruling alliance, and also announced her resignation as the member of the interim parliament. ..... She said the party would now start peaceful movement for the rights of the Terai people.
Police open fire at protesters in Bara, strike cripples life in Terai Cadres of the United Madhesi Democratic Front have been demonstrating demanding that their 6-point demands be fulfilled before the constituent assembly elections. ...... The indefinite general strike called by the front has affected normal life across Terai region on the fourth day today. The hilly districts in eastern region also remain closed due to the strike called by a Limbuwan group.
Tankers to transport fuel with security escorting two armed guards will be posted in each tanker on top of security escorting.
RJP leads a new ‘democratic’ front The RJP has launched Samyukta Samabeshi Morcha (SSM) by bringing together half a dozen smaller parties. ..... The front includes RJP, Dalit Janajati Party, Nepal Rastriya Janabhawana Party, Rastriya Janamukti Party and Rastriya Jana Ekata Party.
JTMM-Jwala bombs election office in Banke
JTMM-Jwala bombs election office in Banke
Building the Perfect Laptop BusinessWeek Steve Jobs had unveiled the supersvelte, aluminum-clad MacBook Air by declaring it the "world's thinnest notebook" and dramatically pulling it out of an interoffice envelope ..... superthin X300 .... one of the most competitive markets on earth: the portable computer business. The best engineers and designers at the most powerful technology companies slug it out with top-secret plans and ulcer-inducing deadlines. ....... From Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and Dell (DELL) to Acer, Lenovo (LNVGY), and Toshiba, design and production teams race to carve out their share of the fast-growing market. They fight over ounces and millimeters, but their victories are measured in billions of dollars. ..... The goal now with the X300 is to deliver a machine that will burnish Lenovo's reputation worldwide. "We want to send the message that if there's a company in the industry that can continuously develop the most inventive and best-quality products with efficiency, it will be Lenovo," says Chairman Yang Yuanqing. ...... Lenovo doesn't expect the X300, with prices ranging from $2,700 to $3,000, to be a huge seller. ..... For the first time ever, more laptops are expected to sell in the U.S. this year than desktops
The One-Guy Theory the fundamental media conglomerate problem: There are too many layers. There are too many fiefdoms. There are too many...guys. ..... at News Corp., Rupert Murdoch is the one guy who sets the parameters, who makes the decisions, and whose sensibility is stamped onto the brains of underlings ..... unattractive One-Guy traits—micromanagement, tone-deafness, the inability to stop undermining successors
Microsoft and Yahoo!: Happily Ever After?
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