Jujutsu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jujutsu evolved among the samurai of feudal Japan as a method for dispatching an armed and armored opponent in situations where the use of weapons was impractical or forbidden. Due to the difficulty of dispatching an armored opponent with striking techniques, the most efficient methods for neutralizing an enemy took the form of pins, joint locks, and throws. These techniques were developed around the principle of using an attacker's energy against him, rather than directly opposing it, and came to be known as jujutsu.
1991, 2007
George H. W. Bush was considered invincible in 1991. Today Hillary Clinton is being considered invincible. Polls and public moods are notoriously volatile and fickle.
2003, 2007
At this point in 2003, I believe Joe Lieberman was leading the national polls. Or it might have been a little earlier in the season. You know why? Because the dude had run for Vice President only a few years earlier. The dude had name recognition.
2003, 2007
Howard Dean was leading the national polls and the polls in all the early states in December 2003. He felt so confident of victory in Iowa, he took an ill-timed trip to Georgia to go hang out with Jimmy Carter who he apparently had liked a whole lot when Carter ran for president. Guess what happened a few weeks later.
Like Dean, Hillary today leads in the national polls and the early state polls.
January 2004, January 2008
It is more important for Hillary to win Iowa than it is for Barack. Because of her lead in the national polls throughout 2007, a loss in Iowa could prove fatal to Hillary. And if it does not, she will have lost some serious momentum.
I Stand With Michelle: Iowa Must And Can Be Won
2000, 2008
Hillary is like George W in more ways than one. W also had a significant other who had been in the White House, his father. Most of W's name recognition came from his father. Most of Hillary's name recognition comes from her husband.
Hillary voted for the Iraq War. W wanted her to vote for the Iraq War.
W gave money to the oil companies in spades, and the American people were saddled with higher gas prices. Hillary wants to give truckloads of money to the insurance companies. If you think health care takes too big a chunk out of the nation's GDP, wait until Hillary has had her say.
Hillary 2008 is like W 2000. There is major emphasis on discipline and control, on staying on message. Major effort is put to make sure Hillary does not end up meeting random voters and journalists. She is, for the most part, stage managed and scripted.
2004, 2008: Different?
There are a few differences though. One, Hillary is no Howard Dean. I don't expect her to implode. If she does not win the nomination, she is going to be a close second, kind of like Lyndon Johnson to JFK in 1960.
Imagining Obama As Vice President
Hillary For Senate Majority Leader
And February 5 is what is a major difference this time around. I don't think the people in the February 5 states are going to say, oh, now that I know how the good white people in Iowa voted, I am also going to vote the same way. The whole idea of all those states shifting to the earlier date of February 5 has been so as to prove the historically early states are, at best, Djibouti.
Granted if you win Iowa, you are on the front page of every newspaper in America the following morning, but I am betting January is not when it will be decided. This time February 5 is more important.
173 Vs 1,433 Delegates: February 5 Is Key
Hillary is a viable candidate for president. She has a very good chance of winning. Barack will be tougher to beat than Rudy. If she is the nominee, I am confident she will win in the fall. If she wins in the fall, I think she will be a good president.
A lot of women have really bought into this viability thing, women who never expected to see a woman president in their lifetimes.
It has been my conjecture that gender has been the number one issue in this race, not Iraq, not health care, not global warming.
The Grassroots Power Woman
Michelle Obama Is Just Fabulous
Wife Won't Do, Got To Court Women With Policy And Outreach
Muscular Gender Agenda
Hillary's Beijing Speech
The Biggest Woman In America: Oprah
Hollywood Gets It
Oprah Needs To Hit The Campaign Trail
Oprah's total endorsement of Obama shows race is a bigger issue than gender in America, it is a bigger issue than gender for minority women.
Oprah is the only person in America who can neutralize Billie Clinton, and that guy needs to be neutralized. Oprah can not outdo Bill Clinton politically. But she is the only black billionaire on the planet. She can help in the money department. And she can neutralize Hillary's gender thing.
Oprah has to host about 20 fundraisers all over America this quarter. $2300 a plate. We are doing the $25 per person on our own just fine. Let her bring in upwards of $6 million this quarter. How about $10 million. That is 10 fundraisers in the 10 biggest cities bringing $1 million each. That is so very doable. Oprah can do it, she can rock the vote.
