On Wednesday November 29th,
DL21Cs Political Author Series continues with
The Honorable Jonathan Miller
Treasurer State of Kentucky
and author of
"The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite America"
During the 2006 mid-term elections, Democrats won seats at the state, local and federal level – many in formerly Republican districts. Obviously, the key to governing and promoting a progressive agenda will be to find common ground with Red State voters.
In "The Compassionate Community", Jonathan shares his vision of a society where Americans of all faiths can build a stronger democracy. He argues that it is about time for us as a country to move beyond the polarized politics of self-interest; it is about time that we embrace the notion of a common good and take action to fulfill it.
Publishers' Weekly claims that "The Compassionate Community" is a "must-read for all Americans concerned about the future of their country".
The Nashville Scene observed that "Miller himself is as interesting as the book. A Native of Lexington, Ky., he is a devout, Sunday school-teaching Jew in an overwhelmingly Christian area. He has won two races for treasurer as a Democrat in a red state with a Republican governor and senate. He is also a rising star in the Democratic party; young (38), personable, Harvard educated, well connected (Al Gore contributed the afterword to this book) and experienced in legislation and administration on the state and federal levels. This book is his manifesto, announcing a hopeful new direction in government."
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The reviews are in:
Courier-Journal (Louisville): THE COMPASSIONATE COMMUNITY "gives a new moral vision for America, a vision to replace the "politics of self-interest" that currently ravages us...[Jonathan Miller] is a deeply devout man. He also has broad knowledge of governmental and private human help programs. In this book, he brings the two together to show us, his people, a better way."
Blueprint magazine: Jonathan Miller "makes a convincing and comprehensive case about the roots of progressive policies in Judeo-Christian religious traditions."
Lexington Herald-Leader: THE COMPASSIONATE COMMUNITY is "a call that resonates...Anyone is welcome who believes in family, faith, freedom, work, respect, responsibility, opportunity, justice, life and peace."
LEO (Louisville): "Jonathan Miller, the Democratic state treasurer who's rising like a phoenix from the ashes of Kentucky's Republican-dominated politics of the last three years...has written precisely what the majority of Americans want to hear right now, and he's written it because he believes it, not because he wants to get elected: The politicians of self-interest have hijacked the political process."
Also, check out:
Publishers' Weekly
the Associated Press:
Wednesday, November 29th
6:00 pm
DL21C’s Political Author Series continues with
The Honorable Jonathan Miller
Treasurer – State of Kentucky and author of
"The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite America"
National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South
Free admission
Please RSVP on our website
Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century
200 E. 10th Street #134
NY, NY 10003
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Kentucky State Treasury: Jonathan Miller, Treasurer
Kentucky State Treasury: Biography of Jonathan Miller Harvard College and Law School .... to bring to Kentucky a pre-paid college tuition savings program to help make it easier for parents to afford a college education for their children .... Commission on Personal Savings and Investment to determine how to best promote better financial literacy among Kentucky citizens. ..... under Miller's leadership, the Kentucky State Treasury has made great strides in streamlining its internal accounting procedures, modernizing office technology and improving customer service. ..... he loves to play guitar and sing country music
Jonathan Miller - Kentucky State Treasurer
The Kentucky Democrat: Jonathan Miller: A Kentucky Democrat
DLC: New Dem of the Week: Jonathan Miller most Kentucky families cite "lack of affordability" as the primary obstacle to their children attending college. .... Miller continues to seek a greater bang for every taxpayer's buck.
Amazon.com: The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite ... Each chapter begins with a concept highlighted by a Hebrew Bible hero and then quickly turns to politics. For example, through Moses and his representation of freedom, Miller lays out a 10-point plan for giving our military and their families the respect, help and benefits he believes they deserve. Jacob's story provides the backdrop for a particularly intriguing chapter on finance, covering everything from predatory credit card companies to identity theft and a call for national financial education. Tempered with anecdotes from his own experiences, political and otherwise, Miller provides extensive examples of successful state programs across the country that he thinks can and should be implemented at the national level. He takes care to consider not just the followers of the Abrahamic religions but Eastern faiths as well as no particular faith at all .... Miller is a Jewish Democrat ..... Miller takes teaches from the Tanakh and applies them to modern day political ideas. He looks at Biblical heroes like Noach, Avraham, Ya'akov, Yosef, Moshe, Yehoshu'a, Yehonatan, Deborah, King David, and Queen Esther as he describes the values of opportunity, responsibility, work, family, freedom, faith, justice, peace, respect, and life.
The Compassionate Community
ScienceDaily Books : The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to ...
The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite America by ...
Powell's Books - The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite ...
The compassionate community : ten values to unite America ...
Half.com / Books / The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to ...
Buy.com - The Compassionate Community: Ten Values to Unite America ...
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