Burma: Shame On China, Russia
This reminds me of Nepal's magical April Revolution of 2006. This is how it starts. The Burmese masses have to come out into the streets in the hundreds of thousands, in every town, every city, every village, to shut the country completely down until the military junta hands over power to Aang Sang Su Kyi who would organize a multi-party interim government that would hold elections to a constituent assembly that would give Burma a new constitution, turn into a federal, democratic republic. (Proposed Constitution)
There is no need for talks. There is no need for compromise. You draw the line in the sand, and you stick to it.
Elected officials in all established democracies must lend their voice to Burma right about now. Heads of state in democracies must see the urgency of what is happening in Burma right now.
This is a do or die struggle for them. They have waited for long enough, for too long. What was due them in 1990 they will finally get it this time around.
It has to start big and intense. The bigger and more intense it is, fewer the number of casualties on the road to victory.
This stirring must not be allowed to go cold. This stirring must be led to its logical conclusion: a mass uprising. The bigger that mass uprising, less the chance that the junta will be able to suppress it.
The clearer and louder the voice of the democratically elected leaders and activists in the larger world, fewer protesters in Burma will be beaten, fewer will be arrested, fewer will get killed. The clearer and louder the voice, shorter will the movement have to be.
This stirring is also a great opportunity for Obama 2008. Burma has twice as many people as Iraq. A successful democracy uprising in Burma will show there is only one way to spread democracy in countries reeling under the thumbs of dictators: the grassroots way. Military invasion does not seem to do it.
India must come into the picture big time. The European countries should. America should. Australia. Nepal was the last country in the region and the world to do this. The leaders and activists in Nepal must extend all possible moral and logistical support. Reach out to the Burmese in Delhi, in New York City, and elsewhere. We have to show that Nepal's magical April Revolution 2006 was no accidental act. It was science. It can be done again, and again, and again. It can work every time in every country without democracy.
The First Major Revolution Of The 21st Century Happened In Nepal
They will declare curfews. Defy them. They will declare martial law. Defy martial law. Fill up the streets, day after day after day until the military junta totally and unconditionally gives up power.
They will shoot. When they do that, send more people out into the streets. There is only so many people they can shoot. But the shooters will be tried later.
Next stop: Zimbabwe, Bhutan.
Mugabe Chor, Desh Chhor
Zimbabwe: The Constitution Is Faulty
Zimpundit: Zimbabwe
India Is Wrong On Bhutan
2007: The Year Of The Revolution In Bhutan
Moriarty Should Take His Offer Directly To The Bhutani Refugees
Tek Nath Rizal And The Bhutani Hostage Crisis
Solve The Bhutani Refugee Crisis: Send Them West
- Dismantle The Two Armies
- To: The Kathmandu Media
- Chitralekha Yadav: Speaker
- Zimpundit: Zimbabwe
- Undercurrents Of A Counter-Revolution
- Maoist Posturing
- Madhav Nepal
- डा. कटक मल्ल: सुन्दर, शान्त र शिष्ट नेपालको निर्मा...
- The Revolution Is Very Much On
- Victory
- Reciprocate The Maoist Ceasefire Immediately
- Army Under Parliament, Now
- Mero Sansar Video Clips 7
- Declare Constituent Assembly On First Day Of Parli...
- Maoist Reaction To Democratic Victory: Not Right
- Madhesi Rights: Total Equality
- ितमीले देखाइ िदयौ
- 18 Days Of April Revolution: Victory
- Kiran Nepal
- Cobb To Leahy
- Protests
- Kiran Nepal, Dinesh Wagle
- Brian Cobb: Savagery on the Roof of the World
- Nepal Has Hit The World Headlines
- Home Minister: Bamdev Gautam
- King Of India
- My Most Controversial Blog Post To Date: On Madhes...
- Protests
- King's Address: Old Wine, Old Bottle
- Dinesh Wagle, Kiran Nepal In Town
- House Revival Through Supreme Court Decision
- कर्फ्यु तोड्न आह्वान गर्नेले
- Could Girija Be President?