And put the guy on your show a few times. And like Michelle said at the Harlem event where I saw her for the first time, "Ladies, he was cute!" She is like, if you are not impressed by his policy or resume, shoot for the looks, damnit!
Michelle Obama Is Just Fabulous
Barack appearing on the Oprah show a few times will make all the difference.
Swift Boat, Strength And Experience
John Kerry was swift boated in 2004. Like Max Cleland was Vietnamed. The point is the facts did not matter. He refused to respond to a political attack, and he lost.
Barack Obama got "strength and experience"d in the third quarter. His not hitting back cost him. This is no different from swift boat. This is not about the facts of wether or not Barack has the "strength and the experience." Of course he does. He showed strength in 2002, Hillary showed the lack of it.
Hillary 2008 put out that phrase on a daily basis during the third quarter.
The counterattack should have also been a phrase. Judgment to lead? Judgment and leadership? And it should have been near daily. It has to feel like a counterattack. To the people.
Barack: Judgment And Leadership
Barack: Strength And Judgment
Instead Barack blinked.
This was one chance to engage Hillary. Otherwise she acts like Barack is not even in the room, kind of like Tim Russert.
Tim Russert: Bill O'Reilly's Lower Case Cousin
When Barack engages Hillary, he goes up in the polls.
The Exchange
There is nothing new about the politics of taking it lying down. John Kerry already tried that in 2004.
Coke Gatorade, Coke Pepsi
Hillary's job is to make the case Barack and her are like Coke and Pepsi. If she succeeds, she wins.
Barack's job is to make the case Hillary is Coke and he is Gatorade. If he succeeds in projecting that, he wins.
You don't hit back in a personal way. You hit back so as to draw out the real distinctions that do exist.
In The News
Turkey prepares for operation in Iraq Houston Chronicle
US warns against Turkish action in Iraq
New political deal angers Pakistanis
Obama Proposes Capping Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Making ...
Au revoir, Obama. It's Hillary Clinton all the way Globe and Mail Every indicator now massively favours Ms. Clinton's campaign. In the latest national poll, released last week by The Washington Post and ABC News, she had the support of 53 per cent of Democratic voters. Challenger Barack Obama had slipped to 20 per cent ....... Ms. Clinton raised $27-million (U.S.) to Mr. Obama's $20-million. ....... Conventional wisdom holds that all of these advantages can turn to dust if one candidate or another does better or worse than expected in the crucial Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina caucuses and primaries in early 2008. That may not be the case this time, since half the states, including New York and California, will hold their primaries on Feb. 5, limiting the ability of dark horses to exploit early successes. ....... has the New York senator at 29 per cent in Iowa, comfortably ahead of John Edwards (23 per cent), and Mr. Obama (22 per cent). ..... Ms. Clinton doesn't have to win the early primaries, she just has to not lose them. Her powerful national organization will take care of the rest on Feb. 5. ...... the Michigan/Florida factor. ...... The results in Michigan and Florida will, however, have a powerful psychological effect. ...... Skeptics observe that Howard Dean was comfortably in the lead in the Democratic primaries four years ago, only to come a cropper in Iowa, and that none of the big names would run for the Democratic nomination in 1992 because everyone knew president George Bush was invincible. ......... a 30-point lead in the polls and an unmatched political organization ...... the organization. The Clintons built a formidable political machine to advance Bill Clinton's presidential prospects, and Ms. Clinton inherited that machine. ....... She would be one of the best qualified presidents ever to inherit the office, having spent eight years in the White House and eight in the Senate. She knows the system and can work it. ....... Fred Thompson's late arrival has thus far sparked neither light nor heat. ...... The Democrats have out-fundraised the Republicans $230-million to $149-million. .... it is impossible to imagine, right now, what it would take for Hillary to lose.
China says damage from tropical storm Krosa tops US$1 billion Jerusalem Post
US eyes next step after Costa Rica backs trade pact Reuters
Myanmar Reaches Out to Dissident New York Times the government was not planning to release her any time soon ..... “The three demands of the protesters — lowering consumer prices, release of Aung San Suu Kyi and political prisoners, and national reconciliation — cannot be satisfied through protest” ...... The drafting of a new constitution is one of the steps on a “road map” that the junta says will lead to a form of “disciplined democracy,” but the constitutional guidelines it adopted in August assured that the military would play the dominant role in any government. ........ Singapore does not permit gatherings of more than five people without a permit.
