DL21C is the right organization. But to be frank I was not awfully impressed with the people on its women's issues committee. (Martha Outed Kenton And Women With Issues) They are good for what they are used to doing: creating events. But they are not good for what I think needs to be done and how. (2.0 Penetrates DL21C)
Planned Parenthood is not the organization I have been looking for. It is a great, great organizaiton, but it is not hard core political enough for me. But Planned Parenthood is so big as an organization, I should be able to shop around and from the motley crowd I should be able to find myself 10 ninja women.
I might have found a lead in Rosemary who I met at the first Planned Parenthood I went to. She happens to be gay. But I felt a rapport with her. If she is not one of the 10, I got the feeling she will lead me to those 10. I am going to look around at the event Monday to look for the potential ninja women.
What qualities am I looking for?
- You are politically alert. The Spectrum On Gender makes sense to you. You feel the need to talk about gender to make progress on gender.
- You are willing to meet once a month for an hour. The hour will be videoblogged. The power is in the conversation.
- You know the term Web 2.0 and are comfortable with it. You have a high comfort level with the basic digital tools, all of which really are as simple as point and click.
- You are extremely comfortable with your writings, photos and videos ending up online. You will do that to reach out to women in small town America. You recognize NYC is the progressive capital of America, the world. Politically active women in this city carry a special responsibility.
- Ideally, we want to be replicated, in this city and across America. And we want all those groups of 10 women to link to each other's blogs. But there is no hierarchy. There is no central leader. Each group is independent and complete on its own.
The Need For A Race Gender Coalition
Muscular Gender Agenda
In The News
Obama wins Maine caucuses MarketWatch After Obama won contests on Saturday in Louisiana, Nebraska and Washington state, he was trailing Clinton by just 25 delegates. ....... Obama has tended to do well in caucuses to date, thanks to his grass-roots support, so he may edge Clinton out to complete a clean-sweep weekend.
Democrats neck and neck as Obama reclaims momentum with easy wins Independent, UK Wide margins of victory for Barack Obama in weekend voting have helped close the gap between the Illinois senator and Hillary Clinton ...... he may pull ahead by the end of this week. .... 796 so-called super-delegates ...... both camps have already launched a frenzied effort to woo super-delegates to their side. ..... He took both Washington and Nebraska by margins of roughly 68 per cent to 32 per cent. ...... voters in Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland are expected to favour him. ...... she had raised $10m (£5.1m) in new campaign cash since polls closed on Super Tuesday. Her aides meanwhile are pointing to 4 March, when they believe they can win in two key states, Ohio and Texas. ..... Obama has appointed the former Senate leader Tom Daschle to lead his lobbying. .... the possibility of an ugly floor-fight at the convention. .... if it is the delegates who finally break the tie in August, some will contend that the party will be making a mockery of the democratic process that came before in the primaries and caucuses. Clinton shuffles team to blunt Obama's momentum Reuters Clinton replaced her campaign manager after a string of losses Saturday .... Maggie Williams, a top aide when she was first lady, had taken over from Patti Solis Doyle as campaign manager. Solis Doyle will move into the role of senior adviser. ..... the shake-up "can't be a good sign." ..... Obama's landslide victory in South Carolina seemed to be a turning point in the race. ...... if she does well in Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania, she could win the nomination.
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