- Sanjaya Parajuli In Brooklyn
- Checkmate
- Protests
- Madhav Nepal Out In Open
- Solidarity Rally DC
- Smugglers, Sadists, Sycophants Have Infiltrated Th...
- Why The International Community Needs To Get Behin...
- April 20: March Onto The Palace, End The Monarchy
- Constituent Assembly: Still The Meeting Point
- जाउलो खाएर क्रान्ित गर
- Chand, Marich Man, Pashupati, Thapa, All Panches
- Protests
- The Art Of War, Bruce Lee
- Mero Sansar Video Clips 6
- End Of Ceausescu
- 30 Minutes With Amrit Bohra
- Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, Irrelevant
- जनआन्दोलनको कार्यक्रम
- Monarchy's End: A Few Scenarios
- Video Blogging
- Aire Gaire Natthu Khaire Pahadis
- क्रान्ितलाई नबुझ्नु, बुझ पचाउनु
- Protests
- Henry Shepherd: Open Source
- Baburam Bhattarai: Lokatantric Ganatantra Ko Prasa...
- Gongabu Massacre
- Get The Police On Our Side
- Brian Cobb, Brave Man
- Hamro Nepal, Latest
- Interim President: Madhav Nepal
- UN Rally
- First ANTA NYC Event, Times Square Marriott
- No Room For Monarchy In The 21st Century: King
- Protests
- Zero Tolerance Policy Towards Monarchy
- Nepali Congress Or Praja Parishad
- Protests
- Friday Rally
- INSEC Report
- Malaria, Polio, Monarchy
- Hamro Nepal: Draft Constitution
- Alliance Is Mad At You
- Mike Veer: Has Nepal's Orange Revolution Begun?
- The King Set To Declare Date For Elections
- Protests
- Nepali Mandir
- ये तो क्रान्ित है
- Mero Sansar Video Clips 5
- Happy New Year 2063
- Interim Constitution, Revolutionary Parliament
- Shoot At Sight Order: Dead End For The King
- Protests
- Constituent Assembly: 300 Seats Of Roughly Equal P...
- Crime, Organized Crime, Terrorism, State Terrorism...
- The Police, The Army Need To Stop Following Illegi...
- April 8: New Year
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- NYC Rally Photos: Arnico Panday
- April 9
- April Revolution: Document Every Atrocity
- Protests
- The Fascists In Kathmandu
- Final Act: Disobey The Curfew
- Himal Survey
- April 6,7,8,9, April 16,17,18,19, April 26,27,28,2...
- Even If The Worst Fears About The Maoists Are True...
- Write To Bush, Condi Before Possible Clampdown
In The News
Steep fuel increases protested in Myanmar

For Myanmar's poor, a daily struggle to find food AFP via Yahoo! News
Fuelling discontent in Myanmar

The great game over Burma The Christian Science Monitor via Yahoo! News This weekend, President Bush plans to press the US case for political freedom in Burma with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, at the annual summit of Asian-Pacific nations in Australia. He's not alone in this effort. First lady Laura Bush, who rarely speaks out on world issues, called the UN secretary-general last month to ask that he not remain silent about Burma's recent crackdown on dissidents and that he push for Security Council action. .... The time is ripe for change in this Southeast Asian country, despite 45 years of military rule. .... the International Committee of the Red Cross criticized the regime for "immense suffering for thousands of people," breaking its usual silence about the governments it works with. .... China, however, is the dominant foreign force in Burma and is seeking global respectability. With more than a million Chinese entrepreneurs in Burma and with hopes of using Burmese ports for easier shipping, Beijing can't afford instability in its southern neighbor. ...... both China and the US have a stake in at least ending the military's grip on one of the world's poorest countries.
