Barack Obama should definitely pick a woman for running mate. Which woman? There are quite a few options. For a Senator, a Governor might look like a choice. But then Jack Kennedy picked Lyndon Johnson and both were Senators.
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2004 was Hillary's year. She missed it.
AZ: Janet Napolitano
CT: Jodi Rell
DE: Ruth Ann Minner
HI: Linda Lingle
KS: Kathleen Sebelius
LA: Kathleen Blanco
MI: Jennifer Granholm
WA: Christine Gregoire
There are so many white women Governors. How many black men Governors do you see? There are so many white women Senators. How many black men Senators do you see? Obama has it tougher. And so he should get in with gusto.
Governor - Governor Jennifer Granholm
Granholm For Governor: Home
Jennifer Granholm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia became Michigan's first female governor on January 1, 2003 ..... Granholm was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in 1959, and her family moved to California when she was four. As a young adult, she attempted to launch a Hollywood acting career but was unsuccessful, and she abandoned her efforts at the age of 21. ...... earned a Juris Doctor degree at Harvard Law School, also with honors ....... In 1986 she married ...... was once a contestant on the daytime television game show The Dating Game ...... focusing on protecting citizens and consumers, and establishing Michigan's first HighTech Crime Unit. ...... In her inaugural speech, she said: "We've all heard that song, 'I Hope You Dance'. Well, I hope you dance with your government." ....... In 2003, Granholm ran five miles across the Mackinac Bridge, which connects the state's two peninsulas, in 47 minutes during the Mackinac Bridge Walk. Her run began a new tradition ........ Granholm remarked "I would love to run a marathon before I'm 50." ....... emphasizing Michigan as "the North American intersection of cutting-edge research, life sciences talent and high-tech innovation". ...... Shiga Prefecture is Michigan's "sister state" ....... She is trying to establish a $4000 scholarship for each Michigan college student ...... in the 2006 election. Her opponent was Republican businessman and politician Dick DeVos. ...... She had been attacked on her control of Michigan's economy. The state's unemployment rate hovered around 7% for much of her term, despite the fact that the national economy experienced job growth. In the fall of 2006, Michigan ranked among the worst economies in the country. Additionally, Michigan ranked #49 in retaining young adults between 2000 and 2005, again attributed to the sluggish economy. ....... "Often those who cloak themselves in a cape of religiosity happen to be some who are the biggest cutters. Now, some of that can balance out. But when you get to cutting the services for the least of these -- in the 25th chapter of Matthew in the 37th verse the Lord says, 'Whatsoever you do to the least of these, so also you do unto me' -- that's when I question whether somebody is really living out the faith that they profess."
Jennifer Granholm | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist
Granholm pulls ahead of DeVos - 07/27/06 - The Detroit News Online
Granholm, Jennifer (Michigan Gov.) & Michigan Beer & Wine ...
Prepared Witness Testimony: Granholm, Jennifer M.
Gale - Free Resources - Women's History - Biographies - Jennifer ...

I like it that she gave Hollywood a try. But what is this thing about her being Canadian born? Does that work against her? Maybe muscleman Ah-nold should help change the constitution so she can run.
Michigan is a key state to understanding America's transformation from an industrial to an information age economy. A lot of the pain of the transformation is being felt in Michigan. That gives Granholm an advantage.
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