Barack, The Fundamentals: Money, Message, Organization
Barack Obama won the debate. He gave a far superior performance compared to the one last month in South Carolina. And I liked his kind words and gestures towards Hillary here and there. I feel like I owe it to the women of the world - 3 billion of them - to root for Hillary to be Obama's running mate.
Edwards was off his base. He came across as too aggressive. He sounded plain desperate. And I don't really blame him. His numbers have not been looking good at all. I think he is becoming aware he is not going to be the nominee, and he is too stale to get on to the ticket either. It felt like a last ditch effort to latch on on his part.
Hillary was too relaxed. She let the guard down. She was not the Hillary of the first debate. She was not alert, at least not starting out, although she improved in the later parts of the debate. But she did exude a warm presence. And she looked good, as did Obama. I think they will look great together.
The rest don't count. Richardson is Secretary material. But that's about it.
I expect Obama to start seeing the advantage in poll numbers now. He will narrow Hillary's lead. And for now that is all he really needs to do. If he keeps narrowing Hillary's lead this quarter is all it will take. Expect him to start taking the lead somewhere in the third quarter.
And then he wins Iowa. And on he goes.
On February 6, 2008, he decides on Hillary as his running mate. And we muscle our way to victory.
Hillary Is Pulling Ahead
I Watch Politics, World Cup Soccer, And The Olympics
If There Is Another 9/11 Style Attack
Barack, You Can Do Debates
High Energy Generation Obama Event: I Am Hooked
DNC Needs To Take Over The Monthly Debates
Fitting In Hillary, Obama, Spitzer
Al Qaeda Strikes India, Wants Hindu-Muslim Riots
Bush Nabbed Saddam, His Mandate Was To Nab Osama
Barack, The Fundamentals: Money, Message, Organization
One National Primary, Monthly National Debates, Videoblogged
Debates Matter: The Election Is On
Barack Lost The South Carolina Debate
Bad MySpace Move By Barack Obama
South Carolina Debate
Long Walk To Freedom
Long Walk To Freedom: Just A Third World Guy Dazzled By The City
On The Web
South Carolina Democratic debate transcript - The Debates - MSNBC.com
In The News
Iraq Is the Flash Point as Eight Democratic Rivals Clash New York Times the rivals’ contrasting positions, political styles and combat techniques. .... The event was a stark contrast to the previous debate among the Democratic candidates, in which Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Obama and Mr. Edwards largely shied away from confronting one other. ...... the three leading candidates received the most time ..... a lengthy discussion of Iraq opened the two-hour debate ...... few substantial differences existed among the Democrats’ ideas on health insurance, and that the major challenge was to stay united. ..... “You’ve got to have the political will — a broad coalition of business and labor, doctors, nurses, hospitals, everybody — standing firm when the inevitable attacks come.” ...... on the campaign trail, the Democrats have not challenged one another by name, and have tried instead to carve out and clarify their own positions.
US Democrats argue over Iraq strategy in debate Reuters India, India
Democratic candidates square off over war on terror, Iraq, debate ... Boston Globe, MA
Democrats Clash On Iraq, Health Care Guardian Unlimited, UK
Democrats Clash on War on Terror, Iraq Guardian Unlimited, UK
Democrats Clash on War on Terror, Iraq Forbes, NY
Democrat hopefuls in heated Iraq debate Melbourne Herald Sun, Australia
Democratic candidates square off Canada.com, Canada
Democratic candidates square off Los Angeles Times, CA
Democrats Clash On War On Terror, Iraq Guardian Unlimited, UK
Democratic Candidates Wall Street Journal Obama said that the administration's war in Iraq had detracted from efforts to root out terrorists. ...... Both Mr. Edwards and Mrs. Clinton agreed that they voted for the war resolution in 2002 without reading an intelligence report on Iraq that was available to them. ...... To a question on whether English should be the official language in the United States, only former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel raised his hand in the affirmative. ..... All the candidates raised their hands when asked by moderator Wolf Blitzer if they would get rid of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military instituted by President Clinton. ..... Clinton said her husband's 1993 formulation "was a transition policy," but one that is no longer valid. ..... She said it is being "implemented in a discriminatory manner" and has been used to discharge Arabic linguists when such translators are in short supply. ...... "Bill Clinton, my dear husband, would be sent around the world as a roving ambassador." ..... The Washington Post/ABC News poll found the former first lady leading the field with 42% support among adults, compared with 27% for Mr. Obama and 11% for Mr. Edwards.
Iowa Presents Problems For Clinton Guardian Unlimited, UK first-up and momentum-generating Iowa because of Clinton's lackluster showing despite drawing large crowds ..... Obama has taken the lessons of the Dean campaign to heart. Although he's mostly played to large crowds, including a 10,000-person rally in Iowa City, he's also started doing more traditional meet-and-greets in coffee shops and living rooms. .... ``We're not the front-runner, and don't expect to be for some time. We're still in the phase of introducing Barack to voters,'' said Steve Hildebrand, Obama's senior adviser for early states. ``Every candidate is in this to come in first, but today we are certainly not in first place.''
Go to CNN Election Center for the video of the debate.
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