Freezing out the generals does not help the Burmese

Aung San Suu Kyi appears at protest in Burma Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom
On the run in Burma BBC News, UK
UN moves on Burma Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia
Angelina wants to adopt a baby from Burma to add to her 'rainbow ... Daily Mail, UK
Concerned countries needed for dialogue on Burma Mizzima.com, India
Hollywood comedian calls for UNSC action on Burma
China's Burma Policy Undermines Asia, UN, World Asian Tribune, Thailand a previously unseen human rights nightmare in plain view of global decision-makers and beg for a firm international response. ...... a quintupling of fuel prices, unleashed by a military dictator – Than Shwe -- ... the fortitude needed to march peacefully in the face of authorities armed with deadly weapons has not been matched by political courage among international policymakers. ...... the Security Council is making the same mistakes it made on Rwanda and Darfur -- sitting on its hands while a crisis explodes before its eyes. ...... In eastern Burma, Than Shwe’s regime has carried out a vicious scorched earth campaign targeting ethnic minority civilians. His troops have burned, destroyed and forced the abandonment of over 3,000 villages; to put this in the context of a more well-known international crisis, this is nearly twice as many villages as have been destroyed in Darfur. At least 1.5 million refugees have fled their homes in Burma, some across borders and others trapped deep inside the jungle where the regime hunts them down and kills them like animals. Rice fields and barns are being torched nearly every day. ....... Health indicators in these areas resemble those of conflict zones in Africa. ...... Than Shwe’s regime has also recruited up to 70,000 child soldiers – far more than any other country in the world. The use of forced labor by the regime, a modern-day form of slave labor .... Over 1,100 political prisoners remain locked behind bars ..... China undermined three diplomatic missions to Burma to secure the release of Suu Kyi by leading Southeast Asian senior statesman Indonesian Ali Alatas, Malaysian Foreign Minister Syed Hamid, and Filippino Foreign Minister Alberto Romulo. ....... activists organized demonstrations in front of Chinese embassies in 10 countries on September 18th, the same day that monks took to the streets inside Burma. ..... Jeremy Woodrum is co-founder of the US Campaign for Burma
Burma in a shell Business Standard, India
Musicians club together for Burma Manchester Confidential, UK
Suu Kyi prays with monk protesters Reuters UK, UK
Democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi greets Myanmar monks AFP
Burma Stirs Washington Post, United States Will the rest of the world stand by? .... jaded diplomats and academics have rebuffed Burma's democracy activists with one question: Why don't the people of Burma rise up? For the past month, they have been doing exactly that, against unimaginable odds and with unimaginable courage. So now a different question arises: Is the world -- its leaders, diplomats, academics and others -- going to stand on the sidelines or offer some help? ........ nation of 50 million people ..... the last great uprising, in 1988 ..... slow stirrings from students to monks to the general population and from the capital to smaller cities across the nation. ...... virtually every student leader is in prison .... brave Burmese with cellphones continue to relay photographs ..... China, which has more influence in Burma than any other country
Aung San Suu Kyi Greets Protesting Monks in Burma Voice of America
Monks continue Rangoon campaign Bangkok Post, Thailand
Witnesses: 10000 monks stage Myanmar protests CNN
Monks march in their 1000s News24, South Africa
Police back off Buddhist monk protest The Age, Australia
Aung San Suu Kyi appears at protest in Burma Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom
Suu Kyi greets Burma protesters BBC News, UK
Suu Kyi Greets Monks at Her Home; 10000 Monks Demonstrate in Mandalay The Irrawaddy News Magazine, Thailand
Myanmar opposition leader Suu Kyi looks 'fit and well' says Monk Hindu, India
Monks lead protest rally in Yangon Inquirer.net, Philippines
Burma's Suu Kyi greets protesting monks ABC Online, Australia
Monks protest in Myanmar Gulf News, United Arab Emirates
Myanmar opposition leader greets protesting monks Euronews.net, France
Burma's anti-junta protests gather pace Irish Times, Ireland
Aung San Suu Kyi Greets Protesters Radio Free Asia, DC
