On November 7: In Harlem: For Obama
John McCain should have run against John Kennedy. Leave Obama alone. Kennedy was a generation shift, as was Clinton. 16 years of baby boomers is enough. It is time for Obama.
Next Stop: White House
It will be easy for Obama to neutralize Hillary on money and organization. He just has to turn Obama 2008 into the first internet campaign. The internet is going to have to take centerstage. And so you go on for a thrilling competition of ideas.
The Matrix
Democratic Vision For The 21st Century
Bill Clinton is Hillary Clinton's greatest strength, but also her number one weakness. The guy can't keep his mouth shut. He lacks discipline. He is going to suck up the oxygen, hog the space. He is going to think this is 1992, part two. Enter James Carville. That is going to be a putoff.
"I can't think in front of a computer."
- Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton has sent a total of two emails in his life. Obama blogs.
The Audacity Of Gravitas: Restore Intelligence To The White House
Barack Obama can announce in January that he is running. Hillary can't. She will have to wait longer.
A Different Kind Of Campaign: A Scientific Campaign
Whities on Capitol Hill are trying to saddle Obama with Senate assignments. That is okay. When he announces he is running, he resigns from those ties and pins, but keeps his Senate seat.
Barack Obama: This Is A New Century
Barack Obama: New Approaches To Old Problems
Google Video: Martin Luther King
Google Video: Malcolm X
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