Albuquerque's Democratic mayor to seek Domenici's seat
LJP to go solo in Bihar elections Economic Times
Paswan Unhappy with Fast Track Courts in Bihar
Au revoir, Obama. It's Hillary Clinton all the way Globe and Mail
Obama Proposes Deep Greenhouse Gas Cuts The Associated Press
Clinton Turns to Economic Issues Wall Street Journal
A Senate Star Glimmers Less on the Stump
A Tiny Town, Suddenly Smaller by Seven, Mourns and Wonders, Why? New York Times “There is nothing that happened before or after yesterday’s events that has given us any insight into why.” ........ were watching movies, dozing and eating pizza. ...... Mr. Peterson, who many people said had a tumultuous relationship with Ms. Murray and had not been invited to the gathering ...... ranging in age from 14 to 20, including two young men whom schoolmates said Mr. Peterson considered close friends ....... Peterson’s next hours as a fugitive, the authorities said, were spent driving and talking on a telephone. At one point, he spoke to John Denne, the police chief and his boss. ........ He had undergone a background investigation and training, and met all needed requirements, they said. No psychological evaluation was required ....... Former schoolmates, too, described him as someone who had, in high school, hoped to be in the popular crowd, but never quite made it. ........ “He didn’t have a lot of friends because he was arrogant,” Michael Zold, 20, recalled. “He was always very stuck up, like he always had an attitude, ‘I have money, I’m better than everybody else.’” ....... “After he became an officer, it was a power trip to him.” ...... Peterson had gotten his police job so young, in part, because he was known in Crandon. ...... “They have a bunch of young people there who shouldn’t be there. It’s mostly family members.” ..... “Everybody’s related to someone.”
Details emerge in Wisconsin shootings
Clinton rides 'The Middle-Class Express' in Iowa Baltimore Sun
Clinton Says Take New Look at Trade Deal
Idaho Watches Latest Twist in Craig Drama
In Iowa, no stop too small
Obama vows to lead global warming fight
Clinton lays out her 'economic blueprint USA Today Saying that "we have to change our economic course just as we have to change course in Iraq, and change course when it comes to health care" ....... "Globalization, rising income inequality, growing housing crisis. All at a time of unprecedented fiscal irresponsibility in Washington. ..... "Under the Bush administration, America now has "a trap door economy. Too many families are standing on that trap door. ... They're bearing all the risks of the global economy but reaping few of the rewards." ....... a "Save Our Homes" program that would free up Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the state housing finance agencies to give assistance to families strugging with "unworkable mortgages. ........ a "Realizing The Dream" program that would lift the loan size limit on mortgages that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac can purchase -- making such loans more available. ...... a "Foreclosure Rescue Fraud Act" that would crack down on shady "foreclosure consultants" who take advantage of distressed homeowners. ..... Create a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund to finance an energy research agency that gathers the best minds from academia, the private sector, and government to devise ways to make the United States energy independent and reduce the threat of global warming. ....... Return to the income tax rates for upper-income Americans that we had in the 1990s – rates that were consistent with a balanced budget and economic growth. She will level the playing field when it comes to taxing the income earned in investment partnerships. ....... Move back toward a balanced budget and surpluses. ...... address the problems in subprime mortgages; crack down on unscrupulous brokers; curb mortgage lending abuses; assist families facing foreclosure; and expand affordable housing options.
For 1st time, Iowa poll shows Clinton in lead
Giuliani predicts 'formidable' Clinton-Obama Democratic ticket AFP Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will team up to form the Democrats' White House ticket ....... "I believe she will be the nominee, and Senator Obama will be the vice presidential nominee" ..... The ex-mayor's prediction of an eventual Obama vice-presidential nod goes against conventional wisdom, however. ..... "He's kind of earned it," Giuliani said. "He brings a kind of enthusiasm to the ticket that everyone desires and likes to have." ........ the party would have to abandon its "old playbook" ..... That old strategy -- which Giuliani said would lead his party to "sure defeat" -- would "rule out" 15 to 20 states, "concentrate on the base" and hope to win the key swing states of Ohio and Florida. ....... "We have to have a candidate that can run in all 50 states," said Giuliani
Off-duty deputy shoots 6 dead in Wisconsin Los Angeles Times victims included Peterson's ex-girlfriend Jordann Murray, 18 ...... he may have been a "jealous boyfriend."
Political Pessimism Grows in Nepal
How Clinton has built her lead
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