Myanmar monks march past Suu Kyi's home Reuters Canada, Canada
Myanmar Monks Defy Junta For Fifth Day eFluxMedia
Birmania. Le lacrime di Aung San Suu Kyi La Pulce di Voltaire, Italy
Burmese and Indian activists call for greater Indian support Mizzima.com, India urged the Indian government to break its silence and extend its support to the ongoing protests in Burma as a sign of its commitment towards democracy. ..... Just as India helped Nepal, during a crisis, Indians are ready to help the Burmese to restore democracy in their country as the Burmese people look up to them ...... Similar protests have spread to other parts of the country. Monks on September 18 declared 'Pattanikuzana', an excommunicative boycott against the ruling junta
Thousands Of Monks Protest Against Burma's Military Government AHN
1500 monks continue to protest in Myanmar USA Today
Myanmar protest march by 1500 rain-soaked monks evokes public sympathy International Herald Tribune, France
Monks on the march Guardian Unlimited, UK
The Fighting Monks of Burma TIME to protest August price hikes .... the longest sustained display of dissent in Burma in nearly two decades. ...... this deeply devout nation .... On September 5, protests by clergy members in the holy city of Pakokku turned violent when security forces fired warning shots in the air, only to have the monks respond by taking officials hostage and torching their cars. ...... it was Burma's monks who spearheaded acts of civil disobedience against British colonialists. Buddhist clergy were also at the forefront of mass protests in 1988, which ended when the army gunned down hundreds of peaceful protestors and declared martial law. .... a violent confrontation may be unavoidable.
Democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi greets Myanmar monks AFP
Burma's anti-junta protests gather pace
Monks lead protest rally in Yangon
Extremist Speakers a Dilemma at Colleges Washington Post
Castro mocks rumors of his death in TV interview
Iraq Bill Backed by Democrats Blocked in Senate New York Times
Clinton Solidifies Edge as Rivals Take a Tougher Line New York Times consolidated her early lead .... showing steady strength ..... stepping up attacks. ..... “I think they’ve run a great campaign,” David Axelrod, Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, said of Mrs. Clinton, of New York. “She’s been a very disciplined candidate. ..... Joe Trippi, said: “You used to be able to say the front-runners — her and Obama — but I don’t think that’s the case anymore. It’s pretty clear that she has sort of pulled away.” ...... Obama is moving to deal directly with what his advisers said continued to be his weaker flank — concerns about his experience — with a burst of television advertisements that began this week in Iowa and will continue next week in New Hampshire. ...... Iowa, where caucus voters often recoil at the sight of two-candidate spats. .... almost daily evidence that the Democratic presidential campaign has moved into a lively new phase ......... Obama’s aides are organizing black hair salon owners in South Carolina, a deep-seated social network that advisers said would be critical to pushing a historic black turnout that Mr. Obama hopes can deliver him victory there. In Iowa, the Obama campaign is signing up high school students who will be old enough to vote in the general election and can participate in caucuses. ..... Clinton, after winning a burst of attention by rolling out a detailed health care plan this week, is planning similar speeches in the weeks ahead on education and energy. .... Clinton’s advisers argued that it would probably end on Feb. 5 ...... Mr. Obama has begun preparing for a much more protracted campaign, arguing that it will be in effect a hunt for delegates that could last well into the spring. To that end, he is competing in some unlikely places — New York, for example, where he is holding a rally in Washington Square Park on Thursday — because under Democratic rules, delegates are allocated to candidates based on the percentage of votes they win. ....... But if there is one dominant sentiment in the Obama and Edwards camps these days, it is concern that Mrs. Clinton continues to do so well. ..... polls at this point in a campaign are notoriously unpredictable ...... “The key was to get the burst, stabilize it and make a run in the end.” ...... Axelrod said that Mr. Obama’s campaign had made a deliberate decision to hold off the bulk of its advertising money until now, when more people are paying attention, and that he was not concerned about polls or perceptions. Mr. Obama spent $1.5 million on television advertisements in Iowa, a substantial amount that Iowa Democrats said has not appeared to improve his standing significantly. ....... In the final week of August, Mr. Obama expressed frustration to some of his close associates at the course of his campaign, saying he felt his message was adrift, and personally took to rewriting some of the basic themes. ....... In Iowa alone, the Obama campaign is preparing to open its 31st field office, which is more than Mr. Edwards or Mrs. Clinton have. ... “They are doing the fundamental organizational building that Dean overlooked”
Obama campaign manager: don't count us out Baltimore Sun in tight three way race [in] Iowa; leading in the money race; have the largest grassroots organization in modern political history; and have an organizational advantage in the early states and February 5 over a quasi-incumbent from the most powerful political machine in modern political history ...... "several structural advantages." ... the best message, biography .... according to a Gallup poll in September Democratic voters prefer change to experience by a margin of 73 percent to 26 percent ..... The largest organizations with the most experienced staff and enthusiastic volunteers in the 4 early states ...... Harkin Steak Fry ... 5-6,000 people attended who were committed to candidates. Of that number, approximately 3,000 Obama Iowa supporters ..... “Organization plus Enthusiasm” is a time-tested formula for success in the caucuses ...... you could mistake Tom Harkin's steak fry for an Obama rally. ..... young voters are dramatically less likely to have caucused or voted regularly in primaries in the past, so pollsters heavily under-represent them. ....... young voters are more mobile and are much less likely to be at home in the early evening and thus less likely to be interviewed in any survey ...... young voters are much less likely to have a landline phone and much more likely to rely exclusively upon cell phones, which are automatically excluded from phone surveys ........ Clinton will pay a severe price for not winning Iowa - national front runners always do. ...... almost ensuring a positive Iowa result will result in a New Hampshire primary win. ..... We already have 2,000 volunteers in the Nevada, which is far and away the deepest volunteer organization in the state. ....... South Carolina ..... a public poll of just African-American voters was released last week that showed Obama with an eight point lead ..... South Carolina is now a very competitive two-way race ..... We have begun to deploy staff and build organizations in some of the February 5th states. We currently have staff in California, Colorado, Missouri and Minnesota and will have staff in over a dozen other states by the end of October. While momentum will likely be the dominant factor in deciding votes on February 5th, we plan to marry that momentum with the strongest organization and most financial resources in these February 5th states to emerge from that day with the most delegates and states won. ...... I'm 75 years old and I have to say that Senator Obama is the best candidate for President that I have seen in the last 25 years.
Obama Recruits Close Friend for Campaign
Democrats: Party of Detail So Far in '08 The Associated Press
Analysis: Bloomberg Vs. Giuliani on 9/11 The Associated Press
George Clooney, girlfriend injured in motorcycle crash Actress Archives
बीजेपी में महिलाओं को 33 पर्सेंट स्थान नवभारत टाइम्स
मुशर्रफ के खिलाफ विपक्ष सड़क पर नवभारत टाइम्स
नेपाली गृह मंत्री ने सुरक्षा हालात का जायजा लिया नवभारत टाइम्स
कोइराला शायद ही लड़ें संविधान सभा का चुनाव दैनिक जागरण कोइराला संविधान सभा के महत्वपूर्ण चुनावों से अपने को अलग रख सकते ह ..... नेपाल कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी (माओवादी) के सदस्य शीघ्र ही सरकार में वापस लौटेंगे। .... पार्टी की कमान युवाओं को सौंपने की जरूरत को देखते हुए प्रधानमंत्री चुनाव से अलग रहने का निर्णय ले सकते हैं। .... सरकार से इस्तीफा देने वाले माओवादी मंत्री देव गुरंग ने बताया कि सरकार में फिर से शामिल होने या नहीं होने के बारे में उनकी पार्टी नेपाली कांग्रेस की महासमिति की बैठक के बाद फैसला करेगी।
नेपाल में फिर राजनीतिक संकट नव भारत
नेपाल में चुनाव आयोग का इरादा मज़बूत डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड नेपाल के मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त भोज राज पोखराल ने कहा है कि माओवादियों की धमकी के बावजूद 22 नवंबर को चुनाव हर हाल में कराए जाएंगे।
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